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Everything posted by Cptbarney

  1. You will be able to name ships in alpha 3, so no need for it. if you want doe, maybe a way to add names to a custom list of names that can be picked up by the main array and used as a random name generator, but custom i guess. also we are able to save designs too, think relating to the mission itself rather than across the board (have to wait till alpha 3 drops).
  2. An armour viewer like in wows would be cool. However make it customisable so you can select which plates/sections you want to have, with x amount of armour on and it should put that armour on the relevant y amount of hull plates. Edit: minor spelling and sentence fixing.
  3. @Teraflame Jesus Chirst 18inch gun sinop lol, imagine dat in world of warships at tier 7 xD 16.2 inch belt with an extra 90% slapped on, puts yammy to shame. noice design doe.
  4. Yeah no, id rather not have another trashy multiplayer game where you must grind x amount of time of y amount of reward withing z amount of time. I'm getting bored of these types of games atm and its nice to have something different for a change. Eitherway with 3 devs multiplayer will not be a thing untill very far down the road or never since the amount of coding that is required just to set it up nevermind to keep it running. I get what you mean, but i think we should you know actually get the game working first, we don't have the campaign up yet. If they are going to do multiplayer it will probs be more likely to be something similar to HOI4 if anything.
  5. Ye, i wouldn't mind having a nation builder as well. But i guess that can wait lol. Maybe nation flags, custom flags, signal flags and ship flag? Dun worreh devs, just smoll thingies you can add laterz.
  6. I prefer the bottom design with only 4x3 18 inch guns. Just looks nicer. You call the one in the middle IJN Fuji or something (unless you want that for a really big ship with 20 or 21 inch guns or something).
  7. It's fine if it gets delayed to alpha 4, i'd rather the mechanic be working to a suitable degree than rushed (and also not to stress you guys so much). Cheers! 'w'
  8. To further expand upon that you could also instead of just all secondaries target another ships you can have primaries engage one 8inch secondaries engage some CA nearby, 5inches engage some light cruiers and the 3inches could engage some DD's. I would suggest maybe clicking on the ship then clicking on the gun picture itself and the clicking onto the target you want and even if it's not in range it will track said target (and a little message in red will appear saying out of range or something so you understand as to why it isn't targetting the ship at all or at the moment). maybe even going further as to select rate of fire as well for each gun type. Again this depends how much time the devs have. Still im greatful for this game regardless.
  9. Hmm, so we have custom battles (time to go mental ladz) , Admirals College (Historical battles only), Naval Academy (custom scenarios that function as fun learn to plays and as the tut of the games essentially.). Have some gud ideas here ladz lets keep it up and remember only 3 smoll devs so lets not tire them out too much!
  10. Flags would be cool. Maybe we could also have little badges as well beneath the location section of our posts like on the world of warships forums? Again different Badges for when you joined and participated or something. The only game stuff should be camos and flags if you are going to have in-game rewards but even then i would prefer forum stuff (too not make peeps scream too much). Ships are a no no as they would be a balance nightmare, plus most likely non-customisable which defeats the purpose of this game.
  11. We could have quality, mark and caliber. So highest quality and marks would 6 or 10 and they would improve accuracy, consistency, ease of use, ease of manufacture might cost less or more depending on how much experience the builders have with them and how cheap they can get them down to. While also increasing their attributes or just make them more expensive than previous marks so a quality 6 mark 2 482mm gun will be far cheaper than a quality 4 mark 5 482mm gun but the latter will have far better stats (the former would have good stats still but just cheaper to produce).
  12. Well i assume it will be like RTW's and age of sail, maybe with HOI4 featureds mixed into it. Or at least that would be my dream anyways and for the game to be well moddable so i can model my own ships and turrets and other stuff into the game lol.
  13. instant transmission as well for teh bois. 😛
  14. omg, dat accuracy doe, basically aimbotting lol. imagine what mark 6 guns or higher would be. or even 19 and 20 inch gns.
  15. I would like the accuracy panel in the top left to stay there when i click on one of my ships and to display whos its targetting and the rest of the relevant info. and have an option to toggle that on and off.
  16. Ye just saw teh patch notes, im excited now, but im wondering what dem new hulls will be as well. Think Nelson was confirmed, interested to see what others they had, maybe heavy cruiser hulls and some of the later light cruiser hulls?
  17. Omg, omg, omg. i can't wait and theres MORE changes and additions to come? Thats insane. Didn't even notice some of the issues above too be honest (am bad alpha tester lol) but nice they are being fixed. And YES finally we get to name our own ships! Also to further expand on yer point you can even have little silloutes slowly pop-up as they cross over the horizon line and get bigger, so like pre-rendering or something, that should give an even better idea of what to expect and also where the enemy is. Also should help with rendering as well since your pc doesn't need to render the full ship from nothing but from a pre-rendered image or model. Im expecting in alpha 4 to see custom battles, maybe that Admirals Academy for historical battles i keep banging on about and also i would like to see ships have signal flags which provide some bonuses (only small) to help with formations and also a few other things. Another thing i would like to see eventually probs in alpha 4 or alpha 5 (which im gonna predict is when the campaign will drop in full) is captains and maybe voiceovers as well, so that way you can hear crew members and the captain speaking (such as fire, taking fire, aim! we are hit! enemy dreadnought on the horizon!) that sort of thing but not spammy doe. My final suggestion would be to have different Shell types, ranging from Semi-Armour pierecing, High Velocity Armour Piercing, APBC, APCBC, APHE, Palliser Projectiles, Sankaidan, Splash colour shells, HE-I, HE-T, Special common, Shellite as well plus TNA for different charges. Oh and you could also have different fuzes like nose fuzes, delay fuzes, base fuzes, Proximity fuzes, Time fuzes. Plus illumination rounds and smokes rounds like ILLUM and ILLUM-MT and for powders maybe prismatic and Nitroguanidine. Cheers.
  18. It should be loike RTW where you have to spend monies on having a chonkier dock in general for big shipfus. Im at 14/23 mostly been doing long range combat, unless the missions forces me to play otherwise essentially or if i get bored and charge in lol. Gonna try and build smoll but punchy BB's and see how they do in the various missions. the pre-dread mission i might as well build ones with fat belt armour and gud guns for HE spam.
  19. ooooooooooh, i can't wait for the next patch. Kinda excited as to what it will be too be honest.
  20. Nah thats easy to do, just create a leaderboard that is generated at the end of every match (global event basically) have it displayed publically and i guess gather info from any of the relevant arrays and variables they are using to calculate and store, damage, kills, structual damage, hit percentage etc. This sort thing is very common in multiplayer games plus i guess some singleplayers so you could just find the relevant code pieces on github or anyother open source code shareing website. I havent coded for ages doe and i wasn't great at it either but from what i remember thats how i assumed it would go.
  21. Hopefully we can just add are own as well as choose from a list of pre-made names anyways. This thread seriously needs a troll emoji lol. And a spolier button.
  22. @Teraflame Does it come with an inbuilt reeeee speaker too? Noice ship doe.
  23. Jesus imagine what yer pc would be thinking or rather...screaming lol. Can't wait for alpha 3 doe. Nice too see your here as well btw. 'w'
  24. I would night fights actually, makes me wonder how the devs would implement those and what kind of mechanics they would change, adjust, make to introduce an interesting way of fighting. I think doomstacks will be inevitable but then at the same time due to soo much rng theres a chance that doomstack could become weak and even die off (although not as consistent some may like). Guess it depends how much tactics will influence fleets in general among design choices.
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