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Grim DeGrim

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Everything posted by Grim DeGrim

  1. Bonsun's Whistle - Driving Wives Wild Since 2013! (if anyone is wondering the context, my wife HATES the Whistle...I now use a headset)
  2. And the 1, ONE gentleman that did follow the retreat order: his ship blown up by the fortress he was attacking. The irony.
  3. IMAGINE!!!! A RUSE! That the battle could have so easily gone the other way. God, that just amazes me. And send correspondence! How much more outrageous does it get!?! It was an age that baffles me, but I am enjoying my studies thoroughly. How did they do it? A guy rows a boat to shore with a note? Was it by flag? How did the man find the king so easily / quickly? How long did such correspondence take to send back & forth? (it was 2 notes if, if I remember correctly). Craziness.
  4. Grim DeGrim


    You're Hairy Fishnuts. "The only time GnG ever beat a 6 man sOS PVP group was ONE TIME. You were in vanilla hercs and it was close to Ruddy. We were in Vengies and such, laughing our heads off about Vhercs and how much fun we were going to have with you. Without a care in the world, we sailed straight into your guns and lost 2 almost immediately...." Memories. http://forums.burningsea.com/forum/the-open-sea/antigua/93343-lf-pvp-pals
  5. I forget the reference material I read, but it essentially said that the Danes were in a position to "potentially" win the battle. They had ships in reserve that did not enter the fray. The British ships, pretty beat up by this point... Correspondence between Nelson and the (? Prince or is it King) of Denmark actually resulted in the surrender. None the less, if I have the facts less than completely accurate, it is a fascinating piece of history. One last note I remember: Nelson was given the order (... Option, I guess one could say) to retreat. It is said that he put the scope up to his blind eye and commented to his aide that he had trouble seeing sometimes I paraphrase. He sounds like an interesting gentleman.
  6. Hi Destraex, You made an excellent post http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3353-when-does-a-game-in-development-lose-its-way/#entry67002 While reading it, there were notes on balance. And this thread attempts to address that. The server solution is somewhat akin to utilizing a Tier based system used in games like WoT and War Thunder. Granted, those games being instance based versus server based. My concern is that one server or time period out weighs the others (eg, the period the Constitution is in). This is one area where, as your other post hinted, concessions may be required. Some balance is needed in the ship department otherwise, why sail anything older than ~1790? From the 2015 ship poll: 1600-1830 hard limit 1690-1790 preferred If the development team started with this time period, they must have a plan for addressing the different time periods (eg, how they would address balance).
  7. I must say -1 for the idea. And I question your motives. Hopefully admin takes note.
  8. Why did you change your response saying that you made a new account?
  9. It is amazing the similarity of this post to that of another thread that was locked (and deleted). Is this original,as I could swear it is even the same words that were used by the guy ...said he was a journalist from Rock Paper Scissors. Jonah.
  10. I break my silence on this thread (self imposed silence as my "pro" opinion was stated), to simply say "Wow". Most anti arguments to date have been in the realm of reason, but to suggest "serious risk of legal problems by including...". I won't even comment on the rest. Suffice to say that half of the gaming industry out there with mention of religion is currently at risk.
  11. Naval Action Days of our Lives Tribunals
  12. [partial list as I am sure there are so many more] Official NA "Sunk" Checklist: 1. SideStrafe 2. Jingles 3. Baron VonGamez 4. RAMJB 5. Squirrel 6. Bismarck 7.
  13. NA is a game steeped in realism. That means 2 things: 1. We'll probably want them hand made, as done in 1765 (+/- 60 years) 2. People tend to be gruarded (cheap) with their booty... And I am no different
  14. I'm a "Rammer", and Proud of It!
  15. This is a running thread. Post your T-Shirt ideas here. Naval Action Related...even if no one outside the community gets it. (No, the ideas don't have to be serious or commercially viable!)
  16. I found the Shannon, along with the nor her captain wrote to the captain of the US frigate Chesapeake: http://www.blupete.com/Hist/NovaScotiaBk2/Part5/Ch11.htm "As the Chesapeake appears now ready for sea, I request you will do me the favour to meet the Shannon with her, ship to ship, to try the fortune of our respective flags. The Shannon mounts twenty-four guns upon her broadside and one light boat-gun; 18 pounders upon her main deck, and 32-pounder carronades upon her quarter-deck and forecastle; and is manned with a complement of 300 men and boys, beside thirty seamen, boys, and passengers, who were taken out of recaptured vessels lately. I entreat you, sir, not to imagine that I am urged by mere personal vanity to the wish of meeting the Chesapeake, or that I depend only upon your personal ambition for your acceding to this invitation. We have both noble motives. You will feel it as a compliment if I say that the result of our meeting may be the most grateful service I can render to my country; and I doubt not that you, equally confident of success, will feel convinced that it is only by repeated triumphs in even combats that your little navy can now hope to console your country for the loss of that trade it can no longer protect. Favour me with a speedy reply. We are short of provisions and water, and cannot stay long here. "
  17. All is OK . A key will be mailed to you on Friday, to the email linked to your PayPal.
  18. *waves his hand in the air* These are not the guns you're looking for...
  19. I post light heartedly, but I've always heard he was short... In short, I do not know.
  20. The 25ft name thing is cute, I'll admit, but a complete exaggeration from a game play point of view. But it was a good recovery on your part The name on a 1980 x 1020 is sufficiently small enough that these only semi-old eyes often have to lean forward just to read. The names are conveniently placed to facilitate game play. Post #136 could work, but would be a poor substitute for a well laid out hud that facilitates efficient play. I'll concede that the person's name overtop the ship may not be the answer, but at least a number or nato call sign (insert whatever, as long as there is something). My last post on this topic I promise. I'll leave with a prediction. Firstly, I'm not convinced the devs will take the poll & implement the recommendation. To answer why, let's pretend IT IS implemented. What will happen upon release is that the masses will call for change on this item and it will be fixed to include an indicator over top of the ship. Why? Because it is perfectly reasonable to expect such a built in design that facilitates quality game play. PS-not even the admin can make me post again by asking a great question... Oh, and smoke covering the name is a great idea.
  21. I appreciate the tips on the clone stamp. It worked wonderfully (above is only to show that it was a successful edit - this is not a new submission) There are a TON of new submissions that are high quality. I'm happy to have kicked it off, and given the thread some attention it needed GRIM
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