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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. But how can we comment on Essex' stats when us plebs can't peer review her performance? Nudge, nudge
  2. Well, what better thing to handle well than that?!
  3. Maybe Kutai doesn't know you can't demast a santi like that, or he's just twisting words to lee-kite the issue if he really just intended on keeping you in the instance? Griefing? No, but frustrating as hell for you. Big strategic win to keep your bad boy sucked out of the OW, RvR dudes prolly love this stuff. So, some form of Kutozov. My sig picture is taken at the exact moment Bonaparte understood what Kutozov had done to him. You have all my feels, tho, Tommy.
  4. Again. What is the reason to keep 5 min. timers? Why avoid the obvious positives of 1 min. timers?
  5. Since I am an obedient and well behaved kind of a guy... I'll start off by reinforcing what's been said by many elsewhere: Devastating rakes. It could be argued that even ridiculously well angled, aimed and timed rakes aren't devastating enough to enable 1 vs 2-3. Things have gotten better with the penalties of low crew. We discussed raking gun loss earlier, that sure would help. I've tried my best with gun loss, but I'm no programmer. I wouldn't know if you could slap a multiplier on balls coming from a given stern sector of a ship, nor if we want that? It could get gamey real fast. Crew loss penalties could be tweaked too. If your frigate has lost 100 guys and you stay in gunnery focus, maybe we could increase yard speed penalties? Rudder "shock". How would increased down time for damaged rudder work? Maybe make damaged rudder due to damage of the actual rudder "blade" take longer to fix than damage to the other parts? I can't tell if this is a good idea, tho.
  6. tdamap has been broken for me the last few days. Tested on three different computers, chrome and steambrowser.
  7. I don't get it, why is this such a problem? How is this an exploit? This was never intended as a hardcore game. The pirate role will be worked on, wait with getting your panties in a bunch.
  8. Join pirate to get the most training before wipe, most of us are pirates or have a pirate alt. Ask Doran about after wipe, but I don't think it's decided.
  9. The pen/armor thickness numbers are kinda useless unless you know the rest of the math. Santi side armor thickness 450 vs 42lbs long pen 300... I wish I knew the details of how it works.
  10. I'd love to see the source on pen values.
  11. This thread is going places.
  12. I hope they release premium ships. I'll buy every single one. See? Now I'll take the flak, not you scorp.
  13. So much this and your entire post! No doubt a lot of players will be immersed in the OW experience but PVP is laying bleeding by the wayside. Whatever this game is, for me, the core is glorious PVP. I desperately want to help encourage PVP in Naval Action.
  14. Have you checked out the guides section of this forum? There are text, pictures and YouTube vids there to nudge you in the right direction.
  15. Yes, as time allows. I could do YouTube pretties out of the schematics Doran wrote in his treatise. In the meantime, if you can do this in your sleep, everything will fall into place for you: Edit: will fix when back at puter.
  16. Maybe it would work. But they have stated it would be resource hogging and introduce a new source of bugs. But even if they turned away from more important things to concentrate on AI (T_T) and made it work, I would do my darndest to avoid risk to my resources. Just click out haulers in the EU low pop hours and make sure the americans are busy somewhere else. Not hard to do with the size of the OW and we would in effect be back to square one. Hauling goods is one of the most boring things to do in NA, why force players to do boring stuff? Does escorting haulers for a few hours sound like fun to any of you?
  17. I would prefer it if bots left players alone entirely, but I know I am a special snowflake when it comes to bots.
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