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Everything posted by CommodoreWesley

  1. Will you allow foreign diplomats to join your TeamSpeak with permission?
  2. CommodoreWesley


    Proposed ships for Naval Action.
  3. I will make edits to it, just want to compile them first before changing the rules currently posted. If you claim that you are an explorer, you are free to pass, however, you may be possibly be followed or shadowed by a Dutch Antilles Squadron member, just to make your intentions to be honorable. The Rules of Engagement are a set of rules that members of the Dutch Antilles Squadron follow when they attack other players. If a Dutch Antilles Squadron member is attacked, they have every right and reason to defend themselves even if by use of superior numbers or firepower. The Rules have been posted on the forums largely to allow players to be aware of our policies and missions. These are largely only posted for people not worry about being ganked by us or to understand the reasons why we attacked them.
  4. Rules of Engagement Against Other Players for the Dutch Antilles Squadron For Dutch Antilles Squadron members that are sailing alone, you are responsible for your own ship, including its loss to hostile actions. If contact is made with a hostile ship or ships in territorial, international or hostile waters, the single captain is free to make the decision to either engage the enemy ship or not. For Dutch Antilles Squadron members that are sailing in a fleet for the Dutch Antilles Squadron, the following rules are enforced: Rules of Engagement of single or lone players. Singles players should not be attacked with a superior force if they are outside of Dutch territorial waters. [As of this time, Dutch Territorial Waters is the surrounding waters of Oranjestad and Fort Baai, the surrounding waters of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and Las Avas.] Hostile single players in International or Hostile Waters can only be attacked if They are shadowing or scouting the fleet. Have an AI fleet sailing under their command that merits them to have a significantly higher battle rating than their base ship, and is of similar rating to the fleet. If hostile player is in Dutch Territorial Waters, the player will first be notified about this. This warning can be from a private PM to the player, but most commonly will be said in the battle instance. If the player obliges to leave, then he should be allowed to escape, and should be escorted out of Dutch Territorial Waters. If the player resists leaving, being escorted, or begins to behave in an rude and/or unrespectable manner, then the fleet commander can use his or her judgement against the hostile player, which can be dismasting, sinking, or capturing. Name calling and swearing however should not used to attack the other player. If a lone player joins an opposing faction in a naval battle which the AI is currently being engaged by the fleet, he will be given the chance to leave the battle. If he or she stays and/or fights even after being warned, then it is permitted for the enemy player to be attacked. The only time hostile ships are permitted into Dutch territorial waters is if they are below the rank of lieutenant, are not scouting, and are not attacking other players. If they attack players that are larger than them, they will be warned. If the hostile player does not leave or fires his or her guns at any ship, they will be fired on. Rules of Engagement of Fleets. A Hostile fleet can be engaged in territorial, international and hostile waters. Hostile fleet should be contacted before the engagement begins. The Dutch Antilles fleet does not have to state the purpose of their location or campaign to the enemy. Honors of war should be respected. Truces, if called by the hostile fleet, should be respected and decided by the judgement of the leading commander and/or majority of the fleet. If members of the Dutch Antilles Squadron are in an multinational fleet, then the rules of engagement are decided by the leading commander or majority.
  5. This was my reward? For 200+ hours of work... and... and... It's worthless?
  6. One hundred and fourteen coffers of tea in my secret warehouse where nobody will ever find! So, when trade starts up, will I be the new richest player now?
  7. From the album: DutchAlbum

    I think I won. 114 coffers of tea.
  8. If you use the zoom feature (the [ and ] keys) while using the home camera, you can possibly get the deck view that you want. You can also use that camera setting to change* the distance in the Open World camera, allowing you to zoom further away from the ship even after you leave the home camera. *I believe that it does not allow you to see further, but it just makes the illusion that the ship is further way than it really is by a slight distortion.
  9. CommodoreWesley

    L'Hermione in Alexandria, VA

    On June 6, 2015, I visited the L'Hermione in Alexandria. Here are some of the pictures!
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