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(PVP2-US) Political Situation - Edit* No clan size restrictions - need more Diplo Info Please

El Capitano

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Do you know what clan it was that started the agression.  If you call the taking of your ports on the East Coast that was eminent domain and much need for  the USA.

SOL players mainly. And no the taking of the east ports in Florida was fair for the US to have and we know that. But closing in on Cuba and raiding Havana is just not fair to the new players that are just starting to understand the game. The only thing that they will accomplish is to kill the server's population.

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Senore Capitino,

Compliments for identifying the server. It seems that some players don't notice that posting an after action report or political brief is sigificant to the related server.

We have parallel universes here at UO.

Edited by Macjimm
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As one of the Main leaders of SOL and the head diplomatic officer I can assure you that at this time, we have no intention to invade Cuba or start a war with the Spanish. Whatever engagements that have occurred, my fleet has been advised to keep it limited to a friendly skirmish and essentially fair fights. I can appreciate your passion for your homeland and the new players coming from there, however my fleet does have honor when it comes to engaging players from other nations (unless you fly a black flag) so new players from your nation are safe. I am also aware that you do not wish to engage the US in any major conflict, so please keep the tones light and work with us diplomatically on resolving whatever issues arise. Mind you the members of SOL that are currently in the Key West area are roughly 5% of our player base and wish to have friendly PVP with other nations and that is all. If this is not an issue then I hope your Nation can respect those simple rules of open water engagements. The Remainder of SOL is essentially on vacation from conquest and wishes to focus on other things at this time, but has no issue with relocating to the Keys along with 2 other large fleets to respond to increased hostilities. If you would like to possibly suggest terms to the engagements please message me and lets work it out diplomatically. We do not wish to be bullies, there will be plenty of fighting as time goes on.



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Hello everyone. I've been one of the main SOL's ''raiders'' of the spanish coast. As you pointed out, bullying out new players is certainly a bad thing for the server population, and we do not want this to happen at all. As an example to show just how aware we are of this issue, we've actually have been attacking some spanish newcomers, on their cutter. We've been giving 'em some chain shot salvos, but we didn't actually sink any of them. It was just for the giggle. I mean, we even talked to them in the all chat during the battle instances, and I'd more often than not offer them black on white the terms of the fight, being as followed: if you ever want me to stop firing on you, let me know buddy and I'll let you live. Hell, I'd even ask 'em what's up and how they feel about the game.


So yea. As Grim just mentioned, we do not want to stomp you to the ground. And I mean, I'm glad that you guys actually kicked our butts today. You showed us what's up and props to you for that. We're just here to have some fun pvp interactions and make a game what a game is, that is a place to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Though, as a last note worth of notice, I hope some day all these tacos get you to catch me. For the time being, I'll be rollin in your near vicinity :D




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One more thing to point out about the ''killing server population issue'', if anything, I'm pretty sure all your recruits that were involved in the 20v10 battle going on near La Habana today, which you won hands down by the way, got 'em all pumped up. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's a good way to get 'em a good feeling about the game, and let them know there's a lot of action going on in which they can cooperate with their near comarades ya know. But you know what buddy, I'll actually change my mind on my last statement in my previous post. If you still trully feel that what I'm doing myself, with other players among SOL/USA near Habana is killing it, I mean man, you know more than me. You're actually a Spanish player after all, you can feel the vibe of your nation. 


Just let us know what's up buddy. I'll try my best to adapt my gameplay to what you're gonna be telling us. I'm just here to get us some pvp's interactions going on man.




Edited by RockNRollMachine
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I know you guys just wanna do some pvp and thats cool and yes we like to engage in fights too but people are trying to do missions around cuba and that is no open ocean...Good fight yesterday btw u put up a fight. But majority of the players u were fighting in the 10v20 were ARF or LDM no newbies...the newbs that were doing missions and were ganged by ur fleet where complaining in nation chat that was why we had to come defend them in the first place...if u want fair and friendly skrimish u can contact me anytime and ill do my best to assable a fleet and do our best to crush yours ;) .. but yeah spain would really appreciate it if no further raids on noobs were made in the shores of cuba :) happy sailing

Roberto de Castilla

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 10v20 were ARF or LDM no newbies

Hmm gotta get your facts straight buddy. There was pretty much 6-8 basic cutters chasing me around after I broke through your battle line formation ;) I'm pretty sure these guys went to bed in awe of what happened during that fight ya know. It's all about the hype buddy. I expected the lil guys to be complaining, but I mean, these were prolly players in their snows and stuff like that. They've learned the basic mechanics, then it's time to get them involved in the pvp scene no? 


Anyway, to get things straight mate, I can actually set myself some limits in terms of ship ranking I'm gonna be sinking. If you feel like a snow player is still a ''noob'', I mean alright then.


Oh and by the way, we just got in with another fight vs ARF and things got pretty messy. 5v3 for you guys, plus like 2 or 4 ai fleet. We lost a reno and you lost a frigate and a mercury. I can definetly see a rivalry growing out of this :D


By the way, we'd like to get a summary of Spain's geopolitical situation. Like, if you guys already feel overwhelmed on other fronts, I'll peace out and let you guys handle the beef where it's already at you know. Otherwise, we feel like this is a genuine spot to get some good pvp fights going on. 


And again, don't get me wrong. We've been kicking some butts, but we got our butts kicked too right? This is not a matter of stomping anyone to the ground. Just a matter of having some fun pvp interactions.




Edited by RockNRollMachine
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Please Let us (USA) know the main contacts for the Spanish Nation and we can possibly have some sort of agreements made that will suit both of our interests. You can contact me in game "El Capitano"


The main contacts for Legion Del Mar are myself, Juan Alfonso de Castella & Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros. We'd be happy to have a chat  :)

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18E is French Clan.  We current have around 90 members of which a core 30 are active most days.  


  • We are in a war with the Pirates over Guadelupe and the Lesser Antilles. 
  • We are at war with the British over Haiti, however we don't really intend to contest it.  
  • We have attack a few Spanish Ports around Louisiana, but don't intend to attack anywhere else. 
  • We have no quarrels with the USA, currently.
  • We are on decent terms with the Danes and Dutch. 
  • The clan is unsure of Sweden's intentions, as they seem to be colloborating with Pirates.  

StashofDoom is the clan leader, I am just a member so all this information is from my point of view.  



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Well considering you stole Florida, raid newly spawned players for 'pvp fun' against Cutters and continue to do so, we have been at war with SOL for a good while.

you keep saying new player but we attack bigger ships. And this evening you fought us 11 to your 16 ships that had a mix of ship between snows and brigs and ships up to a frigate.  how is that new players?  stole Florida that was eminent domain. You guys have over 80 ports to start off with.

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you keep saying new player but we attack bigger ships. And this evening you fought us 11 to your 16 ships that had a mix of ship between snows and brigs and ships up to a frigate.  how is that new players?  stole Florida that was eminent domain. You guys have over 80 ports to start off with.

Our new players in cutters report to us that your men attack them, the multitude of snows-frigates were the clans amassing to drive you back as we intend to defend our island. I do apologise but I am inclined to believe our own players than that of a clan who are currently engaging in open combat with the Spanish Empire. Furthermore while we start with over 80 ports, and while Florida was a particularly worthless piece of land to us you still took land that is rightfully a dominion of the Spanish Empire. I do concede however that fighting against you chaps is incredibly fun, and do look forward to further battles in the future :D  

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AUSNZ - Southern Oceanic Ruffians now has 20+ members on PvP 2 USA. 

By decree, my members do not attack other pirates - unless provoked or warranted 

We are not directly at war with any of the nations.
Our allegiances lie with any clan or nation prepared to pay us, or offer mutually beneficial advantage.  





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Our new players in cutters report to us that your men attack them, the multitude of snows-frigates were the clans amassing to drive you back as we intend to defend our island. I do apologise but I am inclined to believe our own players than that of a clan who are currently engaging in open combat with the Spanish Empire. Furthermore while we start with over 80 ports, and while Florida was a particularly worthless piece of land to us you still took land that is rightfully a dominion of the Spanish Empire. I do concede however that fighting against you chaps is incredibly fun, and do look forward to further battles in the future :D  

Quite so and i cant wait for you guys to get surprises and above.. it was a fun pvp battle.

Edited by Capt. Rice
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