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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Same here, hopefully bc the servers are still being updated.
  2. I wouldn't try until there is confirmation redeemables will not be lost.
  3. @SirTexasSir We actually have two laptops, but he likes to use the gaming one when working ? even though the only games he plays is crossword puzzles & Words with Friends. So excited about the wipe!
  4. My husband is working from home today. ? I'll have to kick him off the computer, give him some errands to run before I have to go to work. ?
  5. A few early moments I remember sailing from Mortimer to meet some friends in the Bahamas. We were going to pull a flag for a shallow water port battle. I got completely lost on the way to the meeting point, had to find a port and then figure out where I was. It was frustrating seeing land then realizing there was no port there, but still very fun. I loved the feeling of getting lost. And then on the way to plant the flag it was raining, making it hard to find the port. I also like joining my clan mates in missions or hitting AI ships, even though everyone was in light frigates or third rates and I was still in a basic cutter. I really enjoyed hitting larger ships in the basic cutter and trying to outmaneuver the gunfire. I loved the very first time I captured an AI trader ? and the very first time I sunk a player trader as I was not good enough to slow him down enough to board.
  6. It would be nice to see more 7th rates too Wish more people liked smaller ships and not just rates.
  7. Ok, now I need to attack an AI trader facing east or west just to make sure. Lol.
  8. I don't think it should close if NA detects TS or discord. Why try to deter communication? If you are worried about revenge fleets, my solution is get rid of the decimals on the GPS, use integers only, and hide the coords on the F11 menu.
  9. Love the paintings! Save them to Imgur or something & share the links.
  10. Please stop insulting each other.
  11. The problem with this is everyone is playing hop frog so there is little action. My suggestion to satisfy both parties is keep tps but bring back cooldown. Personally, I'd like to try no tps at all.
  12. Or for those that like GPS, limit it to integers only, no decimals. I for one would agree on complete removal of it.
  13. All looks good. Not sure about not being able to capture AI ships. ? I liked to use the trader brig I captured with my basic cutter for trading & broke up AI traders for parts.
  14. I'll be out there @TommyShelby probably in gray ships as good ones will be too hard to replace.
  15. I still think it would be possible to send expeditions out at ports for cards (like I think was originally planned), have those cards become collections when completed can be turned into admirality for something.
  16. May I suggest you update the steam page. The last news on there, at least when I looked, said wipe to happen April 19th.
  17. Couldn't you still send expeditions out at ports you visit for cards? Maybe have collections you can trade in at admirality for something?
  18. I'd like to see exploration missions & collections that can be turned in for items such as paint jobs, titles, or special sail customizations. Add to it a collection for rare fish, as we already have rare fish in game.
  19. I have boarded AI traders brigs and have no perk. Sometimes it can be pesky as it seems you have the right camera angle.
  20. Twice today I attacked a player LGV with a LGV fleet (or basic cutter with LGV fleet). It may have been the same player. As I was in a basic cutter I did not stand a chance either time when his friend showed up ?. There are definitely player traders around on the test bed. I suggest, if you are not a pirate, go by La Tortue & you should be able to find pirate traders. I was hunting by La Des in Swedish/French territory.
  21. I feel skill XP (and regular XP) should be given for capturing ships. I'm using the basic cutter, for example, to battle & capture trader brigs. So as I am learning how to use the ship, skill XP should be given.
  22. Let's keep on topic, no feuding please.
  23. I may just be a weirdo but do plan, as a casual player who only has weekends to play, to base myself out of a free port in enemy waters, even if it takes a month to get set up. So, if you are a casual player, with no tp between free towns, stay in your home waters. If you want to venture into enemy waters, set up an outpost on the border between you and your next nation (hopefully you are not best buds). Yes, it stinks for pirates as this again makes them a nation (waiting for raids and no pirate ports, although we can still have shipyards in free towns )
  24. You supposedly cannot get money or XP from Pirate vs Pirate, although I have not tested it.
  25. Maybe set up a main outpost at a VP port that is on the edge of the VP/France waters (not in game now so I may be wrong if France isn't your neighbor)? Then it shouldn't take too long to find an enemy. Or do defensive runs around your home waters as privateers don't mind the sail.
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