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Everything posted by Cptbarney

  1. Sorry for the intrusion but where are the screenies stored? just checked c drive and the UA folder but i can't find a screenshots folder at all. T-T
  2. I don't know from my experience of playing the game so far, big guns tend to hit more often in bigger ships.
  3. Maybe just buff secondary accuracy after a few volleys, i mean with the amount of shells they pump of they are bound to be very consistent at some point. obviously sudden, course and speed changes plus damage to the guns themselves and towers woudl hinder that but still.
  4. Is this like kiting and dodging in wows? I've noticed kiting with BC's seems to be the way to go. I never knew bigger guns were more accurate too be honest, thought there were other mechanics behind the scenes that determined a guns accuracy (so making secondaries less sporadic i guess and aiming more of the superstructure and deck). I just had a crash were miss zao from the chinese empire almost rekt the entire italian fleet and got away but i guess the game didn't like the fact i was about delete a smoll cl too hard.
  5. Guess we will have to wait for the first major update after the upcoming minor balance and bugfix update that will arrive soon (unless it already did then whoopsies). I actually like the timers (for most missions anyways). Think people actually forget that this is the first alpha build.
  6. Not really, once countermeasures came into play subs became irrelevant very quickly even more so than BB's in general when having to engage ships. Those events could of been avoided with proper screening and scouting (CV's could easily spot Subs from the air and some where even sunk from the air). Maybe not all of them but probs most. Never heard of sub being spotted and still sinking an enemy ship after a decent engagement. Either way subs will only be a supplementary thing like in RTW (unless they actually change it) so that possibly won't be an issue to worry about in general.
  7. Guess they forgot about rule the waves lol. Not sure why he assumes subs would be the end of bb's since they were notrious for being useless in straight up fleet combat scenario's. (few scenarios where they outright sunk enemy combat ships by themselves Im guessing this game will take place between 1880(0-9) to 1942-43, looking at the current tech and hulls in the game so far. Which is fine since thats means more content and replayability (although balancing will become a pain once more things are added in).
  8. Yeah use big guns calibers 11-13 do wonders against the little sods lol. They seem to soak ungodly amount of damage from smaller caliber guns. I think i finished that mission but forgot how i did it lol, was just happy it was over 'w'
  9. Ye, i know its based of rule the waves, should of mentioned pseudo empire building (unless UA won't have any bases for you to take over and invade projecting even more power i guess). Regardless i would still love to see CV's in the game. You would then have to factor into consideration AA groupings and also how your AA overlaps with each ship (depending on how far they are from each other) and what kind of bonus or negatives they would get while performing certain tasks, manuvouers (can't spell it soz) etc. I guess subs could be added but they never really had much of an impact during naval fleet conflicts (raiding, harassment, ambushes is what they excelled at generally). Im guessing the game starts from 1880? since that ironclad is from that era and im guessing it ends at 1942? since you have yammy hull and radar (1939 is when radar started to become promenant). Thanks for the link btw! 'w'
  10. Those are some pretty nice changes, shame i have uni stuff otherwise this game would be on like 24/7 lol. Can't wait for the next changes, loving this game so far! 'w'
  11. Yeah, unless you get consistent direct hits from large caliber guns, taking out transports is kinda of a pain. Especially when they have no armour so you would expect a big boom. But then this is an alpha so we just got to hold onto our bearings for now. 'w'
  12. I hope, bigger guns with quad turret becomes a thing in this game. Maybe not massively large but still, variety and all that. Odd calibers would be a neat feature would make your ship more unique! (even if it's that much more effective).
  13. Ya! I wouldn't mind seeing smoll aircraft carriers in the game. Essentially since (or at least im hoping) that this game will have a pretty decent focus on shipbuilidng plus some empire management too! (would love to see 19, 20 and 21 inch guns). Also would allow for moar academy missions and maybe even recreating some of the more in/famous CV's. 'w'
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