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Everything posted by Cptbarney

  1. Probs similar to RTW's. Im hoping its a mixture of RTW's HOI 4 and maybe some or a few aspects of Total war.
  2. Well its obvious the devs will focus on the campaign hense why they said anything else that people want that isn't the campaign, signifying that they will add this stuff in small numbers while also dedicating most of their time to the campaign, mechanics and immersion (the big three i think are the most vital). Otherwise what everyone has said so far is fine and solid, this is just a reference list for the devs to come back to if they run out of ideas or get writers block or creators wall. So yes we read this part, theres nothing wrong with the suggestions so far as i would be surprised if the devs focuses solely on these suggestions and not 70-90% of their time on the campaign getting it ready, fixing bugs, fine tuning, adding more features to make it more intuitive and also to make it look pretty too! Im pretty sure they are working on the campaign now, and will release a lite version or maybe the current iteration of it (since this is an closed alpha after all) so we can poke and prod it and send relevant feedback, which then they can take maybe 1-6 of these suggestions (depending on workload and feedback workload) that they can then add to the game as they go along.
  3. Vereh noice, also welcome to the forums! And your post is defo fine for this thread (mine so but eh). Ryujo and i think that cruiser is either mogami or atago but either both are noice ships.
  4. Size, gun caliber, tonnage, role (to some extent), technology and weridness of the nation at hand (if any).
  5. Im more interesting in playing the game as it is, a sandbox builder first and foremost. I don't mind historical ships, but if there was no customisation or build your type of ship stuff as there is now, i wouldn't of paid this game the slightest bit of attention, so yes i want to see the mental stuff added in since thats fun, however make sure to add the option for those who don't want that stuff or even limit it via treaties (pre-designed or made up by yourself) to create further immersion. Wouldn't mind seeing the game being pushed back to 1880 and having some werid designs from there to come to furition plus lots of werid hul varients and inspirations from said hulls.
  6. Eh it's fine, people use the same poor arguement for not balancing things or not playing the game properly (team-based online games come to mind, like world of warships, war thunder, paladins, csgo) and while they are just games, that doesn't give said person the excuse to act like spaz and be a general downer to everyone they meet in game or some people in general. More complex formations and also AI are a must (although AI's based on response tress can only go so far), various things like voices (mentioned this in a few posts above yours) from the crew as you zoom in closer reacting to differnet 'micro-events' (ships firing, spotting ships, idle chat, boasting, fear, ship on fire etc.) Plus greater freedom of structural placement and a greater number of IRL hulls as well as any 'paper' 'fantasy' and 'semi-complete' hulls that were made or ships designed but never got to see the day of light (poor sods like amagi and graf for example). Frankly the designer at first should be to test the waters at first then expand upon the results after a few battles (or even just one) and adjust them or scrap them when needed (obviously causing problems not just financially but with spys going 'lol he scrapped his BB's so we get him now!' or something less cringe). Too be honest what the devs have managed with such a small team is very, very good. Look at the let down that was mw5 and how it looked like one of my level design projects at uni lol. For the next ships i want to see, Bismarck, KGV, Richy, Belfast, Fiji, Prinz Eugen, Graf spee, kuma, tone, fletcher and some other ships. Maybe battlecruiser lexi hull as well if at somepoint. We would probs need a 'Free Port Store' or something like steams workshop for player made assets and effects for ease of download and access.
  7. Just make it AI Controlled for when the ships actually reach their target and start unloading troops or troop transports or both, otherwise before hand you coudl escort them or control them on their way to the beachfront. Could have troops unload and some AI soldiers run about firing rifles, marksman rifles, sub-machines guns, light-heavy machine guns, shotguns, flamethrowers etc. But more for cinematic and immersion reasons as landing them onto the beach or whereever would be the actual objective itself. Maybe some light shore bombardment and if they ever add some strafing runs from player (maybe just AI generated or possible basic player designed ones) planes.
  8. Yeah, we could have voice acting or maybe if you zoom in close enough to the ship you can hear crew ambience like shouting, peeps giving orders, crew reacting to certain events (ship on fire, ship firing guns, recieving fire, pen hits, bouncing hits, spotting ships etc.). Doesn't have to be all serious as well could have a few arrogant qoutes or phrases especially if they are on a huge BB and they spot a few light cruisers would give the game more atmosphere and make the crew more human.
  9. Im, not sure myself if they are doing it in steps (so release parts of the campaign) or fling the entire thing at once into our faces lol. But eh predictions are rarely right. I need to play more will probs play like 3-4hrs tommorrow.
  10. You should group yer ideas together in that new pinned feedback thread opened up recently, since they are very good and would be nice to have in (and toggeable incase it gets too much for some players pc's etc).
  11. Well there were night engagements in RTW so that concept will hopefully be greatly expanded upon once the campaign is out and then feedback taken into consideration for alpha 5 (because im assuming campaign comes out alpha 4). Also would add some cool effects to the game as well in general and would generally be nice to see overall.
  12. Well it's good to know its only the smaller stuff that needs doing, so maybe my prediction that the campaign will come in alpha 4-5 will be right (think i said alpha 4 originally). Im guessing it will be the campaign with a few nations first to test out the campaign mechanics ingeneral, so that they are fleshed out for release.
  13. Yes pls. Quick pls. make it grews in teh game. thonks. 'w'
  14. Yayyy miss pudding is teh game!!!!! (or will be soon) For stuff more important the campaign, the ability to move pieces on the ship hull in whatever way we would like would be good, plus different variations in ship hulls and also types (so more light cruiser hulls, BB's, BC's etc). Maybe better sound design on some of the guns or just alternate sounds as well, crew would be nice as well but will probs make the game pretty complex but could add very unique ways of playing and even ending ships. Oh and more freedom with guns and the ability to resize barbettes as well and placement options. Maybe ships with radar and radio have somekind of idle chatter or chatter going on when certain events oocur (ships spotting each other, firing at each other, damage reports etc) when you zoom in close enough. More formations, plus shells types and also better AI in general. Also new shell fuzes and propellants too. Camos and decals would be cool (like putting the ship name on the ship itself or a symbol on the side or deck or something). Maybe islands with installations and defenses plus missions that take place around land (so bombardment missions, stealing prototype ships etc). Otherwise thanks for teh game!
  15. Basically barneh will take all ideas for muhself! *Gleefully rubs hand together* 'w' But seriously i doubt theres anything else to add at this point the devs will hopefully start adding these suggestions in one by one or more depending on how complex they are. Happy new year ladz!
  16. yeah, i think other ammo types should be added in as well, since i doubt they used APCBC back in 1890. Plus each ammo type can have adv and dis such as better velocity, better speeds, pen rates, damage, module damage, cost, weight, complexity, time to make, max quality, reload etc. again would give more replayability and also choices that the players would have to make in tight or unusual events.
  17. Should have Filler type, Propellent type and fuze type (where avaliable) for peeps to choose. Although i suppose it could make things more complex and harder for the devs to balance (maybe a sub category inside the propellent tab?) Also different effects for the relevant stuff above so being able to figure out what is what is a lot more efficent. Plus you can have different effects for each one (even if they are slight) and sound effects too.
  18. Think it was due to it being highly complex to implement (since you have to take into account other ship amour schemes and layouts plus also where the model could actually join up together), Im not sure if the devs will go back to it but i know they are focusing on getting balance out of the way then showcasing the campaign and getting feedbakc for that, not sure how seamless the modular construction would be if implemented. I would like to see it implemented at somepoint however, but done properly and not shoved in haphazardly without second thought. Not sure if that clears up anything at all.
  19. Quad turret were leaked a couple of months back, so they will be a thing possible alpha 4 or 5 at the least. I think they are working on making ship building more fluid (i hope so anyway) so that we have more control on how ships look and stuff. Depends if they hard coded most of it or they went down a more open source route (hopefully) if they went for the former you might as well forget it, the latter that will probs come alpha 6+ or during beta and/or release. Think there was a thread made by @Absolute0CA i think or least he came up with some gud suggestions.
  20. Isn't this thread surpossed to be about feedback? I mean its great and all people having convo's but trying to read feedback consistently and effciently when 2-4pages are taken up by arguements doesn't really help. We should have a general discussion or arguement thread somewhere so people can talk without issue (best to put here since this will be the most viewed sub-forum). Otherwise we are just clogging the thread up with pointless posts.
  21. They should, if they start with planes from 1910-1924 then they can get some pretty good test results with planes of that era. Also since planes back then were slow it allows them to make adjustments at a more peaceful grace rather than going mental and stressing over making it way too slow or fast, also it allows them to scale the stats up to around 1949 for planes then (would love jets lol but thats for another time). I don't see why not and i would love to see carriers as well, but also remember to include to the option to opt-out or turn them of if peeps do not want to play agaisnt and with them in general.
  22. You need to adjust your designs so that you can build three, so that means sacrificing somethings to have 3 weaker ships. im guessing these missions exist to get us to build stuff properly so when the campaign rolls up we can't complain too much.
  23. Yeah i would love to see this personally, and we can ask more direct questions as well and will allow the staff to sort out suggestions, queries and other things more effciently. Also this keyboard i got for christmas is actually pretty good lol. Merry christmas!
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