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Missions are still a waste of time with the rewards

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Are u tired of the same old tedious boring missions and the same crap rewards that follow then voice your concerns in here.


I still feel that missions need some sort of spice to make them worth while and get people do them, i mean hell when they had 15,000 gold you wanted to do them and they didnt seem so boring cause you were getting a nice reward to go with it, but just like all the fun things they get nerfed and made boring again.


You start a mission and get 2 ships same or higher class to vs, u kill 1 then u might aswell leave as u will get ok XP and gold but fail the mission as the 5k and tiny XP is not worth another 45 minutes chasing the last ship constantly running and is cheaper on repairs overall, plus the same boring mission day in day out with no changes needs something done


There a multiple scenario's that we could implement to give missions more jazz


1.) Trader runs, You need to take trades goods to X port and distance traveled if port is a good distance means more XP. (This will enhance exploration around the maps and getting players to find new things)


2.) Stop a ship reaching Port


3.) Run the blockade


4.) Port Battle practice (Attack a tower)


5.) Demast and capture a prize


6.) Board a ship


surely we can put our heads together and find some good ideas and content to help the devs improve the missions as atm why do we even bother with them????


now i didnt put this in suggestions as i just want it discussed for now



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As Maturin said, at least on the PvP server, missions were only added because it was hard to find fights.  At the moment, they're not supposed to be a rich, rewarding feature that you hammer over and over again all day long.  They're filler, something to do when PvP is quiet.


People always complain about missions being boring and grindy - stop grinding them and sail over to a place where you can fight players.  You'll have a ton more fun and get rewards to boot.

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Yes true PvP should be the main thing but i'm not gonna waste another 3 hours sailing around looking for fights, sure i could do small and large battles and the rest but they have their issues also, plus players wont wanna go straight to PvP when they have hardly anything to build themselves and sustain PvP, people chose to PvP when they have money XP and the rest that they don't care to lose, not when they spend hours a day to level and get money and then go into a PvP or get jumped and lose all that work, its not rocket science and those that have money are more likely to want to try new things and find other means of fun

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Open an outpost close to a contested area. Instant PvP. :)


And no, one doesn't need tons of money to be able to provide for great pvp experience in my experience unless... nevermind.


The AI combat has its merits. For one it is a gunnery range to test different setups of guns, upgrades, and so on. At the same time it provides a good platform for tutorial groups without the stress of pvp.


Grinding through missions is not, in my opinion, a good option as rank is meaningless unless you know how to control the ship, any ship, any one ship, to its competent form. An no Rear Admiral rank does that for you.


I would indeed enjoy a diversity in missions, from Deliveries, Exploration, etc to the more pvp oriented ones aimed at achievements with the future Admiralty.


What is actually boring is 8 hours in front of the computer... grinding...

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I think the gold and the xp are fine as it is, simply because with a mission you will have a guanranteed fight. If you do PVP you always have the risk the enemy will waste your time and run away.

What i do agree with is, more variety with missions.

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The people I always see complaining about the grind are the ones I also see wishing 30 seconds sail of the capital. As Hetheill said, open an outpost near a contested area. You will find plenty of unique pop action. Double the xp and more gold. You will MORE than make back the money for a new ship by the time you've used your 5 duras. Once you get over the mental hurdle of realizing that losing a ship is not the end of the world, this game becomes infinitely more enjoyable.

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Great ideas to add more variety to missions...but why not involve players in it.

Escort some npc to a port to another port (and chase it down for the other team)

Force blocus to a port.

The mission could have a limited number of players to avoid a big mess 25v25 players, for exemple the first four players who reach the port, with limited class of ships too. (1 team for each nation)

We definitly need to think in this new little events, they will bring mofe life than small battle who are everytime empty.

Edited by verseaux
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I think the mission XP needs to scale up a bit more, a Flag Captain mission is about 160XP (forget exact number). It should be more like 300-500 in my mind, as otherwise hunting fleets is just much more rewarding so that you don't do missions at all.

I think your "otherwise" is a good thing.


This isn't a single player game, and I don't think missions should be used at the high end, and hunting fleets should be much more rewarding than port/get misssion/ find marker/ fight AI, lather rinse repeat.


Now if they integrated good PvP missions.  (KrakkenSmacken has been spotted raiding by our X port and reinforcements have been called for. Go there and bring him to justice.)  


It would/could be fairly easy to set up.  If an apposing faction player is fighting within "reinforcements available" range, turn the call for reinforcements into a mission generator that bypassed the 5 minute limit on instance entry.

Edited by KrakkenSmacken
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Yes true PvP should be the main thing but i'm not gonna waste another 3 hours sailing around looking for fights, sure i could do small and large battles and the rest but they have their issues also, plus players wont wanna go straight to PvP when they have hardly anything to build themselves and sustain PvP, people chose to PvP when they have money XP and the rest that they don't care to lose, not when they spend hours a day to level and get money and then go into a PvP or get jumped and lose all that work, its not rocket science and those that have money are more likely to want to try new things and find other means of fun


I have never sailed 3 hours looking for fights and not finding something since EA.  Sail up to St. Nick's, 1 hour from Capital, and you will find pvp.  Sail up to Tumbado, 1-2 hours, and you will find pvp.  Or pve and be bored.

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They say they added pve missions for the filler between PVP battles.  Well currently ships cost time and money(lots of it too) to make. Yes crafted ships have the durability of 5 but that means you only get 5 chances and you are out of a ship.

PvP is a difficult game of chance.  The enemy is unpredictable.  Say you go looking for a fight...Currently the best place to find action is where nation boarder meet. Ok you are now there you see a ship you try to engage....From here there are many option but these are the ones you will see the most.  1. the enemy flees before you can tag them into a battle.  2.  the enemy gets tagged but then still flees the battle.  3. You attack the enemy get his buddies and then it becomes uneven. which is all fine and dandy because thats pvp.  Yes you can say why dont you go down with friends to even it out or look to make sure he has no friends...over all though every one doesn't like loss so its in their own nature that they will try their best not to lose what they worked hard for which then makes players  be even more unpredictable and less honnorable when it comes to pvp.   But this is all just my opinion.


What im trying to say is if you want pvp to be the main option then there needs to be a reason we will risk our ships for it......i have those days where i say what the hell but my over all intention will to be safeguarding my ship and those of my friends..

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This could all be solved by implementing PvP missions - single player missions or group missions where players from 2 opposing factions draw the same mission. Example: Brit player draws escort trader mission to some port. Pirate player draws an intercept mission for the same port. Both players get thrown immediately into a battle instance eliminating any possibility of other players joining the mission..

You can throw mission objectives in:

- Brit player must help trader get away

- Pirate player must board trader

PvP missions would be a great alternative for solo players not interested in port battles or open world pvp.

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I think no matter what folks say, people are always going to 'grind' something if it gives consistent XP. There's always the desire to get in the bigger better ships. Its the natural thing to do in an MMO.  


PVP XP is ok 1v1 and PVP is certainly to be found everywhere if you go looking for it but it's very hit and miss. For example, a group of us spent around 3 hours in USA waters and got in to 3 PVP battles.  I think I sailed home with around 200XP.  Sure my role was to bait, keep them tagged in battle using a small fast ship whilst our larger ships did the DPS, but it's a reflection on what someone at the low level in a small ship would likely experience. He'll get a lot more XP grinding missions so he's more likely to do them than seek out PVP. Not to mention he's most likely to get spanked if he goes out on his own.


I agree with the OP that it would be nice if missions were a little more varied, or at least gave more random drops to make them more rewarding in other areas.


But hey, IT'S ALPHA!

Edited by Long Beard
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Same here..I agree with SOME of what the OP says. I wouldn't be opposed to the missions have a little more flavor. The trader runs he suggested sound kind of fun too. Or like Viziam said create some PvP missions. And I like Robaroo's mission ideas too. HOWEVER, the xp and rewards are fine "as is" I think.


I remember PotBS had missions like this too. They were fun with a group.

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Missions should give better xp not gold. The past couple days joining a large fleet battle vs a.i and you get clan members telling you to f*** off and leave the battle. Very nice. Start a battle and accidentally pull in some clan members and get more insults thrown your way. I love pvp but most of the time trying to find a fair pvp fight can be impossible as you either end up running from superior numbers or end up chasing inferior numbers. Some times i just like to relax do some missions and level up because of this. So it would be nice if my time was worth the effort. 

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I agree with the OP.


Previously, at least there were small battles to use as a diversion from grinding missions.  Usually 7-12 people, and a good time.  Enjoying the small battles is actually what kept me with the game, and gave me an incentive to rank up (so I could come back with a bigger ship)


Now after the small battle xp nerf, they are always empty.  I have no idea how to find the right kind of PvP action - IE similarly leveled captains with incentives to fight.    And as a player who doesn't always have time for long gaming sessions, it can be challenging to get into any kind of fleet hunting group.


So basically all I can do is grind missions, and capture traders.


We need:

  • Small battle rewards adjusted so that people actually participate.  I get that people thinks these arena matches "take people out of the game" and away from experiencing the open world.  But real talk - until there is more to do in the real world, we need some outlet for this kind of action.   It is not readily apparent to new / intermediate experience players how to participate in PvP.  This is their gateway.  Again, enjoying small battles is the main reason I stayed with the game.
  • Mission variety, discussed above.
  • More drops from killing ships in mission.  A reasonable expectation of more loot / more loot variability would renew my interest in doing the same old mission again and again
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As Maturin said, at least on the PvP server, missions were only added because it was hard to find fights.  At the moment, they're not supposed to be a rich, rewarding feature that you hammer over and over again all day long.  They're filler, something to do when PvP is quiet.


People always complain about missions being boring and grindy - stop grinding them and sail over to a place where you can fight players.  You'll have a ton more fun and get rewards to boot.

Ok tell me where the players are who will fight and I will be happy to lol.

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Don't bother with missions myself, just go hunting Traders, or hang out with the big boys, I found myself in a mega battle last night,,,by accident, not a lot of xp, hardly any gold but boy, what an experience.

You're not doing it right or at best, change tactics.


I expect more interesting missions will be introduced as the game develops.


EDIT : Battle took place (or started) near Leogane/Port aux Prince EU PvP1.

Edited by Captain Boneboys
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