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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. yell at me whenever you are in that situation again Taranis, I am sorry for last time the BORKs were busy.
  2. Welcome back! I enjoy doing business with an old friend once more .
  3. yes, history wise, we were BORK, some of us moved to France and made LBORK. Now we moved back to Sweden. 3th is supposed to be 3th. It is an inside joke from the Original BORKers.
  4. Nation: Sweden [bORK] - 3th Swedish Flotilla we were LBORK, so just switch us back to Sweden, thanks!
  5. So, Just putting it out there. If a couple swedes were to....Oh I don't know, 3rd party this conflicts and hit both sides. Would both sides take offense? haha. I wonder who would bark first about how the Swedes should never have more than one port...oh wait a second!
  6. no wonder an update froze and I can't get into NA. God speed to fixing it! we wait with baited breath
  7. It is interesting to read the thread and see that the Pirates are getting exactly what they wanted from my PoV. A conflicted nation within and almost free reign across the seas. I don't advocate anything either way. Whoever this Cordovo guy is and people saying he is the leader of Britain, well he and his buddies could figure a way to satisfy everyone, or be damned with a few and do what you want.
  8. I have liked what Hethwill proposes, but i wish it wasn't a perk...rather the real mechanic of battles. His earlier call on having 2 circles, one for tag and the other for all surrounding ships and then the battle is closed. It may seem extreme. But if battles are not going to have increase time to join them to help close friends or bolster defense of a sole trader. Then don't have it open at all when the battle starts. The 2 minute timer is bull, I'd rather there be no timer and battle closed as it starts. At least you understand no more help would come then what you have in the battle.
  9. You're welcome to join! Ships can be made if needed. First priority is to have fun of course! We have accounts on PVP1 as well. I think having an account on both servers is perfectly fine.
  10. ok, not bad. I will like to see how this works. On the subject of battle timers. I know why the 2 minute timer was introduced but it has been really damaging from my point of view in making it difficult for many players to PvP. I can't help but support going back to the 5 minute join window OR have a dynamic time window. It's pants on fire crazy that I can't help a trader who get's caught in a battle right outside my capital, or a nearby friendly port.
  11. I am of the same opinion of AEthlstan here. I loved social perk because I was able to join battles previously unable to in the past. I am not saying the Perk wasn't broken or doesn't need change. Rather I think it exemplified the issues with the current tagging and battle timer issues. There needs to be an increase in time for players to join a battle, for both parties. We can all make excuses about players getting "salty" or "mad" when they are hit and expect help but none comes. Those same players though, in many cases, stop playing. Sure a few continue to play, and play differently...some call that "smart play" but it's really just to avoid everyone. If there is no change done to the current RoE and tagging system, then yes, I am of the same mind that this will cause many problems in the future. it's alpha, let us test different things! Hethwill and I differ on opinions, but by god, it's better to test and say we don't like it, then to never test it at all.
  12. A long time ago, Sweden was a small, but powerful force that even the mighty British Empire had trouble dealing with Sweden and her respective allies. Such a small nation to be such a large focal point in the past conflicts around the Caribbean is no small feat. But, with a quick rise to power, and a somewhat arrogant leader, comes a quick route to defeat and devastation. For months Sweden suffered heavy losses and eventually crumbled under the renewed might of a powerful Danish foe who was heavily supplied by British supporters. Even with Sweden blockaded into their Caribbean capital port, the Dane's were not done with their vengeful quest to eradicate those who supported their nemesis. France suffered heavily with almost similar losses in territory to that of Sweden and only until recently was not able to fully recover. As the fog cleared in the late spring, Denmark controlled a vast empire with claims of France and Sweden being nothing more than vassals, unable to declare independence. Many slept in the summer heat, under a tree enjoying what little freedom they had, but a Swede never forgets. Sweden remembers the glory they once had, and the ability to take it back. It is now that time, too long have we slumbered under the beast, too long have we allowed this new overlord to dictate what we are allowed to keep and who is a friend, too long have we forgotten our past friendships for the small peace we were given. It is here on this day that we proclaim with a thunderous roar to recover what is rightfully ours. Sweden will once again conquer the islands it controlled around Gustavia and be FREE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After a long slumber of what we would call a "Swedish Winter," BORK is back. BORK will, once again, let everyone have a taste of our best export, the Swedish Chef. We happily prepare for the future conflict against our enemies and give our hands to new and old friends. On a side note, I and the BORKers who have come back fully appreciate the welcome back to PvP2. It's been way too long. Also being known as "Original Swedes" is taking some getting used to, but feels awesome. Man, I'm already full of myself again, what will happen for the future? -Teutonic
  13. at the very least I'd like an option to redeem my items from one server or another
  14. Ah back when the Server was alive. I loved the content created in the lesser antilles. Then all of a sudden a large portion of brits and US just "fled" to PvP1, now here we are. what to do, what to do.
  15. Honestly Bach, I've been considering going back to PvP2 and reunifying the Swede/France pact. PURGE wanna help? haha
  16. I would very much want to try this. We are in Alpha, and we are testers. It should at the very least be tried yes?
  17. Every time the idea has come up or whenever I have suggested it, it has always seemed like an ideal solution to a number of the issues we have with current port battles. I am constantly for this. When Deep waters were split up so that it would separate 4th/5ths and SoLs Admins wanted to create more opportunities for the smaller ships. It only caused one thing in my opinion, that constitutions and ingers were the new 1st rates. So we have Mercury's (Heavy Rattlers), Ingers or Constis, and 1st rates. In the current players view, if you have any other ship for a port battle, you are less effective and possibly taking up a space that could be used by someone who does have the "best" ship. EDIT: There are definitely a number of ideas that could be combined to create an excellent port battle experience. I think most, if not all of us, are in agreement that the current way PBs stand is not the way they should work. SteelSandwich's suggestion is promising, I just wish we could test it sooner rather than later.
  18. I'm constantly surprised how often the name of the Servers gets used this way, after the multiple times the Admin(s) have said it is only the location of the Server, not that you have to be EU to be in the EU server. Then again, I am for removing Timers, which is ALREADY in the line to be removed in the patches ahead anyway. The argument is getting completely ridiculous .
  19. Maybe a couple ranks that, as the OP suggested are incredibly difficult to obtain, but once you obtain them it gives you a small perk, or medal? or bonus? These ranks should be separate, for example, there are 5 ranks after the 10th rank. At a certain amount of XP gain you are given the option to choose ONE of these ranks. 1 or 2 of them could be crafter specific and the rest could be PvP or PvE specific. Once you have decided one the rank you could get special bonuses or a medal and use them to further enhance the play style you enjoy. IF you want to switch ranks, you would first have to revoke the rank you have and redo the XP gain. In a sense this would be your late-game ranks that would give XP a use after reaching the 10th rank. Maybe I'm stemming this idea from the perks you get from Officers and so it's possibly redundant?
  20. The cosmetic skins should be kept rare. I would LOVE to have skins for my ships, but seeing everyone have the same skin would lessen the value of a unique ship. I currently like how it's implemented in the game, you get skins through special events. Maybe after a full release there could be small transactions to unlock skins for your ship on top of the event. So if someone doesn't want to waste time on an event, they can spend a bit for the item. Seeing a player with a ship in a different color from it's norm should be rare and look amazing, almost like a "flagship" in a sense.
  21. I prefer the Social perk to what it currently is in game. I very much enjoy the battle being open to join for 30 minutes, helps have all your friends and enemies join in a big battle. Before if you weren't around the area you'd be too late. Now, you can sail there in time to join or quickly finish up what you're doing and again, join in the fray. To me the Social perk is a positive for PvP overall. IF anything must be changed, tie it to BR to try and keep the fight even for both sides.
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