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Everything posted by CommodoreWesley

  1. Waiting in line at Alexandria. They wil only let a very few number of people in. I'm 10th in line, 573 miles from home, wearing my USS Consitution shirt, and a Naval Action fan. Surely I'll get in! Right? (I'll show photos when I am on my computer and with a reliable internet connection, which might be Sunday... Sorry gents, more suspense for you all.)
  2. I am going to try my best to try and see the Hermione when she is in Alexandria on the 10th, all the tickets have been sold out already, however if we get there early enough, they might just let me in. I will certainly will take some photos for you gents!
  3. Why the blueprints of modern stuff? I thought we all loved this era... Why inspire them to destroy it? I would probably bring a big good 'ol history book, and teach them to not make the same mistakes again.
  4. Cunningham, I really don't understand this "extra long long guns." The Admin has already said "We name long guns this way not because they are extra long, but because there are longer than the shorter versions." The guns themselves are already reasonably similar, with the only exception of actual range. Therefore, the term "long guns" might not actually mean guns with longer barrels, but guns with longer range.
  5. CommodoreWesley


    Just Signatures
  6. I am fine with flag customization, but I am not too crazy about painting sails. Don't know why, but I guess that is just due to navy uniformity. I wouldn't mind allowing for the creation of custom skins and textures. We could have a system similar to War Thunder's, allowing custom textures to be only visible to the person that downloaded it, but alas, what is the point then in making society or group flags if we use that method?
  7. Well, I have a coin minted from the metal works from the USS Constellation, however, it seems that I have lost it somewhere in my room...
  8. If you are not convinced yet, then look at the glorious picture below: Do you want to be that Spanish brig? I didn't think so. (Unless, you really like having things shot up your stern post...) And look closer. There are TWO Dutch frigates in this picture! (and in this actual battle, we really had three) Proof that we Dutch players actually work together! (Unless you want to be a pirate because you have no proper social life at all...) Also, notice that we have frigates. With guns. Don't do anything stupid. Join The Glorious Dutch Faction! As we have the best propaganda.
  9. I would buy this game, but knowing me and my historically based computer game addictions... I'm a bit of a rail fan myself, as well as a history nut. I would probably would try to model the Tallulah Falls Railroad that was in operation in my area from 1898-1961. It was famously filmed in the "Great Locomotive Chase" movie by Disney in 1958 (Walt Disney also offered to buy the railroad, but it was refused. If it was accepted, then dang, I could of been living in Walt Disney Land! And we would still have a railroad here). The hard part about modeling it is that there are 48 trestles over 52 miles of the railroad. I could also model the Gainesville Midland Railway, and as well as those ugly 2-10-0 Russian Decapods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPFGBKS4yE8 The railroad was really only famous for being one of the last operator of steam locomotives because they couldn't afford to buy any more locomotives.
  10. Lol, I am glad that there is somebody else that is just as excited as I am for this movie!
  11. Well, since we have waited so long already, I guess a tiny little bit longer won't hurt too much... Although, it better be fixed soon! I have my whole day tomorrow set on testing this Open World Naval Action out! Huzzah!
  12. Yeah, I don't have much hype on World of Warships. Not realistic enough for me. I'm hoping that when War Thunder starts going down that path they will do a good job with it, however War Thunder started going downhill for me for a while when they started advertising for it. The game was a lot more fun back in the day when really only advertised by the word of mouth.
  13. Well, they seem to be having a whale of a time!
  14. Well, this game is still in Alpha, and is not yet officially released on Steam. However, by the end of this Spring, the development plan is to have a soft release of the game on Steam. Until then, it is safest to keep to these forums.
  15. The randomization factor is basically small random differences that each ship of the same class had, no two ships will be exactly alike, or improvements due to the quality of a particular in game ship yard . For example, the HMS Victory was unusually maneuverable for her size, however even from copying the exact lines and timbers, the British were not able to make another first rate that had the same performance characteristics of the Victory. Some of these upgrades sound similar to Uncharted Waters Online's upgrades.
  16. They were going to do that to the USS Consitution... Praises upon children donations that manage to keep her afloat!
  17. I prefer the concept of ports rather than islands, largely due to the fact that small islands were hardly self efficient enough to support a village, which would not be big enough of a population to be able to produce the trade goods and ship building industries.
  18. I have the same problem as well. There was an instance that all the games suddenly ended, and we all appeared in the main menu screen. I then clicked on the Trafalgar Button, and the hourglass appeared, but did not disappear. I Ctrl-alt-delete to open task manager to close the program, and when I reopen Naval Action, I am able to log in, but after that I am back stuck on the hourglass. My suggestion for the Developers is to reset or reboot the servers. I think we are all trapped in a battle instance or something.
  19. She's an American Privateer. She was designed to fight the British, so the name makes a bit of sense there. There was also another American privateer of the same name, and was captured by the British, who did rename her.
  20. I like the idea, I just don't know how to implement it. I'm not unknown to do random acts of kindness to others, and I try to be helpful to those that do ask for help (as we all have received help sometime in our lives, it is best to pass it on as well). However, the people and events that are put into this "Heroes" thread shouldn't be just an extended "gg" post and should be of events that are performed by someone who took out time and effort to make another enjoy this game and community more.
  21. From my research from threedecks.org, she was a privateer, has 22 guns, a broadside weight of 71 guns, and a burthen weight of 160 tons. Historically, she was lost in an action in Narragansett Bay on the 27th of August 1777 and ran aground. She never even fired her cannons. She was very heavily grounded, so the British destroyed her. Quite surprising that there are surviving records for this ship. Wind, you need to spill the beans tell us where you are finding these amazing plans! I would post links showing where I found this info, but I can't as for some reason I can't paste things into this textbox...
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