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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. Be AT the battle when it starts, or read about it in the newspaper tomorrow. (or in a couple weeks in the Age of Sail)
  2. "Alliance" with significant quotation marks, hmm. "Vassals" was the term that was being used. Many of us certainly didn't feel like allies at all, and generally the attitude from up north has been perceived as one having a bit of contempt. (not that any of us should take it personally, of course )
  3. Escaped to fight another day! You were too slow, so sorry. Shoot ya later, alligator....
  4. The previous situation already cost France dearly - the Vikings took half our ports in the heart of our territory and constantly threatened our ships not far from Fort-Royal itself. Are we supposed to put up with this situation and cower at their standing threat to "one-port" us if we don't be good slaves? Tackling them head-on and making the Occupation painful is our only option. We must fight. If we had let the flag of surrender stand we might as well uninstall.
  5. There's only one front now: the Resistance to the Viking Occupation
  6. Avro, you might wanna rethink your habit of sailing solo in to bad situations.
  7. The "relationship" you want is Occupation and Servitude. Those of us who will not be your slaves will fight.
  8. Nobody wanna get their little pixel ships scuffed, you know
  9. Honestly, I don't see the purpose or humor in this thread. If we are having a disagreement (to put it lightly) we should be able to get a couple of adults together to work something out.
  10. We are supposed to accept Occupation until a "ROE system" that may or may not happen months from now?
  11. Personally I thought we were going to give it another week or so to make progress, but some are not so patient. :/ I'm just one sailor, though.
  12. Most of us just want Basse-Terre and Grande-Terre back. Oh...and stop leering at our women! ;D
  13. Your "deal" was taking half of our ports. Not a good "deal".
  14. At this moment in Occupied France: -Danes bully and curse our French elders in their coarse gutteral language, pelting them with Danish Pickled Herrings! -Danes swill themselves drunk on our Burgundian Wines and soil our proud French boulevards! -Danes tax our French families to decorate the livestock sheds of Christiansted with Versailles Terracottas! -Danes fly their bloody banner over our cultured French children! -Danes pilfer our beautiful Parisian Furnitures and gift them to their goonish Swedish thugs! - ...and worst of all - those dirty dirty Danes - they openly leer at our fine French women!
  15. I almost had the chance to. He tagged one of our traders and then ran. He was faster than me and got away.
  16. Actually, I saw one 2-3 days ago. A beast of legend and myth!
  17. By occupying half of our central ports they've guaranteed a conflict - either they don't realize that....or it's part of their larger plan.
  18. Well, at least we're disabused of the notion that the Danes have any intention other than keeping France weak and ripe for the picking.
  19. Avro has a long standing habit of sailing solo into ill-advised places.
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