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Everything posted by LeBoiteux

  1. deleted as she is not my favorite ship
  2. La Malicieuse French 9-pdr frigate 32 guns 1756 - 1777 High res : http://www.sothebys.com/es/auctions/ecatalogue/2011/un-hommage-au-xviiie-sicle-adriano-ribolzi-antiquaire/lot.81.html Armament : (historical) 26 x 8-pd + 6 x 4-pd ; (in-game suggestion) 26 x 9-pd + 6 x 6-pd Dimensions : 124'0" x 31'8" x 16'4" Built by J.-J. Giroux at Le Havre. Plan of the sistership La Brune : http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/82724.html Information J. Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, p. 86-88 - about La Malicieuse : http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=12538 - about La Blonde : http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=11117 Thank you very much for the info Malachi! Original post by Sella22 : http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/6241-5th-6th-rates-collection-with-plans/?do=findComment&comment=254965
  3. deleted as she is not my favorite ship
  4. deleted as she's not my favorite ship
  5. L'Unité (Alternative names : La Cornélie, La Touterelle, La Républicaine, La Fidèle) French Revolution 9-pdr corvette 30+ guns 1794 A way to get a Light frigate is to adapt in-game HMS Surprise (38 guns) to make a lighter version, that is the French ship before capture, L'Unité (1794) : Armament : (historical) 24 x 9-pd (Gun deck), 6 x 6-pd (Weather deck) (Source : Jean Boudriot, Historique de la corvette, La Créole 1827, p. 38) (in-game suggestion) 24 x 9-pd + 8-10 x 6-pd Name her L'Unité on the stern or La Cornélie, La Touterelle, La Républicaine, La Fidèle (her sister ships) Give her a different paint scheme than HMS Surprise To distinguish her from HMS Surprise a bit more, you might also add a figurehead as she most likely had one and that'd embody the ship name (for L'Unité, the Unity of the Nation against the Enemy...) Example : figurehead of French Revolution 40-gun frigate La Poursuivante ('The Chaser') built in 1796 (spear and shield missing ?) http://mnm.webmuseo.com/ws/musee-national-marine/app/collection/record/9806?vc=ePkH4LF7w6yelGA1iLESKelDn-gElxIANB61KjU2M0Src02M4BU4XDnBeAMAZJRF9Q$$
  6. Les serveurs PvP ont toujours été présentés comme des serveurs PvP/E. Mais l'école prépare mal à l'anglais... M'enfin...
  7. Il y aurait des joueurs PvE sans papiers sur les serveurs PvP ? Mon Dieu ! Que fait la police ?
  8. Comme on dit dans le Sud avé l'accent : "ça ressemble à un attrape-couillon, avé comme couillons les PvE-ers". ça a déjà été proposé. Pas sûr qu'obliger des PvE-ers à faire du PvP améliore le fun du jeu... Faudrait qu'ils soient OK avant d'entrer dans ces instances-là. Et puis des chambres, ça ressemble beaucoup au principe de NA Legends...
  9. Il pourrait y avoir plus de PNJ corsaires sur le server PVE, histoire de compenser (les PNJ corsaires + le PvP) des servers PvP.
  10. (just in help) it is "forged" papers, not "forget" papers - forged : forgé, falsifié - forget : oublié
  11. Crafting a Sol will take 1 day while crafting a brig will take a week. But hush ! It's a secret.
  12. I love small Corvettes/ship sloop. HMS Kingfisher carries 14 x 6-pdr, according to threedecks.org. She makes me think of the beautiful French 12-gun Amarante (1747) :
  13. 1) Navigation without anything wasn't that difficult, was fun and added a bit of randomness and danger : you didn't know precisely where you "landed". 2) Then there was navigation with 3rd-party tools, still based mostly on your compass, such as : http://tdamap.com/portmap.html http://burningsail.com Still a bit fun and much more easier. 3) Then there was the current in-game GPS. Nobody obliges players to use it. You can still use your compass and nothing else. That's what I do most of the time. And when I'm a bit lazy, I check ma location with the GPS. In sum, navigation without GPS added an activity while in OW, added content to OW... But there were lots of complaints in Steam review and NA forum, so... Navigation without GPS is still possible for those who want, but do we have to impose it for all, knowing some might quit because of it ? Combat is skill-based. Navigation could also be skill-based and funnier. All it takes is removing GPS (and... maybe add some more content in OW). Hardcore is the trendy keyword, so...
  14. On a compris que tu voulais que le jeu se déroule sous l'Empire Pas forcément ma période préférée... C'est ça aussi l'intérêt d'un jeu qui ne fixe pas de date précise. On peut RP la période que l'on veut.
  15. Et c'est inversé 4 ans plus tard : Décret du 27 pluviôse an II (15 février 1794) : « le pavillon national sera formé des trois couleurs nationales, disposées en bandes verticalement, de manière que le bleu soit attaché à la gauche du pavillon, le blanc au milieu et le rouge flottant dans les airs ». _____ D'ailleurs, l'inversion de 1790 se retrouve (toujours aujourd'hui) sur la cocarde. Mais une cocarde se lit de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur http://www.megafete.be/boutique/13033-large/cocarde-tricolore-france.jpg Louis XVI obligé de porté la cocarde tricolore (et de boire à la santé de la patrie):
  16. btw the first French Navy tricolor Flag seems to date back to 1790 and the Constitutional Monarchy (ie before the 1st Republic) : "Décret de l'Assemblée constituante des 24-31 octobre 1790 : est fixée la disposition des couleurs dans les différents pavillons des vaisseaux de guerre et des bâtiments de commerce : le rouge tenant au bâton, le blanc au milieu et le bleu à l'extrémité." Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drapeau_de_la_France
  17. NA timefranme : 1690-1820 +/- 10 years, that is, in France : about 100 years of Monarchy (1690-1793) : Renommée, Gros Ventre, Hermione about 20 years of 1st Republic (1793-1804) : L'Unité (HMS Surprise in game), Start of building of Le Bucentaure in 1802 from a 1787 Tonnant-class plan (right ?). (only) about 10 years of 1st Empire (1804-1815) about 15 years of Monarchy again (1815-1830) Je dis ça, je dis rien...
  18. Question bête : C'est quoi, un "trading manifest" ?
  19. I'm all for ship class packs (with mixed nationalities), much more than for national packs
  20. In any European navy, there were : - ship captures - shipbuilders travelling across Europe - copying and adaptations, e. g. French Panthère becoming HMS Amazon whose plan served to build HMS Myrmidon and sisterships - ships designed and built abroad - local preference (a given shipbuilder having his preferences) ie. a lot of "mixing". Were there British characteristics and specific innovations/design ? An interesting matter for a non-expert like me.
  21. Satisfaction in capturing a ship obviously comes not only from wining the fight but also in : 1) Selecting a ship in OW depending on her class (if you want to sail her) or her market price (if you want to sell her) 3) Being able to use her in combat or selling her Sometimes, capturing a ship also allow to test and use in combat a ship to can't afford in some other way. If it's just a matter of winning the fight, you just need to sink her. The diametric opposite of my suggestion for the same purpose. But yours forces devs to design an entire new crafting system for PvE server.
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