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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. jodgi


    We don't know the exact time yet, afaik.
  2. I used to think this was a weird sales object before crafting was added into the game. I was afraid the crafting would demand crazy amounts of time to do, so I was worried it would be something I wouldn't have use for. Even I can force myself to a bit of crafting, so those special ship blueprints would be viable to me. It is still a weak product, though. It appeals mostly to collectors. Just look at what Warthunder, WoT, WoWS and all those games have proven to be a fantastic source of income: Player's willingness to pay to accelerate the grind. Players achieve that by buying premium time and premium vehicles. Last time I checked WoT's main source of income was premium time, next up was premium tanks. They also have cosmetics, and it does sell, but it doesn't float the boat, so to speak. In Naval Action we have an additional deep set player desire you could tap into: Fear of loss. There is a tiny fraction of players here who love the fear of loss, for them it adds excitement. The rest of us get little out of it and dislike the idea of losing grinding time. Premium ships you cannot lose would be wonderful! If we could get stuff we're not afraid to lose the amount of players actively looking for fights in the OW and events would increase, maybe even sharply. That would be glorious! It's easy to avoid pay-to-win. The war is won with SOLs, so just don't sell prem big ones. You can even cap premium ships at 12lbs frigates if you're really worried. Premium ships would be pay for comfort, convenience and FUN! They would sell like crazy, too.
  3. jodgi

    servers up soon!

    Imagine the mindless fun in the event battles as everyone clicks in with their disposable ships! Timer
  4. Reserved for upgrades.
  5. Reserved for wood types.
  6. Update Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.: Alternatively use the sheet as explained here. _______________________________________________________________________ This game is no different than other games with moving and shooting pixels: Speed is life. I set out to document each ship's speed characteristics in detail in order to enable you players to make the most out of your given fighting vessel. Ships can have wildly varying speeds all depending on wood type and upgrades. The ships in this thread are made of oak or teak with no upgrades that affect speed, that means they represent the base speeds, with guns, of the ships we have in game. Things will change to most, if not all, ships still, so this is a work in progress. Not all ships are in yet but that will happen. The comparisons linked under each section are dynamically updated and you can highlight an individual profile by clicking on an item in the right hand list. If you wish to discuss the topic of speeds, it's best we continue the discussion here Thanks to: maturin for his work to make the speeds what they are today, balticsailor for his ships and work on some profiles and manuva, generaljake and Schutzengel for ships. Give it up for Game Labs who have made this ridiculously good game and made it available to us! Small ships Comparison of small ships. Medium ships Comparison of medium ships. Frigates Comparison of frigates. Ships of the Line (SOL) Comparison of SOLs.
  7. Can one of you Essex guys help me get a speed profile done for her?
  8. Provide examples so we're sure everyone follows, myself included.
  9. Imagine a swedish crafter waiting in Gustavia for NPCs from his outposts with the Dutch camping outside hitting traders out of boredom. Even if he crafts in a freetown, and those are almost always busy, it would be easy to single out Swedish haulers and cripple Swedish crafting. It would be effective economic warfare, but would it be fun?
  10. A lot of us believe in 1 min timers to make the OW hunting aspect skill based. This is, indeed, issue numero uno. They wish for us to discuss other things, but I guess "What the heart is filled with..." Minor issues, mostly fine the way things are. I don't think this is significantly relevant to skill. You're not wrong here, but I have a different perspective. This is skill in the same way brushing your teeth is a skill humans need to learn at some point. You can practise uncanny aiming skills vs. bots and still be beaten silly by a trained PVP player. I wouldn't even mind if we were given this kind of aiming: I'm not saying we should get it, but all these mechanical things are not what decides a high level PVP match. Those are still being worked on, I fully expect them to address the major issues still present. The top players will beat you (almost) without minding yours or their own HP bars. Focus fire is like one level above mouthbreathing and linefighting is just role-play, not particularly relevant to skill. You know duras is one of my "favourite" subjects. It is, however, almost completely irrelevant to skill enabling. You love the idea of no duras so badly your method of reasoning is inductive. You're one of the good guys, Raatha. You want PVP and 1 minute timers. That list wasn't all about skill, though.
  11. I understand your point much better now. But I don't worry. Events will spike with the perceived throwaway little ships but as soon as people get into more expensive stuff they will flee to the safety of OW running. Then there's crafting, "winning the war" and proactive loss averse ganking. The event grind exploit could end up as a small blip on the radar scope that might as well be a flock of seagulls. Even if events run rampant, it could be a good thing for the new guys. Glorious PVP is a fantastic way to be introduced to this game, at least it was for me.
  12. I wish it was so. I'm convinced the main reason is that the OW offers three choices: Run, win, lose with "run" being the most accessible and used option. Events offer only win and lose.
  13. I agree in general. Even low-end powergrinding options outside the OW is a possible problem. However, Admin has stated many times that "noone uses the events", so it doesn't seem like it threatens the OW population significantly. Fear of loss takes care of that. I use the events as my own little powergrinding room, though. I know that most players click out of the small events when they see an actual player queued up, because of fear of loss. So either I get really lucky and can have a PVP match, or I get the normal equally "tiered" bot enemy I can farm in total safety. I don't think that tribunals is an adequate way to police player behaviour after release. We are better off having automatic systems. For my own selfish reasons I prefer events without loss. I think the amount of players queuing for event battles without loss will increase sharply. I don't care about not getting xp, I value true PVP a lot more than getting rank or money for a santi. For that reason I actually think non loss events is a greater threat to the OW population than xp grinding events like we have today. I say that, but I'm not afraid on behalf of the OW whatever events we end up having. Whenever I poke at the loss mechanic vs. PVP, people pile up on me shouting that carefree PVP is terrible and that fear of loss makes the OW the nirvana of online gaming. Surely, this great mass of jodgi gangbangers won't leave the OW to grind in pointless events? The problem with events today is that noone plays them, why would this change? If events start sucking players out from the OW in the future, do we put on our fun-nazi uniforms and make them less attractive or do we dare discuss how to make the OW experience even more attractive? I'll be in my corner polishing my martyr's halo...
  14. You have been sleeping in class! Wouldn't maturin's suggestion help? I lol'd.
  15. Explain why opposed to prem ships, please. I'm trying to understand the motivation and line of thought.
  16. These guys are really hard to spot, so sneaky! Please close this crippling exploit!
  17. <Frantically puts on Barry White while laying out rose petals on the floor. Prepares a mug of pubbie tears for Doran and a shot of vodka for Puchu. I take some stolen Sobril that I chase down with half a bottle of whisky while chanting "Give peace a chance", which gets awkward due to Barry White. I run aimlessly around. Pass out> This is my life now.
  18. Realtime and perfect 360 without messing with staysails "T".
  19. I think you guys would be offended at the level of fakery already in game. I bet most of the hitboxes are already blocky. I do not mind at all. With all the balls flying from a sol broadside and the server has to handle up to 50 such broadsides possibly simultaneously, they have to do some creative stuff to optimize and simplify those calculations. I they have round hitboxes in the game now, I'd just take my hat off and salute them. Just imagine my triangles to be squares if that makes it easier. Remember the outcry from the linefighters when they lost guns linearly (well, kinda) with ball hits to the hitboxes? That's why I put in a gamey mast protection from the sides. Imagine what would happen if the bobs start losing masts when their side armor is down and receive several lucky hits to any shape mast hitboxes below deck? It could get uglier than the gunloss outcry... In any case, this is just a throw-it-out-there idea that the devs would know how to properly and economically implement if they like it and think it viable. I don't pretend to understand everything.
  20. I hope ya'll can appreciate what a gudpoast Laik just made. The most complete analysis of high level play I've seen here in a long time. I've been thinking about a thing to make rakes devastating without interfering with linefighting. Demasting by raking fire. The triangular shapes are suggested hitboxes for the masts below the deck, they don't have to be triangular, I just picked that shape for max novelty impact. The red sternfacing side represent a vulnerable armor area, or an area with few hitpoints, depending on how programming works. The two black sides facing stem would be thick armor or high HP, depending on programming. Fire from beam. The intention is to leave beam fire unchanged, even with these new hitboxes. Shot 1 either ricochets due to bad angle or is eaten up by a ridiculously large HP pool. Shot 2 has to hit an extremely small target surface, it could be made to just bounce off. At these angles balls can be observed bouncing off even weak/thin surfaces in the game right now. I have been told that big balls bouncing off little ships still do damage, the devs would know if this is the case and poses a problem for my intention of keeping beam fire as is. Fire from the stern sector. Shot 3 has a relatively large and weak surface area to hit and raking fire would be expected to connect with and penetrate the hitboxes for the masts below deck. From there we can balance the HP pool of the red surfaces to enable demasting from however many or few rakes we wish.
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