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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. Well my gripe is having to hire crew every time you select the ship, then re-hire them again and again and again when you change ships. Why don't the hired crew stay on the ship you hired them for?
  2. Yep, every time I switch to the privateer I have to hire the same crew to fill it up. about 800 gold every time
  3. It depends what your goals are. I went really hardcore this weekend to get started, but intend to only do 2-3 hours at a time in future. I don't need line ships and just like to contribute where and how I can. Being in clan helps with creating content and atmosphere. I like the Privateer, and really don't need to go beyond something like the Frigate. Others want to get to something larger and be more involved in the big events.
  4. such shame. bring down the hammer.
  5. It isn't mandatory, but they might view the port battle as being their own clan project if they built the hostility level to make it. It would be like a stranger crashing a party. Start talking to some of them and doing missions with them. Become known. Participate in building hostility with them. They want a good battle with friends, and are worried about whether random people that appear will be part of the team or might be enemy spies. (they will usually want voice coms for coordination too) Sometimes maybe clan leaders are control freaks. There are always some people you can't work with.
  6. Watching the french fleet emerge from the Dominica port battle, storm port Roseau, then sail back to Martinique yesterday was pretty magical. I was just spectating in a cutter, but I got to join the fleet entering the newly captured port and then sailing back home. I wish I had remembered to take a screenshot of the fleet sooner.
  7. I get 170 Ping to Global and 260 ping to EU, but I don't recall it ever mattered in the past when I played on all of them. Global population profile will presumably be more compatible with my playing times, and I hope everyone is on one big happy Universal server in the future anyhow.
  8. I get 6000 gold for sinking any lynx that sails by after I leave port, and lynx seems to be the easiest ship to sink.
  9. Instead of getting our undies all bunched up right away, let's work with the new system for a while and see what happens. This is my first serious attempt at getting involved in the game. It's obviously going to be a mountain to climb, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.
  10. Mere mortals like myself will be in basic cutters for quite a while.
  11. go to steam Library, right click on Naval Action on the list on the left side, choose properties, choose the Betas tab, choose to opt out of all betas in the dropdown list
  12. Are you using NA via Steam? I had to change the Beta setting to opt out of all Beta in Steam to get to the new servers.
  13. I have the yacht. Since that's an exclusive item, I'm guessing it isn't possible for other players to capture it? Or is it? Also, my understanding is that the yacht will always be available as a redeemable whatever happens to it or my characters?
  14. I went to deliver my rhum to Gustavia and was denied entry, then ended up at Hat Island because I couldn't enter any other port in the area. Maybe it will be different post-wipe.
  15. 4 of the 5 available delivery missions are for foreign ports. The one delivery mission available to a port of my nation is a commodity of with a weight of 250 per unit which will not fit in my cutter's hold limit of 150. I can't do any of them. That's pretty useless and silly from my point of view.
  16. Since we can't have traders ships for who knows what reason why can't we at least use the smuggler's flag with the Basic Cutter? I'd like to be able to sell my products in foreign ports. The Delivery Missions are pretty much useless. This is silly.
  17. I hope that indicates that we're getting close to the wipe.
  18. Reminds me of Queenie admonishing Lord Melchet on Blackadder youtoobs
  19. Since we don't have any free rum this time I decided to try making some, starting with making the barrels. The 4 ports on Martinque can produce all the resources, but hoo-boy does it cost a fortune to set that production up. Near 150000 for fir, oak, coal, sugar and iron ore production. I guess I will make a stockpile of rum and shut most of that down and set up new production to make something else. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I just wanted to give the process a try. Hmm, I thought smuggler's flag would let me enter foreign ports? I was able to enter foreign ports in the past, but today I couldn't. Does it only work for "traders" type ships? edit: another testbed wipe, so I'll have to set up production again. Unfortunately I never got to see if anyone bought any of the rhum I put in the shop
  20. Whoops - I see the test server got wiped. No more trading ships. Alas, all my stockpiled black ironwood lost. Back in the cutter...time for a new plan.
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