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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Ya'll keep doing what your doing. I mean I might bitch and scream at times, but I got my money worth on all my accounts way long time ago. I mean I got around 4-7K hours on this game in more than one account so your doing something right. Though the more recent changes have been towards a very good direction and they are keeping me and others happy. There will always be folks that won't be happy and just want to hate on every thing. That is why I think you should add one more rule to the forum rules about none players trolling the folks that still play. Sorry if you stop playing the game than shut up and let the rest of us enjoy it. No reason to stick around and continue to be negative cause you didn't get your way or the game you wanted. It's the Devs game and as you have said many a times, "We build this game for us."
  2. Sounds like some one got beached and didn't listen to the warning and than got owned by AI or players...lol I'm waiting for the first port battle where a whole team of scrubs ends up beached and complains.
  3. Did Willis or one of your students help you draw that up? It's only missing "TEX Dies here" part of Willis battle plans drawn up...lol
  4. and don't be a noob like me and forget to change your sails or hit your fat fingers to go into manual mode and wonder why your only going 4 knts on a ship that can go 10+....I swear between my luck with RNG and my very stiff fingers from years of using hammers and impacts this game kills me. To think I use to be an office Bitch in the Navy and type over 90 words a min....but that was such boring work...lol IE this is why I get owned in games like CoD cause my fingers aren't all twitchy like some silly teens lol
  5. I'll just be happy with a cannon looting system too. That way I can steal some of them off the ship (not all) before I scuttle her....lol Would make my pirate very happy. BATTLE SALES or just manually control your sails when you are ready to make the shot. Honestly if your leaning that much than you prob need to slow down for a good shot, which also means your opponent on that side is prob leaning and showing his belly to you too. Yah AI been doing some silly stuff, but we keep joking they are better than some of the players we fought too now cause of it.....really there are just some guys that are going to suffer so hard cause they still can't manual sail after being in game long enough to make Rear Admiral. Than again when you only fight AI who needs to know that stuff? Not always the best option in some cases better to neutralize one of your sails to get the same results. As much as they suck watch AI and you notice they actuall do this more than depower. I mean it's not hard to just manual sail a bit to get the desire results when you need it. Also watch your belly cause if your rolled over and showing it it will give you leaks.
  6. I have an alt that carries the mortar brig perk just for port battles. One of the reasons some folks think I wasn't in a port battle when I was and calling it..lol, but that put a side I'm all ready seeing even more improtants in bring one for some of the port battles. Specially the bigger BR ones that are in closed harbors or such which can be very deadly depending on the wind upon attack. Even in a big battle we lost I still sunk a 1st rate or two before I was taken out, so I can just see how deadly they will be now. Not to mention against silly AI. This just means you can't bring all SOL's, you will need to mix it up a bit on both sides. Even though on GLOBAL we defended it several time, we found our make up of defending ships at Cart was not doing well. I spent most the battle in a L'Ocean trying not to sink. Good thing was that meant they weren't firing on the rest of my team, but it started to be a pattern where I decided it might be best if I stop bringing a L'Ocean to that port battle. Now the shallow entrance is even more deadly to fight in cause you can get stuck easily in there. Maybe pick better ships, better entry point and judged the wind better? All part of being a good battle commander and being able to adapt to changes in the battle. While I don't want it to be a simulator too, but this is very true. It will be hard for some, but easy for others, but we should not be holding every ones hands and we should not give every one easy mode. You want the cool end of game stuff you need to do the hard end of game content. Now I bet we are going to see a lot more smaller ships taking on big ships and mixed up battles. Well we can hope. One of the things that drove me crazy back when we would be fighting all the time in GLOBAL was almost every one in BLACK had full sails while I'm sitting at battle sails. Than they get stuck and can't pull out of bad situations that all I had to do is pop full sails and pull right out. That was back just after the wipe where every one was doing tanked out LO/WO ships with some doing WO/WO and I was over here with a Teak/WO. By the end of things it ended out the guys that did the best in battles and stuck around was switching to more the WO/WO and Teak/WO misses and going for more the over all all a rounder ships than tanked out slow tug boats. Slow tug boats are targets in my book. I did enough of that being on an Aircraft Carrier in the Navy (as some call floating targets). So hopefully we will see more folks use Battle Sails in battle. There should be some perks like better accuracy (give full sails a penalty to accuracy). And I like your point about not sailing directly at your target. One battle I commanded every one was like why are we going this direction and not straight at them. As soon as the wind change which was a 50/50 bet on going the way I wanted it to, they understood. We took the wind from them and caught them dead in the bad wind and was able to take a much stronger force in a battle we should of lost from the start. This is going to be even more key with the new wind mechanics.
  7. Yah been noticing that too, it's like, "HAHA you have to come back and get me."
  8. Yah every one wants to nerf the Wasa but none of them really think of the 4th rates old states that where OP when they came out cause they had nothing of that class to compare too. I think bumping the BR up a bit on the Wasa in @Liq example 1 above is the best bet until the other ships are balanced and is a quick fix. Give the other 4th rates bumps to there old stats when they came out and you will see a lot more folks like them. So that we had ships of specialliies. Wasa can stay the jack of all trade but master of none, but he actually has to be that if that is it's role, right now he masters to much even with being limited now to PvP marks only. With that Hermonie should be CM as she is a good balanced ship that is not good at anything but better than most in that class over all. That was the perfect ship balance for CM ship. Than put the 3rd rate in as a CM ship since we have some new 3rd rates coming in the future. It will give her a role between the 4ths and 3rds as a cheap ship folks can just buy and jump into for OW engagements.
  9. My first battle against a Essex and Connie in my Bellona with those new cannons on both decks was fun. I mean waithing for every to reload (didn't have any other guns on it either, just those 24's on both decks). Destroyed the Essex in three broadsides but when I got to playing with the Connie he beached himself. I nuetralized my sails and used just enough wind to push me back from the shore and remain at his side. Poor connie just rolled over and died lol.....this is so going to be fun in battles with folks that have no clue how to sail. Actually going to make battles very interesting and places like that you will want o pick different ships that might not be effective as much in close shore battles. That and maybe we will see more folks actually using Battle sails in battle instead of running full sails.
  10. I heard they didn't show cause they feared that new Russian clan that no one can pronounce [UISK] Ushkuiniks. Glad some of the guys showed up cause I totally got the time wrong. Was all ready early morning thinking it was EU time and than forgot and got on late after it was over on US time. Yah never let me give you time or direction for things folks...lol
  11. First off get your facts right. I have one main char and 4 alts (one I bought the last x-mas sale so not even full level after a year). Unlike some of my former clan members i didn't farm the crap out of alts to get Marks. I might of did one battle or two before the wipe to test it out, but I didn't run it over and over like others did as I didn't think it was right. So unless you have proof than you need to back your statements up. Oh and to list off my alts pre-wipe I had 4 Pirates and one Danish/Prussia so I didn't have chars in other nations I was in war with. Now with the merge I have 4 Russians and one Pirate (my original EU pirate I been very vocal about keeping for Sunday morning bored play). I get all my resources the old fashion way through trade or ports we own. Out of my chars 2 are level 10 and 2 are rank 8 or those 4 all are Crafting rank 50 I did all the old fashion way. I have one char that is still mid level and I"m taking my time to level him up. Hell he's only crafting 11 right now. If I was abusing alts than all my chars would be rank 50 by now. So I will welcome devs to check my chars any time they want and just have to message me and I'll give @admin or @Ink all there names cause I don't play dirty. Please review over the games rules. And my statement stands if some one is caught breaking the rules, it doesn't matter if it is myself, clan mate or any one else. They should be punish them harshly and that will fix the alt abuse problems. That has nothing against you or any other players, it's just a fact you want to curb a problem you deal with it harshly. Any one notice that BLACK split into three nations with the merge? There might be a reason. I left the clan and won't talk bad about it but a few of us joined together to make a Russian clan and plan to play by the rules and make a new name. Some stayed Pirates and others went off to another nation. I wish them all the best of luck, but if any of them including any [UISK] Guys get busted cheating I hope the devs punish them properly. As for any one in our clan we will also do our own punishment depending on the actions of the player and the officers vote on such violations.
  12. Are maybe now there isn't restrictions folks actually logging in to play more than just one part of the game. Really are all you EU guys so freaking salty that you don't get your way any more? Well I should say a few of you guys cause I meet a lot more that are embracing these changes and enjoying the new players added. Who gives a crap about a small window, we should worry about all player times not just the one a few of ya'll play in. I bet this weekend you see way more than 500 players on too as folks get settled in and can play during EU and US prime times. Oh wait folks don't tell me Aegir is another one of them ELITE EU guys that don't even play the game but just logs on to be crusty cause he can't get his way any more?
  13. That is way out of time line..just joking hope you have good luck on finding some info on it.
  14. Than expalin the none EU times being way higher than before? Hell I haven't even been on much cause I been busy with winter break as with many others I know. So you might want to check your facts a bit better. Hell last night there was almost 200 on into the wee hours of US prime time that is hardly ever seen that late at night. Now that I will say is cause of the break, but I been seeing large numbers during none EU times compared to before so take your full of crap some where else. It's Wed night on a work night (not all of us have this week off) and it's 180 players. Normally by this time 11 pm at night it is down to about 100-125 on global and dead on EU. So that is telling a bit more players are on, but I'm going with the winter break on those numbers mainly. Why don't we all stop pointing fingers at each other and wait until the first of the year and see how the numbers are when every thing is back to normal. Either way none of this has to do with the Tribunal
  15. I remember in another game they tried to ban a player. Turned out he was going to a major university and it banned about 100 players that went to that school. So you can't just ban an IP. I Live in Houston, TX and use comcast which isn't a static IP. I know at least 6 other players most in other nations that live in the same city as me. To properly ban me they would have to ban that IP provider pretty much which means those other 6 players and any others that live in this city and use the same provider would be ban too. That is why Bans are done by account not IP. Just be strict to those that break the rules and you will see less and less folks abuse it.
  16. Not sure what I just watched, but about 10 video's later I come to a conclusion ya'll make a lot of butter?
  17. I believe it said after release they will work on more PvE content for both servers. That is prob why we haven't seen the Elite AI and such in game yet as it's not on the top of the list of things that need to be done first.
  18. Could ya'll allow them to attack neutral ports though? Than just lock the ports owned by player nations? It would give them some PvE content on that server and maybe have it wipe later on when ya'll can get to changing some of the codes.
  19. PvE would be a good server to test out map resets. Let them captured ports from AI only and than every so many weeks/months the map just resets back to start. Though honestly the three HARD CORE PvP Nations should never have been added to that server. At least not with proper mechanics.
  20. I don't get why they are tripping off ships you gave us for free or to test things. Ships they would have on both servers if they had an active char on them. While I didn't play I made sure to log into both PvP EU and PvE after the wipe to make sure I had chars on all servers. Though I do think one round of forge papers might be good for a few folks that still want to change nations. I mean if I could give them one of of my many papers I would.
  21. Cool finally special cannons to test. I assume this will be a nice test for us before they bring in some French, Swedish and other nation special cannons. @admin The paint is it going to be on the old system? Cause you said that the new paints will be like ship knowledge and we would have to do a ship wipe to bring them in. IF old paint system is still able to be used than why not add paint chest to epic rewards and put them in the shop for a cost? And since my birthday is over (it was yesterday) I can stop being a scrooge. Happy Holidays for all and happy new year a bit early.
  22. Not sure what you call a win, but according to that you lost all 7 rounds. You can't sit and brace against a full crew AI that has Barricades and Marines. The only round you came close was the one you defended. While there could of been a lag spike or something but those first three rounds aren't wins. Also keep your distance and always have more crew than AI and you won't get pulled. Did you F11 it, they are pretty good about repalceing things when something glitches in the game, but remember keep your distance and always have more crew than AI.
  23. Maybe they are kicking them selves right back in. Funny thing I was like XOXO's oh great we have a dating service here now...best of luck to you guys. Teach them carebears how to do it. See you in the OW on one side or the other.
  24. That actually what I thought the crafting patch was going to be like going off last Novembers (2017) post about the up comming ship changes that most of the mods would of been replaced by slide bar or options when you craft the ship.
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