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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. I have always found that straight trading is faaaaar better than delivery missions. I don't know how delivery missions can make any sort of money when I can make double the reward in less time doing trading alone?
  2. there is some information not being told which is rather important here... I cannot agree that the alliance against the Us/Brit/dutch is larger as I've seen the port battles myself, there are more players playing the Us/Brits/Dutch combined. Similarly to PvP1 though is that the current Danes/Swedes on PvP2 are Aussies and a large chinese community which play entirely in the opposite timezone from the US players. so what the Danes and French are victims on the PvP1 server for nightflips, the Brit/Dutch are victim to it as well on PvP2. but no, there is not a straight numerical advantage for the Spanish, French, Swedes, and Danes. Even if you added pirates the combined US/Brit/Dutch players are still more. IT IS though a timezone difference when populations get lopsided for nations depending on the time.
  3. a number of PvP2 players I have been in contact with, we are already deciding to attempt to fill the void that is left when the EU folks go to their server specific love fest. Expect PvP2 players to fill in some of the wasteland that's left once the servers merge :).
  4. agreed. too many players the gulf is so far out there, that nothing really happens, even on PvP1 as I have been told. So I really don't mind if it becomes a PvE zone. It may have some economic disruptions for certain nations but I'm not worried.
  5. on PvP2 you actually find less PvP around the capitals and none in the vent zone unless you tell players to go there. Of course currently on PvP1 the event zone and capital areas are where PvP happens. You just have a lot of players hiding on PvP2
  6. Oh damn that's way bigger of a space than I had anticipated for the PvE portion of the map, I guess that I must agree though. That side of the map rarely sees a lot of action and it tends to be quite a dead zone unless a port battle happens. I am wondering how the resoirces and regional bonuses there will take effect for the rest of the populace that are not in those nations. Honestly I kind of like that the PvP is "pushed" towards the middle and east, it may help steer players towards finding each other more.
  7. I had a pvp1 fleet commander watch your stream joba and it was really entertaining to watch, I do thank you for putting it up! It was rather funny how my friend would say "on pvp1 this would not fly" " the pirates are making a mistake here....but the US fleet is in shambles." Basically constructice criticism. The funny part was me replying to him basically saying "well even if the pirates are making a mistake, they have to do what they are doing because of how their opponents sail in battle." Anyway the conclusion was both sides made some mistakes, but the US did not capitalize on the mistakes made by BLACK. Apparently BLACK can learn a thing or two as well ;). Personal viewpoint, all pvp2 players are going to get a real rude awakening when the servers merge and we start fighting the pvp1 big boys. So until then, we should pvp whenever we can to gain experience sailing to best be prepared.
  8. Cayos Del Golfo -- Arenas Attackers - Spain/France Defenders - US/British Outcome: Us/Brits succesfully defend AAR: After hearing that the US/Brits were going in 25 man strong with screeners we pretty much said on Teamspeak "hello kitty that shit." Instead we decided to look for screeners and hit them instead. After all, the only way to get them out of their holes is to create a PB. We didn't take the port, but no Spanish/French reportedly sank and we captured and sank some screeners. Our Screen fighting force was able to grab a Connie and Belle Poule (bell had 2 surprises). While they successfully kept us out of the Arenas port, they did so with their lives and lost a Dura on every ship with no losses on the French/Spanish side.
  9. with the servers getting merged the PvP2 players will join the PvP1 minus the EU folks who move to the other server. I know quite a lot of players who plan to switch nations to "rebalance" or disrupt the current balance so that it will not be a snoozefest Brit/US bloc.
  10. absolutely wonderful sailing there!
  11. It's been a long time, but Spain continues to grow! IF your worry is that there will not be players to play with then you're wrong! our last 2 port battles had different players in them but each all dedicated to the cause. We have around 20 active players (based on weekly) playing in the Spanish nation on PvP2 and it's really awesome to all be working towards a common goal!
  12. Port Battle - Remedios Attackers - Spain/France Defense - US/Brits Outcome - Us successfully defend the port AAR - from a Spanish point of view we were able to handle the entry into the port pretty well as well as within the battle deal some damage, but overall the superior numbers from the US/Brit helped them capture the circles and run down the clock with points. This time the Spanish requested assistance from the homeland and our prayers were answered, the Queen sent aid of a small portion of the Armada which helped to give a show of force against our adversaries. If our rivals truly wish to keep Spain out of the Caribbean they will find only pain and irritation.
  13. Hmmm, Interesting development. I wish to test this.
  14. just the other day the swedes were saying how they won't retreat, funny how that works, it's a 2v2 too unless the swedes decided to not bring the proper lineships.
  15. We hope to see more of you in the OW to have a good battle someday!
  16. I would prefer for it to only be a Ship wipe at this time. the "1 dura - "experience mods" are going to make a large difference and I'd like to see it without having to completely redo everything for the players.
  17. Been talking to some players and thinking more on this change. I really really love this. Like omg this is going to be awesome!
  18. I really love where this is going. Fully support this change. I actually look forward to testing this. Edit: this makes every ship loss and capture meaningful, this makes crafters have a reason to craft. I understand that players are attached to their ship and when ot's lost it may be devastating, but they will also be able to get another just as easily. Finally something I can say to old players who stopped playing to bring them back again.
  19. Love this initiative, thinking bringing this to pvp2 would be really fun. Will talk to a few folks to see if this can get started.
  20. I agree. If most players stopped playing when their nation was at one port, then again when their nation went to one region...if you made it so they got "absorbed" then they would just stop playing. I know where joba is coming from, but in actual practice it would just end up with a less active population on the server than before. Why would a nation that gets crushed by their opposition want to then join them in crushing their previous friends? Naval action history shows they won't help and will just play a different game.
  21. So...as far as I am aware, the 30 minute limitation to enter a port battle has not actually been patched on to the main servers, only on the test server. Unless someone can correct me?
  22. Official Spanish announcement, our Casus Belli Spain hereby considers the following Regions our primary interest: Filipina, Cayos Del Golfo, Selam, Campeche, Vera Cruz, Nuevo Santander, Texas
  23. Pinar Del Rio Battle 14 Spanish/French/Swedes vs 7 US Outcome: Spanish successfully take the region There was an incredibly dense storm outside which made it extremely hard to enter the port but overall we we able to trickle in. With a ton of maneuvering we were eventually able to force the US to make a move that brought them to a disadvantage and split up there forces between us. The US made a call and retreated, we caught one of them and chased the last 2 until the points were achieved. The Spanish Caribbean fleet made its debut in gracious fashion and hope to further achieve greatness, we are requesting assistance from the homelands for further advancement, for King and Queen!
  24. Support this 100% and it is extremely helpful we have english speakers who can speak spanish fluently on pvp2 right now. They have been the real MVPs.
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