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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. 250k port timer costs would have to be reduced for this to work. going back to 50k timer cost would help. EDIT: although I'm with Redii, can you imagine the defending nation noticing this is happening and they just change a timer everyday to hello kitty up plans? some nations already do that with the county capitals. You'd have to further limit how often a timer can be changed.
  2. If you want some swedish meatballs, you know who to call.
  3. absolutely nothing is wrong with cargo and passenger missions. I just feel that if you want to buy and sell trade goods, they should give you better profit rewards than any mission can give you. the risk in trade goods is so unbelievably high compared to cargo and passenger missions that it's just flat out bad business to touch trade goods. We may as well delete all trade goods because they take up space in the game's system with the way cargo missions are at the moment.
  4. Patrol zone battles last night. 1st: went in to engage some British players, I was practically fully loaded with grenade mods and books. ended up in a fantastic fireship. 2nd: Went and joined a battle, found some pirates to fight. I managed to hello kitty up and sail repair instead of hull repair and after that sank quickly. the rest of the fleet mopped the pirates up good though. 3rd: engaged some pirates, found it to be spikes again, good bloke! more pirates dogpiled on us later but managed to sinka couple before succumbing to the raging sea. all enjoyable battles! see you next nassau PZ.
  5. I would say it is not an advantage as much as you think. 1. You can't get any taxes from it in the uncapturable port. 2. You can't boost it's resource production with trading outpost option either. The fact it can't be taken away doesn't matter too much when players make some insane contract prices and price a lot of people out of the market anyway.
  6. I recall the admin stating in a post the required Br needed to get hostility to 100% and flip a port. What BR levels are needed for the ports? Is this correct: County capital - 10,000 br County port - 4,000 br Shallow county capital - 2,000 br Shallow port - 1,000 br
  7. you can do some of the missions with fewer people, it just takes longer. I'd personally rather have enemy NPC setups that "actually" can be done instead of "oh yeah no, too hard." there are 3 different types of 5th rate group missions...yet they all have the same rewards. You have 3 guys in 5th rates versus the following: 1. a 4th rate and 4 - 5th rates doable 2. a 3rd rate and 2 - 4ths why ever do this? 3. a 1rd rate and a 3rd rate Pass. the difficulty of, medium, really hard, and impossible - I find it irritating that there is absolutely no reason to do 2 out of the 3 types.
  8. Some folks didn't want an agreement and instead to sink swedes. So we decide to respect their requests.
  9. in fact, I'd like less! We have so many mods and books that are practically useless :P.
  10. oh so it did. I guess the pirates heard they would be attacked in the US tz 🤔. Time to call the EU timezone.
  11. Honestly, it all looks good. hopefully it all comes out within a good timeframe
  12. I'd throw 4000 reps in an indiaman and tow all the time! I would use the same tactic to move resource around and anything around. Towing ships with guns is already good enough. That should be it.
  13. there is not a simple mechanic unfortunately. While in port - there is a Trade channel that pops up. You can talk to the player in question through other channels as well. While both players are in the port, one player needs to speak in any channel, preferably the trade channel or nation channel, and then you can "right-click" their name and select the "trade" option. This will bring up a trade window and from then you can trade money, ships, and items.
  14. you can go to a port and trade it to them.
  15. so I just want to ask. Why should I ever build a crafted 4th rate now, when i can get a Rattvisan DLC and it will be better and cost me nothing to make it?
  16. you gotta tell me the secret @Salty Sails how does that happen .
  17. Yes. the more I fight other ships and people, the more I feel Thickness is the biggest problem in the game at this moment.
  18. in my experience, any patrol zone is great for folks to try any type of build or any crazy thing and still get rewarded through damage. I second your choice in the nassau patrol zone, it is incredibly easy to build shallow ships. They use very little repairs, they are still enjoyable to fight in because no deep water ship can come and ruin your day. It further reinforces my thought that we should have Real rewards come back for damage in all battles though. I sometimes ponder on the difficulty to get people to join shallow water activity.
  19. The issue I see is that it can't just be fixed with 1 change. This is what I, and many others, believe needs to happen. 1. 3rd rates should become "Standard ship" for all things RvR. a couple things need to happen for this to "work." A. BR on ports has to be reduced, simple. If you don't reduce BR on ports then you'll be stuck with "we need 1st rates or we don't fight." With Santo domingo, it's clear that we are already there, any nation that does not have a 20-25 man 1st rate fleet is not equipped to fight RvR now. Players have warned this was going to happen. B. Thickness in general has to be reduced straight up. there should be no ship that has a base thickness higher than 70, and even then it may still be too high. 2. all Lineships should be more even in stats. A little more difficult than just nerfing or buffing stats. There needs to be a general trend that 1st and 2nd rates are great powerful ships, but should be inefficient for both BR and Economy. A 1st and 2nd rates can be kings and leaders of a fleet, but 3rd rates should be able to take damage and dish it back. What has to be changed is "bigger is always better in every way." This goes back to BR limits and even more so the hard limit of 25 players on each side. So if we even want to believe and try to find a place for smaller ships in the RvR experience and for it not to be dominated by just 1st rates, then we need to allow for mechanics that create incentives to bring 2nds, 3rds and 4ths to a lineship party.
  20. I really like that idea. but it won't work unless BR on ports is lowered. Because clans/nations would just wait longer until they have the fleet to support the BR limit. as it is now, 20k and 25k BR ports will not be contested unless you have the 1st rate fleet to support it. If you even reduce that to 12k-15k BR the aim to have a "larger 3rd rate presence" would start to work.
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