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Mighty Bouff

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Everything posted by Mighty Bouff

  1. So the rest of you would be under the Danish flag then I guess?
  2. Frankly Herminator should be the one facing a tribunal for this attempt at bullying other players within the same nation to do as he says - that is toxic. My clan 'disregarded' treaties at the start of EA and its ended up getting us some of the most fun fights and has contributed significantly to how the map looks now. I vote a significant NO to self appointed councils being able to dictate what others in their nation can do.
  3. Or just leave it as it is, works fine as far as I can see. If (player designed) councils agree a ceasefire etc that is up to them, if they can't police it between themselves (using existing game mechanics) then clearly they aren't strong enough to dictate terms. Any imposition by a 'majority' on the rest of nation is going to end badly. How many alt accounts do you think would get created, or people switching nation for one day, to 'fix' the result?
  4. I'll be honest my British Clan cheers every time we see DRUNK buying a flag and waving two fingers at those who have bent the knee. They are like the mouse biting the elephants leg and if not making it fall over then instead always have to look over its shoulder! Skillpoint loss has now gone as well (apart from one very specific circumstance)
  5. So where we just took so many french ports undefended we should perhaps say you are also griefing us because you didn't defend them? but anyway this isn't about timers, its about the great fights we had. We see tonight that the french defended their shallow water port, and the Spanish have bent the knee and allowed them a port - me hopes it is to allow the French to move up into the US territory.
  6. Haulover was excellent. Our late reinforcements won us the battle, you had it up till then
  7. San Andres last night was great. French were heavier, made the mistake of capping towers not destroying them and we managed a valient defence once we got there (Spanish screening fleet thought we would come from a different direction). There was no smacking in chat, just tipping of hats and pleasantries exchanged.
  8. Sigh. I know you've lost a lot of heavy ships, but do try and not be too salty. It has been an excellent fight. We were fighting for hours against you yesterday and it was excellent.
  9. Having significant BR advantage is not a tactic by itself, and it is why you won.
  10. this was only a matter of time as the largest nation (pirates) allied with the Danish so massively outnumbers the British Nation.
  11. Bravo! I very much look forward to reducing you to five ports (or less hopefully) in the future.
  12. Its a secret British weapon around PR, you're FPS drops so much you want to leave and our poor noobies can sail in peace...
  13. I think the biggest change I'd like to make is slow down the capture rate of ports. I've been turning over a few ideas (not all meant to be done together, just various ideas): 1) We captured a port doesn't flip at the next DT but the one after that, this gives players more of a chance to recapture it 2) Recapture. Once a port has been captured and is in contested mode the faction that lost the port may buy a flag and attempt to recapture it. There is no window for this (ie can be attacked anytime before the original capture completes) but only one flag may be bought. 3) 2 Battles per town. When you initially buy the flag you have a PB as per the current mechanics. There are no towers in this battle but the circle and BR system from current port battle are in. If the attackers win this battle then thew game will generate a new battle (which works like out current PB) between 22 - 26 hours in the future. If that is won then the port flips at the next DT as per usual. Obviously this would need tuning with neutral ports as they wouldn't show up to the first battle.
  14. Nice, like it. Looking forward to seeing the French actually have to fight somebody once they are burnt out from taking so many uncontested ports! Hopefully we will have pushed the Danish and Pirates back by then so we can resume our good fights with you lot.
  15. They have so far, that's why Spain has 4 ports. We're trying to stop the guns doing the talking...
  16. hardly our fault if you can't control your own nation. What I'm hearing is that you have the players but not the coordination or will to fight these timers.
  17. Can't they stay up late and attack the AU timezones then? Seems you've been keeping this quiet on purpose to me! :-p
  18. Nothing to lose, but a lot to gain through diplomacy, through fighting the only certain thing is risk.
  19. Again, sorry this is a 22/7 MMO. As in EvE and pretty much any other RvR game if you want to hold territory and assets then get global coverage. Some people deal with more or less sleep, I'm lucky in that I only need 4-5 hours (unless I've been drinking!) and I'm fully functional. My other half however needs a whole lot more, hence why I can play into the night.
  20. Do I think PBs need a change - yes but I don't know exactly what I want. I'm tempted to suggest an eve style solution whereby ports are open for constant attack, and if you win that battle (effectively the PB we have now) then it sets the port up for a full contest battle at a random time between 22-26 hours in the future (exact numbers of course open to debate). This gives us more battles, two per port conquest, and gives a modicum of notice to both sides that a decisive battle is on the way presenting opportunities to muster a true defence etc. It doesn't stop night flipping though which is a problem.
  21. Thanks for talking sense. This needs to go in the support section and have an F11 ticket submitted. Tribunal is for players breaking the rules, no rules were broken as to all British players the port was open for attack. In terms of unsportsmanship behaviour re timers I'm afraid that it is perfectly within the mechanics and intention of the game to be able to set timers to when you can defend. As stated many times we have AU players ready and active to defend the port during the timer we chose to set, you not having players who can attack at that time is simply not our problem.
  22. Yes I have a job, I leave at 7am for work, and yes I got to bed at 2am, not really a problem. As I say if you need more sleep then tough cookies, its a 22/7 MMO. and late night/morning attacks have good history. Have a look at how many morning attacks were made during the Napoleonic Wars, or stories of naval battles where they crept up in the night so as soon as light broke they were on top of the enemy. As I've said numerous times before, you have opened a third front that Britain doesn't need or want right now - don't expect us to play by your rules. As I've also said I've enjoyed it greatly so far, so once we have the northern situation under a little more control I'd be more than happy to have at it again. Perhaps we can get the dutch to lend us some ports so we can attack your homeland... Compared to the number of players and volume of attacks up in Haiti and Jamaica it is little in comparison. That isn't to say it hasn't been fought with as much vigor or determination.
  23. I guess you'll be happy for them to take back all the pirate ports on the north coast of cuba then? Or perhaps you'll just give them back to help make them strong?
  24. agreed. I think you got our back up by accusing us of using an exploit or bug when that is not the case. If you are adamant that you set a timer the correct action is to bug report it so it may be fixed for future battles, but I don't think you should get the port back as that is hardly fair to those who spent the time attacking it (and that appears to be the precedent set in other such issues - though of course I'm biased in this particular instance).
  25. I do love this talk of real battles. Every battle is real for those in it. If we claimed that the only real battles were those we won we'd be being flamed on the forums even more than we already are!! The capture was not dishonourable. We defended a port, took a short bio break as we'd been at it for hours then as the wind shifted sailed straight down to attack you as you'd forgotten to set a timer on your port. Thats not dishonourable it's executing a good strategy. We can't be held responsible if the French get sleepy, we have been supping the nice Panama coffee!!
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