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Dibbler (Retired)

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Everything posted by Dibbler (Retired)

  1. I have some issues with games and windows current version, often setting to run in win 7 compatability sorts issues. Worth a shot, although run this game with no issues on current windows.
  2. Actually i will probably get more PvP helping in the zones lol. Will be a fun way to burn my dlc ships, US coast i hear is in need of some spiritual aid.
  3. Sink me if you must but i shall rise through the divine right of DLC each dawn.
  4. In the interests of ying and yang, i pledge to all nations i will not hunt within your rienforcement zones and will actually aid in defence of the home port where possible. Ghandi
  5. Only the pickle allows you to say on entering battle: I say sir, I seem to be in a bit of a Pickle.
  6. I forsee.. Master Shipwright DLC - Choice of any upgrade 1 per day
  7. Not sure about a 7th rate dlc but a 7th rate patrol zone would be a hoot.
  8. I suggest you look into post ww2 german arrivals in south america, many fleeing people from the war set up new identities in south america with the aid of the red cross and the catholic church. To say you could not change your identity in real life (especially in 1700-1800's) is wrong. Can't see the harm in it myself, after all is all magic beans.
  9. This captain certainly learned this, be warned non believers. Although used correctly can be a good counter against leeway. The last comment from the Captain in question was; "I still love her, every acre of her."
  10. Just open world AI ships. I was in a l'herm 299 crew, and other ship had 303 and pulled me . No big deal just caught me offguard as not fought AI in long while. Was always if AI had 1 more crew they would try and pull, just wondered if you guys knew DD didn't affect AI.
  11. Hi Not sure if is way it should be but determined defender doesn't appear to affect AI ships.
  12. You know to participate in a shallow port pattle at the moment DLC ships are needed, thats just way it is and have bought a herc if i want to. Nassau patrol you need a group of DLC content ships or basic cutters to make it worth going. We all know both the DLC ships are waaay more powerful than any other shallow water ship. I tend to run from them if in a disabled crafted ship, and thats way it is atm, herc masts seem weak, req though are a pain but been told if you take it's front mast they suffer. Req masts are real low also so don't use top of sail as where to fire at them. We need a DLC 4th rate next and finally a 1st rate, perhaps a DLC rocket ship as upgrade to mortar brig. If gets $ in to fund game then is all good, although i would suggest more balance with ships that are crafted vs DLC.
  13. Yes the Spanish do seem to suffer from a sense of humour deficit from time to time.
  14. I say sir there seems to be some salt in your chat.
  15. Also repairs and rum, got to have those to, every time you redeem and they slowly regenerate over sail time. They should also be able to drop IFED's , improvised floating explosive devices to hamper chasers.
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