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Everything posted by Blackbrook

  1. It's not a good idea to require marks to leave a port. What if you have to sail to a port where you don't have an outpost (e.g. for repairs) and you don't have required marks to sail out and no way to get those? Perhaps an unlimited sailing licence for one day (until maintenance) would work? You can buy sailing licences from the admiralty using different marks (or whatever they will be called) and provisions. I would require sailing licence for 1st, 2nd and 3rd rates (3rd rate licence would be much cheaper than 1st rate licence). I think it would be a good idea that you lose your sailing licence if your SoL sinks and then you can't buy another in a day or two. I'm quite sure the admiralty would like to know why your ship is gone and they would not allow you to sail another before they know what happened.
  2. How about requiring a permit to sail SoLs? You get one 1st rate permit from the admiralty every four weeks if you have the rank for that. Also one 2nd rate permit every two weeks and one 3rd rate permit each week. If your SoL sinks also your permit is gone until you get a new one from the admiralty. That way you can craft and buy as many SoLs as you want, but you can't sail them. Probably these sailing permits should not be tradeable. There should be a way to get more SoL sailing permits, but these extra permits must be very difficult and expensive to get. I think the current permit system for crafting ships is ok.
  3. That is an open access published thesis in Doria which is "a multi-institutional repository maintained by National Library of Finland" as they say in the home page. That thesis is easy to find by the name of the author and title or even "Victor Wilson Gustavia".
  4. I don't know whether this doctoral thesis has been mentioned here before, but it might be interesting, although I have not read it yet. Victor Wilson: Commerce in Disguise - War and Trade in the Caribbean Free Port of Gustavia, 1793-1815 Edit: You can find the thesis in this permanent address: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-765-807-2
  5. Check your redeemables. I have a new redeemable of 50 PVE marks which you can use to buy perk reset permit.
  6. In general, this is an elegant solution. Just to be sure: if I understand this correctly, you don't need to flip the port first to start receiving pension. It is enough that there is a PB and you defend it successfully. Right? For example, if the Swedes create a port battle in Road Town (owned by Denmark) but do not go to that port battle, all the Danish players in that port battle will start receiving pension? Because PB are limited to 25 players per side, I would consider an option that the government pays one time pension to those players who raised or lowered hostility during the last 24h before the PB was triggered if the port changes ownership. Total amount distributed could be the full daily pension of that region (or a fraction of it) and it is divided to the players based on their share of the total hostility points generated in that region during that last day. What do you think? Does this create exploits? I think that requiring that port owner changes prevents exploits.
  7. Kuinka suuri osa aktiivibriteistä vaihtoi euroserveriltä globaaliserverille? Ennen nollausta näytti siltä, että isot klaanit olisivat menossa globaalin puolelle ja jäi mietityttämään, jäikö euroserverille yhtään merkittävää klaania. Olisi kiinnostavaa tietää, missä suomalaiset tällä hetkellä pelaavat. Euro vai globaali? Mikä valtio?
  8. Kokeilen nyt aluksi euroserverillä Ruotsia, mutta en vielä käytä redeemableja.
  9. Espanja (ja USA) ovat minusta vähän syrjässä toiminnasta. Toisaalta taas Pienillä Antilleilla saattaa toimintaa olla vähän liikaakin, jos Tanskan, Ranskan ja Ruotsin lisäksi britit ja hollantilaiset haluavat pitää kiinni alueistaan. Etenkin Tanskan ja Ruotsin on pakko saada aikaan jonkinlaisia sopimuksia, jotka antavat mahdollisuuden alueen laajentamiseen mahdollisimman pian.
  10. On mielenkiintoista nähdä, kuinka paljon globaaliserverillä lopulta on pelaajia. Se varmaan riippuu siitä, miten pelaajat jakautuvat eri mantereille ja toisaalta siitä, millainen elämäntilanne pelaajille keskimäärin on. Pelaajien keski-ikä tuntuu olevan aika korkea, joten ehkäpä yövalvominen ei houkuta muitakaan. Sinänsä minulle on ihan sama, mihin aikaan PB:t ovat, sillä jätän väliin, jos aika ei sovi.
  11. Moni asia tietysti muuttuu nollauksen myötä, mutta kertokaapa te, jotka olette Ruotsia pelanneet, millaista se käytännössä on ollut. Kuinka hyvin resursseja on ollut saatavilla, mistä on ollut pulaa ja kuinka pitkiä matkoja tärkeitä resursseja on kuljetettava. Paljon riippuu tietysti siitä, kuinka paljon vihollisia alueella purjehtii. Onko suomalaiskokemusta muista valtioista? Brittien puolella tuntui vuosi sitten usein siltä, että pelaajia on liikaa suhteessa muihin valtioihin. Toisaalta taas syksyllä koko valtion toiminta alkoi pyöriä yhden klaanin tavoitteiden ympärillä, kun aktiivisimmat amiraalit perustivat uuden klaanin, johon houkuteltiin muiden klaanien parhaat pelaajat. Siksi valtion vaihto tuntuu aika houkuttelevalta vaihtoehdolta.
  12. Sunstones were used to find the direction. Compass is better, because you can use it in bad weather and middle of the night. You can measure latitude with sextant if you can see sun, moon, planet or one of the stars used for navigation. Angle measurement are good enough, but there are other error sources (e.g. nautical almanacs). It is quite easy make exact measurements of short time periods so that you can measure your speed. Latitude, heading and speed can be used to estimate your location since last known location (such as harbour), but there are lots of cumulative errors (sea currents, wind, measurement errors) which make this method unreliable for long journeys. The problem is the longitude. You can use lunar distance method if you can see the moon and some other celestial object. Or you can use chronometer and measure time difference to the reference longitude (such as Greenwich). Both methods are easier if you have precalculated data such as nautical almanac. After each observation you extrapolate your location by heading and speed until you make new observations. If you can't make observations, you can not check that your estimate is correct and you start to accumulate errors. That's why storms were so dangerous.
  13. I think 0.1 degree accuracy would be rather realistic. There were many sources of errors (chronometer accuracy, measuring accuracy with sextant, accuracy of the nautical almanac tables). I think the real problems was the weather. If you can't see sun, moon, planets or stars, you can't use sextant. Maybe the game should drop the coordinates or at least reduce the accuracy while the weather is bad.
  14. Pitänee yrittää ehtiä lähipäivinä piipahtaa TS:ssä, jollei tämä rakkine päätä hajota. Nimeäni en ala vaihtaa, joten pitänee esittää suomalaistunutta skottia tai jotain sen tapaista.
  15. No, you are not. You can sail pretty well without coordinates if you have a map. You can use landmarks on the way. Of course, you should not try to sail directly to some far away port, but you split the journey in smaller pieces and correct you position on the way. You can do this with game map, but there are external tools which help a lot. But I agree that we need some kind of coordinates. I like the idea that you don't get any coordinates in storms (or in fog and cloudy weather) and roughly the correct coordinates otherwise (at least noon coordinates). This helps when you are trying to find out whether you are outside of the map or when you are lost somewhere middle of the sea.
  16. Now that we have the final missing piece (forged papers) in the testbed, is there any chance that the wipe will happen before the weekend?
  17. Exact coordinates are too much and not very realistic, but there must be a system to get relatively good coordinates regularly. You must be able to know when you have passed the island you are looking for. I suggest that we get updated coordinates (with small random error) at noon instead of continuously updated exact coordinates.
  18. There could be special pirate raids. I think pirates should have only one base (Secret Island) and access to freetowns which they can use to create raid flags. After successful pirate raid the port flips to the pirates for three days. After that the port is returned to the previous owner and there is 7 day cooldown. When the raid period ends, the player warehouses are empty, shop is empty, there are no ships for sale so the national players have really a reason to defend the port against pirates. Maybe there should be a small random chance that pirates take some of the player ships in the port. You need some limits. Maybe limit the number of pirate raids (based on the average number of pirate players online). And allow national players to know when and where pirate fleet is created.
  19. One hour raid flags and penalties for the players who have some property in the raided port should prevent that. E.g. no production from the buildings during the enemy access period, loosing some stuff from you warehouse and possibly some damage to the ships you have in the port.
  20. What if the raids are small port battles (max 12 ships per side) which do not change port ownership? If you win you get some loot from the materials in the port (from player warehouses) and allow access to the port for a day or two? You could use the old flag system with 1 hour flags, but you must create the flags in the national ports. Raiding should be possible without time limits, but there should be a cooldown after each raid, e.g. after successful raid 1 day more than you have access to that port and two days after unsuccessful raid. About the ideas above: 1. I think you should be able to attack anywhere, but it must be more difficult than attacks near you own regions. 2. I agree. 3. 46 hours is too much. It would be nice to be able to take part in the port battle when you have been raising hostility. What if the 100% creates an attack window, e.g. 21-25 hours from the moment the regions reached 100% hostility. Then you can use some kind of flag system to start the actual port battle. 4. This might be a good idea, but it depends on the details.
  21. I think that teleport between national ports should be practically free and without time limits. If you can't teleport between ports, you can't check your warehouses in other ports without sailing. It would also be practical that you can craft some material for someone who wants to have full cargo before sailing. If you have to sail from port to port for this kind of maintenance work, many (perhaps most) players will stay near the capital and never create new outposts farther away. If there is a price for these teleports, many people will have a small fast ship for moving between nearby outposts. I think this will not generate pvp, because players know that these fast ships are difficult to catch and probably empty. Then, if you are in KPR, check Port Morant would take extra 10-15 minutes, which you could use for real trade runs or sailing war ships. I'm sure you know all this better than I do (you have the data from servers) and will make informed decision.
  22. Kertokaapa vähän tarkemmin, millainen klaani FIRE on. Harkitsen vakavasti valtion vaihtoa nollauksen jälkeen ja suomenkielinen klaani voisi olla ihan kiva. Millaisia pelaajia klaanissa on? Onko muita vaatimuksia kuin kieli? Pelaako klaani tiukasti koordinoitua peliä vai onko tilaa myös pelaajille, jotka toimivat myös omin päin? 5-7 pelaajaa on vähän, mutta oletan, että lisäksi on vähän vähemmän aktiivisia pelaajia.
  23. Onko mitään arviota, kummasta serveristä tulee suositumpi? Ajattelin pelata sillä serverillä, joka on suositumpi klo 18-24 välillä (Suomen aikaa). Sinänsä on sama, millä valtiolla pelaan, mutta olisi kiva, että toimintaa ei tarvitse hakea tuntien matkan päästä. Se saattaa sulkea pois Espanjan ja USA:n. Britit ovat keskellä karttaa ja ainakin aiemmin (ennen tuotantomuutoksia) Jamaikan ympäristössä riitti toimintaa. Sama varmaan koskee kartan itäreunaa, jollei sinne sitten synny jotain jättiallianssia.
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