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Everything posted by xAzDKr

  1. Did you hit f11 and submit a bug report? Not much can be done though the forums beyond guessing and inferring. Sounds like you made some sort of an error or there truly was a bug. As for losing your trader snow, you shouldn't have tried to board while outnumbered, simple rule of boarding, especially when boarding AI who always have a considerable number of marines. And as for the fire deck guns, that is a temporary bug. It has been stated by staff that eventually you will actually fire you guns instead of just clicking the option.
  2. Not quite sure what you're going with this. The crafting system isn't skill based at all, it's based upon how efficiently you can produce mats (through trading, trader hunting, etc.) it is a very grindey system and is not very rewarding.
  3. Talents do not have a place in this game. It will nullify the actual skill required to play the game. A good captain in an under crewed frigate can sink a bad captain in a fully crewed frigate, even though the fully crewed preforms better on paper. If anything, this game needs more systems to make gameplay MORE skill based, not systems that reward mindless grinding and no PVP. The only place your suggestions may have a chance are in PVE servers. Maybe. The idea of missions and events has been discussed and is already in development, although rare in server at the moment. Like I said, skills and whatnot have 0 place in this game, it will take away from the realistic aspect of the game, make it too arcadey much like WoWS and will push out a large majority of this games player base.
  4. Maybe not their original owners, I'd prefer for them to return to neutral
  5. I support this suggestion on PVE servers only.
  6. 10/10 got what I expected from the title, would recommend to a friend.
  7. xAzDKr

    Steam problems?

    Restart the Steam process, I had a similar issue, there was a steam update that screwed things up. Should fix it for you.
  8. Huge -1, as rice said. This is punishing players for being less active. This also forces players to play the game a certain way.
  9. the way I see it, Pirates shouldn't have their own ports, they should operate out of free ports and really have to work for a living, this would also force them to be much more "realistic" that also opens up the door to more additions, such as flying false flags, etc.
  10. When in doubt, blame the Brits eh? Despicable behavior, but this is the internet and trolls will always exist. This won't be the first or the last time a similar situation will occur, and it happens to every nation.
  11. I like it, I'm sure it has been brought up by many people, I know I've discussed it with clan mates and it would be quite useful to have a store of ships to give out to members as replacements/rewards/etc.
  12. No, he is making a point, you just don't agree with it. There is no need for transparency and they do not have to reveal their information, allegiance, etc. unless they want to. Why is that so hard to grasp? This isn't the presidential election, it's pixel ships and the mods are 100% volunteer.
  13. (out of character) it is nice to see someone forming a PIRATE group and not a BLACK FLAG NATION group, looking forward to sinking you in the future and capturing your Pirate Frigates
  14. I had one of those yesterday, a Pirate knew he would not escape us so he rammed anything he could hit and then attempted to board someone, once in the boarding minigame he braced the whole time and let himself sink. However, that is only the second time I have ever seen that happen, some people choose to go down and bring the ship with them, and honestly I see nothing wrong with that.
  15. How would it be abused? Any ship fast enough to run circles around a 5th rate can have it's crew demolished in 1-2 attacks, and thats before any broadsides are fired. I believe that boarding should be possible if the ships are both under 10 knots and both are within 1-2 knots of each other.
  16. Why punish those who attack a port that they do not know is defended? I understand certain people exploit it, but theres no need to change the mechanic, change the people and punish those who exploit.
  17. Should've made a poll to gauge our opinion on polls
  18. I hope that missions are changed so they feel less grindey and more useful
  19. In the end: the moment the devs start helping specific nations is when this game starts to die. I agree that changes are needed, but they must be equal across the board to prevent any sort of issues down the road. For example: the protected lands I suggested in my first reply to this thread.
  20. I'd like to see more nations as it does offer the opportunity for more roleplay and PVP, alliances, etc. but I do agree that nations should have *2-3 safe ports that cannot be captured, say the capital and 2 close by towns, this gives the nation an opportunity to rebuild after a losing fight and begin working their way back up.
  21. This system can too easily be abused by those less honorable and other scum of the high seas in a manner of ways that would be detrimental to the port attack, I believe the current system is the best case scenario. While it is frustrating that some people may join who are not intended to, with the right coordination this can be mostly avoided. Remember, this is a game where you fight as a nation, not as 1 clan/group of friends.
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