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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. The enemy uses numerous spy alt accounts inside nation to spot and report you in our waters. Ironically, the guns of our own forts protect the spies, because game iz dumb.
  2. Yes, the more ships the better. I wish we had more ships in different classes and for different nations, so I won't complain about any that we do have. The point isn't to min/max and meta your way to OP uberness. Enjoy all the ships, flaws and all.
  3. Condescending tone and refusal to communicate with anyone that wouldn't roll over and let them have their way == jerks. In the end they would only talk to a third party == jerks. We gave them a sweetheart deal in the end, and they sat in a corner and pouted == jerks. I work in a joint chinese-american project, so I didn't just fall off the haywagon in Kentucky. It works both ways. We ended up with stagnation. "Peace". People didn't really want to squeeze the Dutch after they stopped trying to fight us. Even without that they imploded on their own. We tried to play with the Brits for a while, but then it became apparent where the imbalance actually was and attention was redirected towards the pirates. Now we have the fight we should really have had all along, and the question is whether it can be waged within the structure of Naval Action or not. It is an experiment. I am trying not to take that tone. ICS made a deal with CCCP that was really intensely disliked by the rest of us. Leave it at that. The real crapstorm was the very personal bickering that erupted in nation chat, which is beyond the scale a noob like myself can understand. The inability of the clans to get a couple adults in a room to talk effectively boggles my mind. I stopped reading nation chat, just like I never read global chat. Anyhow, we exerted our control over our territories as we believed to be our right and forced a compromise which was very accomodating to everyone. Now CCCP is invading us for the third time since the Wipe, but fortunately it will provide the opportunity to create a natural resolution.
  4. Sandy, unfortunately you have joined us at a difficult time for a new player. France always had the safest home waters since the Wipe, until the last few days. A month or two ago you would have had space to get up to speed at your preferred pace. Right now there are few new players, which will doubtless leave you feeling alone (particularly in non-peak hours), and most of the experienced players are concentrated on a major offensive to bring PvP back to the "PvP Server". This leaves you kind of being the odd man out at Fort Royal, and having to ask for and wait for others to escort you to do basic things in the middle of a war zone is certainly not a very efficient way to spend your game time. Keep in mind that nation chat always includes enemy alts and agents. When I checked into the game this morning before work it was enemy alts and agents that I saw encouraging you to leave France. That is a major part of their war strategy - to make players leave France until Fort Royal is deserted. Whether you can find space to play your game in the current situation, I can't predict. I have not figured out exactly how I'm going to proceed myself, since I rarely play during peak hours. We are trying something new to fix the lack of PvP game on the server and give the nation a purpose other than hauling coffee and furniture, and it will be an adventure one way or another. It is good that you took the initiative to start this conversation. I'm sure many others have been in the same situation in other nations.
  5. Well, there's sinking, burning, explosions, ramming, bloody hand-to-hand slaughter, salt on the forums...oh, and the sunsets are quite nice.
  6. I'm thinking you don't understand the purpose of this game.
  7. Those ebbs are one of the big problems. Smoothing the population out over 24 hours would help retain players that are mostly on the servers when the population is lower, and people would not quit as early if they didn't see the population dropping off so fast when does drop. We don't need more players at peak times - we need them in the non-peak times.
  8. Cockeyed you guys wanted to sell all of us down the river to become a servant of CCCP for a few measly hand-outs. As far as I can tell PURGE doesn't want any deals at all, so they aren't going to be very interested in your critique. From the snippets I saw when we tried to communicate with CCCP for negotiation they were consistently just jerks. They wanted to dictate terms to their own pleasure, and had your man in their pocket and didn't want to hear from anyone else.
  9. We're talking about eliminating the port battle night flips so we CAN have one server.
  10. There is no agreement with pirates, so why do you think this would happen? CCCP gets their titties in a twist about stuff like that, so we're going to return the favor 100%. Can we please stop rehashing the old ICS disputes, which frankly NOBODY came out of smelling like roses. That ship has sailed north and it's time to move on and focus on the future.
  11. Welcome to understanding the reality Global Server has always had to live with. Time to move on from port battles to something very different.
  12. There really isn't much choice. When people can do night flips and work flips on their enemy they naturally do. The whole point of war is to make it unfair for the enemy. That's why port battles are a failing mechanic and regional control should take be something that take a sustained campaign of several 24 hour cycles to change.
  13. You aren't relevant to the agreement CCCP made. They were free to give notice, and we have always expected them to invade eventually, one way or another. (I actually wondered if they had stopped playing) The swedes had been telegraphing that for days. There has never been anything "cool" about the Danes. They have always made their intention to subjugate us very clear.
  14. Not like I could do anything about it. Oh well. They can take dots where you get to look at primitive blue UI screens, but they can't take the sea.
  15. You'll have to ask them about that. Not my problem.
  16. I'm hoping we can manage to ramp down on the personal stuff now that we don't have the easy avenues of nation chat and discord chat to perpetuate the constant bickering anymore. edit: I didn't realize that was posted 8 hours ago - somehow I got taken directly to it as if it was new
  17. The Terres are far from useless. They had great economic value and provided a valuable buffer to the north, but additionally there was also the contemptuous attitude of CCCP lording it over France which was intolerable. Anyhow, it is moot now since the game has changed entirely. Nobody knows where we go from here, but we do know that there's no going back.
  18. That sounds like a topic for negotiation. If somebody sinks my traders it certainly doesn't start a war. However, for CCCP it seems to be the primary mechanism that triggers them. I'm guessing there will be a lot more traders sinking from now on.
  19. No, PvP is just PvP. Occupying territories is a declaration of war.
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