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Dear Admin

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Dear @admin
This game is dying and has been for a while..... If I had made this game, I would be doing everything to try and save it right now. You have repeatedly add things and made changes that everyone in the game hates or cannot stand. I find it astounding that you seem to be so blind to the facts in front of you, this game could honestly be amazing... But you are destroying it. I think this game could be amazing and it's sad to see a game that I have spent so much time in and had so many fun times with friends now about to die fully. 

I have some suggestions for you, in the hope you do something to help the game not die and maybe turn it back.

  • Offer some russian clans a 1 time Nation change and also change their ports in Russia to whatever nation they change too. (This allows a clan to be able to move without leaving people behind and also their ports. This also splits up the Gulf which is impossible to take and honestly it's what's killing the game since no RVR happens without Russian approval, so having one or more big clan will even out the playing field in the game.)
  • Implement a community council and actually listen to it. (A lot of the players that play this game have great ideas and it's sad to see people coming up with ideas and then them not being listened to or being told to basically hello kitty off.)
  • Remove Raider fleets (They are insanely dumb and shouldn't be in game)
  • implement @rediii corruption system. (I know you don't like Rediii, But he has greats ideas and the corruption one is a great idea.) 
  • Fix the tagging system it's broke and extremely bad.
  • Something to bring in new players is reach out to youtubers (that would be interested in these sort of game and I don't mean ones that already play the game and maybe use some of the money you have gotten from DLC to get media for the game.
  • Rework the Tutorial rewards (Honestly unless you join a clan at the start, this game is super hostile to new players and the retention rate is awful, adding better rewards would help those players and I know you tried to make them bad since alts, but honestly it makes no difference.)
  • You have already added in the new woods and it would be dumb to remove them, but you need to make them more accessible to everyone since right now it's just the people with the most money get them. Which already makes a game that is extremely skill based even harder for the players just starting.

These are just some on a long list of things that should be addressed to keep this game alive and see it grow. anyone else that has other real gripes about the game then please add them. 
@admin I really hoped you would look at these, but it seems you didn’t even have the balls to approve this msg my other post. So now that I don’t have to do wait for your approval I post it again 🙂


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1 hour ago, Runic said:

This game is dying and has been for a while.....

Is it?




If you look at the past 3 years, the game even recovered from a 2 year sub 1k population phase:



1 hour ago, Runic said:

You have repeatedly add things and made changes that everyone in the game hates or cannot stand. I find it astounding that you seem to be so blind to the facts in front of you, this game could honestly be amazing... But you are destroying it.

Maybe you are focussing on your personal exerience and not on the game as a whole.

1 hour ago, Runic said:


@admin I really hoped you would look at these, but it seems you didn’t even have the balls to approve this msg my other post. So now that I don’t have to do wait for your approval I post it again 🙂

I think approvals are done by  @Hethwill and not admin, but I could be wrong there.



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2 hours ago, Runic said:

Dear @admin
This game is dying and has been for a while..... If I had made this game, I would be doing everything to try and save it right now.

All games are already dead. 

"You hid in the ditch because you think there is still hope. The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a developer soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it.”

Ronald Spiers
E Company, 506 Regiment, 101st Airborne. 

I stand behind all changes in the game (they are all mine like 100% of all other changes). They are not liked now but they are good for an MMO. MMO with proper power and rarity and grind for veteran level crews, for rare officers, rare stronger guns etc etc. Its coming. Its just started from woods, but it does not stop at woods

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3 hours ago, Runic said:

Offer some russian clans a 1 time Nation change and also change their ports in Russia to whatever nation they change too. (This allows a clan to be able to move without leaving people behind and also their ports. This also splits up the Gulf which is impossible to take and honestly it's what's killing the game since no RVR happens without Russian approval, so having one or more big clan will even out the playing field in the game.)

This would only be a temporary alleviation of the problem, people would again gravitate towards the stronger more successful side and within a few months you would be back in the same position.


3 hours ago, Runic said:

Implement a community council and actually listen to it. (A lot of the players that play this game have great ideas and it's sad to see people coming up with ideas and then them not being listened to or being told to basically hello kitty off.)

So who decides who would be on this community council? I have seen some players suggest things that I would really like to see in the game but I have also seen many ideas that I personally would hate to see in the game. People always want what would suit their game style, but that may not suit others. They have already implemented a suggestions forum so high voted suggestions can be considered.

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41 minutes ago, admin said:

...... They are not liked now but they are good for an MMO.  ......

When it should be a massive multiplayer online game, then were are the players to classify this game as a MMO?
At the moment we don't have the player base nor an economy nor a meaningfully interaction of players.

It's more a FPS with ships.



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2 hours ago, admin said:

All games are already dead. 

Unless they're growing. Good games grow, bad games shrink.
dead games stagnate until the end of time.

1 hour ago, RepairyMcRepairous said:

I don't see why people in Russia need to move. They worked hard to build a strong nation.

The only thing that needs to happen is the 2 blatently obvious 2nd and 3rd in population  nations become allies.  Instead of monging it killing each other

There is no alliance mechanic in game. According to NA there is no such thing.

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13 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

Unless they're growing. Good games grow, bad games shrink.
dead games stagnate until the end of time.

Then NA is a good game. I have seen 85 players on my server on weekends.

Really, this argument "game is dying" is so overused, it has basically become a symptom for bad rhetorics if anyone needs to claim this in order to push his ideas forward.

Edited by Cetric de Cornusiac
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15 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Then NA is a good game. I have seen 85 players on my server on weekends.

Really, this argument "game is dying" is so overused, it's basically become a symptom for bad rhetorics if anyone needs to claim this in order to push his ideas forward.

a 6/10 rating is not very good. It's O.K. at best. The reviews ensure people who check out this game know what to expect.

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I dont see this game dead anyway and all games dead with time, NA is not an exception. Now we have a lot new interesting developments like new ships, mechanics, wood. Game is to much better than was in 2017 when i started play game.

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27 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

a 6/10 rating is not very good. It's O.K. at best. The reviews ensure people who check out this game know what to expect.

Revenge review bombing. They are no reliable measure, they are done by angry kids.

And then we have newbies in chat who express their satisfaction about the game and wonder about those reviews which almost kept them from trying out.

23 minutes ago, Despe said:

This is not because NA is die, is becase PvE server is bored for most players.

You should really talk only about things you know about.

The figure I gave is from autumn 2018, just in case you did not understand (and you didn't).

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5 hours ago, Corona Lisa said:

Is it?

If you look at the past 3 years, the game even recovered from a 2 year sub 1k population phase:

Did you actually look at the chart yourself, graph shows a decline in recent months not an increase or even a flat line. 

1. Steam chart includes carebears on PVE server.

2. Remove alts and the numbers would be lower by a third at least.

3. The peak B was release and a disappointment  the numbers didn't break 2,000 and stay above that number.


Edited by Urchin
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2 minutes ago, RepairyMcRepairous said:

A mechanic was never needed in the past, it's not needed now

Except now it's needed more than ever because Russia left unchecked consumes the map. There is no checks and balances because small nations can't band together.

1 hour ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Revenge review bombing. They are no reliable measure, they are done by angry kids.

And then we have newbies in chat who express their satisfaction about the game and wonder about those reviews which almost kept them from trying out.

Boo hoo. The players have spoken. Everyone looks at reviews, you can't be mad because 40% of people who own NA don't recommend it.

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My opinion 'bout NA, now? I love this game but become borin' for me, now... Why? Hummm... As hunter player, solo, Pyrate "RP", Patrol Zone 've emptied Open World. I can find maybe one or two rare good pvp fight in OW after 5/6 hours sailin' out of capitals. If ye sail a bit too close to capitals, ye lose 15min to escape Patrol Fleet to get tag again by another Patrol Fleet, nice!

'bout ships, ye (almost) only see Redout., DLC Vic... Snow, 32pd carros,why? (i love Snow but that's too much) Except Endymion, few 5th rates are competitive. 6th Snow is meta. 7th what 'bout Pickle? Cutter? Lynx? only Privateer... And how to know if it's a noob or alt or not? Ye tag, try to speak and finally lose time when ye let a newbie go (if he know how to use battle chat)

RvR, i don't care...

Economy, seems pretty fine.

Outlaws/true Pyrates 'till dont get any place in game

I'm slowly leavin' NA like @Pagan Pete did.

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Honestly, what do you think if you give the Russian clans a chance to change nations they would go away? Directly do a map wipe, put a population control,make a good alliance mechanic and special mechanics to pirates. in my opinion the real cancer of this game is the alts but it is impossible to reverse this, do like me and try to enjoy it while its online. 

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7 hours ago, Mannow said:

Do you stand behind this too?
No point even trying to get you to change. Youre just blindly screwing with the game, and you flat out dont care about players. 
You have truly earned these numbers. 
Give me my ban, these forums are utterly pointless.


62% is good for me. It means 62 people out of 100 love the game. 51% is enough to elect a United states president (sometimes 49%).
Evolving pvp games are polarizing and not all changes are loved.

We dont ban for critique, we only ban jerks like rediii who decided he can dance on the Seeferkel's memorial. You are obviously not a jerk, just a person unhappy with recent changes.. 


ps. The dollars from the 38% are as good as legal tender as any other currency. So we love their opinion too - they paid for it ;). I call this a win win.

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9 hours ago, van stiermarken said:

When it should be a massive multiplayer online game, then were are the players to classify this game as a MMO?
At the moment we don't have the player base nor an economy nor a meaningfully interaction of players.

It's more a FPS with ships.



WOW player count per shard is not different from NA ranging from 275 to 1400 peaks depending on the server. Total number is huge but you still see same 1000 people. Some time ago those numbers were reaching 4000-5000 per shard.
(there are plenty of services  like wow realm activity  where this info can be derived).  TESO has even less players per shard(server) and also split players by zones (overflows)

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10 hours ago, Mannow said:

go read the reviews, and tell me where they are wrong. The 3 biggest things are- Incompetent devs (fact), random, silly balancing, (fact) and constant broken promises (fact)

I know the reviews.

They are almost never written with objectivity on their minds, but out of emotions. Hate, revenge, disappointment, demands which were (rightfully) ignored, scorn of a toddler which has been deprived of his favorite abuse tool... This what you sum up is mostly about personal views which are not based on proven evidence, but mere personal assumptions. "Incompetent devs" - how can some spoiled brat from Idaho judge what competence in game development is or isn't? Not following their ideas, inadequate as they may come, is that defining incompetence? In the minds of such people, that suffices for that. It's easily written, and more easily copied from some other raging bull. And makes them look sexy in a horde of fellow idiots who share the 'pleasure' of bashing devs for some reason and cheer at every attempt. For them, it's just entertainment like the game itself.

A lot of outright lies in reviews as well. Lack of understanding, tunnel views on what is right, according to their narrow minds. How reliable is a verdict like "Bad game, bad devs, lol, dumped it after 10 hours, PTW"? On the objectivity scale, minus 5 out of 1-10.  I see that across other games' community pages as well. I don't think people who pour their testosterone into bad reviews or parade their illiteracy around have understood why devs changed this or that, actually because of same people contributing ingame to toxicity and exploits. Like we have latest changes in RvR port battle rules, flag etc - people protest about these changes because "it is no beta, no early access any more" while not seeing a long list of complaints and tribunal entries as trigger for change. More stupid you could not chose an argument, ever.

I thought once game developer must be one of the best professions on this planet, as artist and inventor. I changed my mind. Having to suffer from hordes of idiots trying to damage a piece of art they don't fully understand nor appreciate - that must be hard for developers who feel with their creations, as their babies, like artists usually do. And there is no defense on Steam, while every attack wave has economic disadvantages on their studio and future work. Do haters care about effects of their campaigns? Of course not. Do I have to remind into what asshat 'Banished Privateer' turned outside this forum once he got banned, while he isn't an idiot at all (I see him now on another game's forum and he is (still) behaving intellectually sound. But do devs there know into what he can turn into, once he is getting upset and turns away from a once loved game, for damaging same, by all means (slander). Prime example how hell-bend emotions ruin former objectivity. I hope they never have to find out.) ? That is what emotions make of you, if you give them free way.


That is the bad thing about reviews. Anyone can write them, and the worst characters do so the most.

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