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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. Remind me to buy medium guns in the surrounding ports to sell in shroud cay at nassau patrol zone Time to get rich.
  2. I would love additional features to the clan warehouse and agree with the OP.
  3. 1. BR limits don't offer anything to solo players because Patrol zones are not meant for solo players. the solo area in the PZ should move, I'm all for it. Patrol zones are meant for medium to large groups, Patrol zones are meant for anyone who wants to get some damage in to enemies whether they sink them or not and redeem for pvp rewards. Patrol zones are used for players who are afraid to get nothing out of PvP battles because of the crap nature that is rewards. If anything, PvP rewards should be rebalanced, not patrol zones. 2. You're sample size of (1) picture is literally just an anecdote. I have ganked and been ganked constantly. No I have no logical explanation for why solo is inside, go ask the devs. you know, the guys who make the game. 3. Admin's reasons were not only sound, they were good for the game. Hey man, I'd love durability to come back, but lets be real, it's better that it's not. again, no. if we want durability to come back, either it comes back for the entire game, or not at all. There is no in between here. Players can build and move their ships to free towns nearby patrol zones to prepare themselves for a day of enjoyment if they want. All ships are not only incredibly easy to build, but also cheap to make. If you want to fight with more than 1 ship a day at a particular patrol zone, then prepare yourself to do so. Heck, many players have DLC ships for the very reason to simply click a new ship and be combat ready in just a few minutes. Have you tried any other patrol zone other than shroud cay? maybe leogane is up your alley, I know it is for me. Lets be honest here, your suggestion is really just a "I want small battles back." I absolutely support the small battle feature to come back. Patrol zones are fine how they are. the only thing that needs a change is to separate the solo battle area within it.
  4. 1. BR limits on the patrol zone battles already do this, although I don't disagree we can look at them further. I am all for possible lowering the BR limits. 2. Literally every time I have gone to the patrol zone I have always been able to get to the solo patrol area, I think what you're talking about is a fake problem. But again, I'm not against maybe moving it outside the area. 3. If you advocate Durability to come back, Then I must say it should be for every part of the game, or no part of the game. I cannot accept durability only coming back for patrol zones. I wasn't playing dumb, I was informing you of my position and that I believe what you're suggesting is not needed, thanks.
  5. I do. I bring friends to patrol zones, I fight with groups. I pick my targets. I believe Patrol zones are working as intended.
  6. Patrol Zones have BR limits. maybe they could be more restrictive, but currently I don't really see a need for change. you go there, do some damage - redeem the missions for combat medals, that's the goal.
  7. the A circle is clearly labelled. seems B and C "circle" is now invisible or not showing. for reference:
  8. as I said elsewhere, Level 3 bonuses really aren't all that much, and even Level 4 aren't a lot, it's only Sailing 4 and Crew 4 which could be reigned in a bit.
  9. yep, pretty much. Sailing bonus 4 should be: 2.5% speed 4% turn speed 7.5% Acceleration/deceleration Otherwise the sailing bonuses are fine how they are. --------------------------------- Crew bonus in general should NOT have repair speed bonus Crew bonus 4 have a 7% crew bonus instead of 8%. Crew bonus should be adjusted to not give crew transfer at level 1, and at level 4 it should only be a crew transfer of 3, not 4. Crew bonus should be adjusted to give a repair bonus of 4% at level 4, and the previous levels should have a reduced repair bonus. ------------------------------ Doing those 2 changes would go a long way to balance port bonuses in my opinion. In terms of where powerful bonuses should come from, I believe the following 1. Permanent Mods - should give "the best" possible bonuses for a specific thing 2. Wood types - should generally determine what a ship will "do" (being speedy, or tanky, etc). 3. Port Bonuses - should generally gives bonuses to improve a ship's overall ability. but mods and woods should always do "better." 4. Book bonuses - Should help a player put the final "toppings" on their ship. Books should help reach the hardcaps, or cover the downsides.
  10. Let's take a hard look at port bonuses and determine whether they really are OP or not? because if you look at the first 2 levels, those bonuses are barely worth considering OP - some books basically do better then them. We will look at Level 3s and Level 4s, Level 3s is where port bonuses get close to perm mods, level 4 is where folks would argue are "actually" OP. Lets go out and assume a few things: 55 point port will have: 3 bonuses at level 4 1 bonus at level 3 1 bonus at level 1 (leaves 2 points for fort defense) 45 point port will have 2 options: option 1: 1 bonus at level 4 4 bonuses at level 3 (leaves 2 points for fort defense) option 2: 2 bonuses at level 4 2 bonuses at level 3 1 bonus at level 1 (leaves 0 points for fort defense) any port smaller than 45 points realistically is not doing port bonuses - you could argue though that a 35 point port is doing 5 bonuses at level 3 though. Gunnery Level 3 -- Cannon reload time − 3 % Cannon min/max angle + 4 % Cannon dispersion per 100m, cannon vertical dispersion per 100m − 3 % Cannon ball penetration + 2 % Level 4 -- Cannon reload time − 5 %Cannon min/max angle + 5 %Cannon dispersion per 100m, cannon vertical dispersion per 100m − 5 %Cannon ball penetration + 5 % I'll be honest, I really don't see anything for gunnery that would make it OP. 5% increase in penetration without another pen mod doesn't really break anything. cannon reload at 5% isn't huge without more cannon reload mods, and the dispersion is the same. Honestly when it comes to Gunnery, the only way these bonuses become "OP" is if the player also adds a cannon type mod. Gunnery OP? I'd say no. Sailing Level 3 -- Ship speed + 2 % Turn speed + 3 % Acceleration + 5 % Speed decrease + 5 % Level 4 -- Ship speed + 3.5 % Turn speed + 5 % Acceleration + 10 % Speed decrease + 10 % Sailing bonus is where we can argue on what is OP or not. Sailing bonus level 3 is fine for the investment costs. When comparing to other books and mods, it's probably on par with them, maybe a bit better. I could agree to advocate for a slight adjustment here. When it comes to Level 4 though I think it is still too high. I would lower the speed bonus to 3%, lower turn to 4%, lower accel and decrease to 7.5%. Sailing bonus 4, Is probably OP. Hull Level 3 -- Armour strength + 3 % Armor thickness + 3 % Fire resistance + 10 % Splinter resistance + 5 % Level 4 -- Armour strength + 5 % Armor thickness + 5 % Fire resistance + 20 % Splinter resistance + 10 % When it comes to Hull bonus, the only one "worth" getting is bonus level 4 if you're really trying to get some extra armor and thickness. There are woods, mods, and books that already allow players to get to the "hard cap" on these bonuses, the only thing hull bonus is doing is "maybe" allowing a mod or book slot to be something else. These bonuses aren't OP, and when it comes to building and kitting the ship out you want, you have better options to get these bonuses than the port bonus itself. a fir/fir ship with this bonus is not going to change the paper aspect that Fir gives. Mast/Rig Level 3 -- Max roll angle − 8 % Sail damage − 5 % Mast health + 5 % Mast thickness + 3 % Level 4 -- Max roll angle − 10 % Sail damage − 7 % Mast health + 7 % Mast thickness + 5 % Take a look at the mast mods and book options. let's take the french rig example and add the mast port bonus - you roughly get what French rig "used" to be. In fact the 5% increase in thickness for these masts still do not make you immune to demasting against similar ships. even smaller ships, when equipped with over sized carronades will probably still be demasting you if that's the problem. What this bonus gives is having the enemy require 1 extra penetrating shot to demast you. It actually gets interesting for this one with the reduced sail damage - as I don't believe there is currently anything else that reduces incoming sail damage (a perk though?). the reality is that many players will invest in this port bonus last, and we have better mods to cover this part of the vessel. Not OP. Crew Level 3 -- Side armour repair time − 3 % Sail repair time − 3 % Water pump repair time − 3 % Rudder repair time − 3 % Powder repair module time − 3 % Armour repair amount 3 pp Sail repair amount 3 pp Generic repair amount 3 pp Crew + 5 % Crew transfer speed + 3 Level 4 -- Side armour repair time − 5 % Sail repair time − 5 % Water pump repair time − 5 % Rudder repair time − 5 % Powder repair module time − 5 % Armour repair amount 5 pp Sail repair amount 5 pp Generic repair amount 5 pp Crew + 8 % Crew transfer speed + 4 Crew is a different story. There are not many mods to increase crew, and even less to increase crew without any downside. I believe Crew is invaluable, for both level 3 and 4 you get more crew, more repair amount, less repair time, faster transfer speed. This bonus is probably the most powerful bonus, but can't really be quantified like the others. more crew equals more sailing, more gunnery, more on repairs and survival, more going to boarding. This bonus allows you to essentially do everything on your ship faster and better. Is this bonus OP? probably, I believe it gives too many bonuses. --------------------------------------------------- Overall though you're realistically only going to ever see 2 or 3 bonus at max level. The 2 port bonuses that you could argue are OP are sailing and Crew right now. The three others are not OP in the slightest, and in some cases are redundant to a lot of mods or books you would already be putting on a ship. If we must further nerf port bonuses, then do the following: reducing sailing 4 bonus speed by .5% to --- 3% Reduce or cut the Crew bonus repair speed.
  11. Great suggestions. A I also agree that the demasting tutorial is prpbably the most difficult one for now players.
  12. unauthorized use of BORKing. that's a paddlin' if you haven't ignored thonys and you take his comments seriously, I think you can safely ignore the rambling .
  13. I don't know the other group missions. But there are 3 levels of 5th rate ones. 1. A 4th and 4 5ths - doable, hard for newer players 2. 1 3rd, 1 4th, 2 5ths - really hard, never tried because it is not worth. 3. 1 st, 1 3rd - probably impossible, not worth. The real killer? They all give the same rewards, so it's not worth doing any of them except the 1st one. Even then, it gives silver chests which can be lackluster. There are others that also seem impossible. I think all group missions need a pass at them again and either the rewards need to get better, or the difficulty to come down depending on the type.
  14. then...what's the point of a map reset. map or game resets would kill any motivation I, and a few others, have for playing the game.
  15. could base it on ports owned instead. it's hard to gauge nation population for a player - but it's easy to see how many ports you have
  16. Too many misunderstandings and complications have propped up. Sweden will continue with deliberations and we are in current talks with France and Poland as time dictates when players can get online. parties involved are talking... EDIT: I'll clarify and say ow pvp may still continue, it's just normal to expect.
  17. we need a "Rediii policeman" meme clearly.
  18. Sweden will have an official response within the next 24 hours. Apologies for the delay. There have been many discussions and arguments on boths sides that we can't disregard as dumb rabble, it's simply just different opinions. In any event, we will confirm and clarify our position.
  19. ...I like how you keep spinning it and calling us allies. classic Banished posting strategy. news alert, we've not had an alliance for over a year. I understand it's hard to grasp the concept, but you don't have to be allies to have agreements. We'll have an official discussion and response with France within 24 hours.
  20. On to a new chapter Pit Pinsel, enjoy the seas and hope you continue to prosper :).
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