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Booyaah's One Google Map to rule them all !!

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And sorry for not to be more precise, chinchorro is in the middle of the east coast of east island, like most pirate harbours are hidden in the "dark side" of normal traveler way. Tumbado is not rought, only the exact island is. There's 3 or 4 little islands and Tumbado is in one, the most north I think.


Anyway, there is many islands than are not the same shape in actual maps.


Another pirate port is in St Andres island at south of Old Providence named "San Andres" and the pirate port of old providence is named "Old Providence".


George Town in grand cayman, this Monday was english, not neutral.


At north or north east of West End in bahamas, there's a pirate port named "Back Up" shallow waters, but the exact position I dont know because there's many cays in that area and I think that not all of them are in the map.


In north key or cay of Bimini cays there's a pirate port named "Great Isaac Key" shallow waters.


At west of Key West there's a Neutral port named Las Tortugas but in this case my info is from before the 1,5 weeks servers shut down.


In the east side of Grand Bahama (the same where West End is) there's a pirate port named "Road Rocks Harbour" shallow waters. Is in the extreme east in the south coast


At south of campeche there's a pirate port named Carmen in the same point os Ciudad del Carmen.


At north of Tampico there's a pirate port named Soto la Marina. Is in the rought position of real town La Pesca.


Pirate port "Barataria" (shallow waters) near of New Orleans in the middle south od Missssissssippi River (Put I the correct number of S letters? lol). But that area is not like in modern maps exactly.


"Apalachicola", pirate port at south west of real city of Tallahassee. In the location of Apalachicola real town.


And last for now, "Las Sabinas" shallow pirate port in the position of real cedar key in west coast of Florida at north of Tampa.

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I just spent some time giving ports their proper flags. I hope you save offline versions of this in case of vandalism or carelessness.

Agreed, just checked the map and it looks like Spain's layer was removed.


Edit: i had it unchecked. . .

Edited by Bob2
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Yes I have a saved copy, but I see someone just mapped all of Mexico, I will do another backup later when I get home.  It looks like we probably have a good majority of ports mapped now, anyone wanna give me the updated count? :D


I'm glad I went with the public editing route, I knew trying to map this alone would be much slower, good to see the community banding together on this. 


There is a 'point 56' in Cuba someone forgot to add the name but I think there is indeed a Spanish port there...not sure if someone can check on it.

Edited by Booyaah
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I've been hesitant to add ports to this map because in my view, I don't want to make the job easy for the enemy. I would rather of made a map and distributed it to my guild or my nation but alas, I was living in a fantasy world. The map is gonna get out there one way or another so I might as well help. I have personally mapped 195 towns many of which are not on this current map. When I get back I will put the missing ones in.

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Dang, this is starting to rival TDA's map.  We still have a couple of advantages, but I assume someone will come along and figure those out as well.  I knew it was only a matter of time.

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Dang, this is starting to rival TDA's map.  We still have a couple of advantages, but I assume someone will come along and figure those out as well.  I knew it was only a matter of time.


Is this map you are talking about public?

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Yes, New Edinburgh was bugged -- put you in a little pond under the land. Very odd.


Also, roughly plotted another shallow Pirate harbor, Cayo de Sal (x:-79090.1, y:284576.4) which is and island just off the coast of Cuba and east of Carahatas.

Edited by GrapeShot
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Great job everyone, I agree this info should be shared by all, not everyone wants to continually battle in the same areas and discovering other regions without getting hopelessly lost will make it more enjoyable for all. The factionalists  amongst us can still distribute 'intelligence' about trade routes and fleet strengths amongst their own Clans nevertheless. Nearly finished mapping the Bahamas......

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