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National Reputation Persistence (Karma) - Entry to enemy battles.

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48 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

You can attack all.

JOINING battles not.

Please people, READ.

So if one member of my clan or nation attacks a Spanish, he gets no -ve Karma, but i cant join the battle to support my own clan because i will get -ve karma? 9if we want to keep karma with spain)


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40 minutes ago, Raxius said:

i will attack russian ai... wait what if we want alliance with them later??? this mechanic is garbage

I suggest you read the main post before making statements like yours.
The karma system will only work on joining other nations battles. There is not a single mention of attack in the post.


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I am warming to the idea if — as I think I understood admin to say — it’s a first step to a Reputation system. That’s something I’ve wanted for a long time.

I would prefer it to be a good or bad reputation you earn or fix over time rather than it being just pay a penalty and it’s then all good. 

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13 hours ago, admin said:

Read the post first.
You can practice by attacking.. Attacking is not affected. Joining the battles is affected. Read the announcement first

There will be no I forgive you button. If you joined against Britain. Britain now hates you, because you were dishonorable and attacked under a false flag.  
Players might still love you, But you wont be able to reinforce Britain from now on.


People from other flags who join your battle and interfere (by helping the enemies) lose us more players. 


Ok thanks for clarification , i missread the flag v flag thing my bad 
One more clarification if possible just to be sure , let's say i'm British , a couple other brits tagged nation X but i wasn't pulled in due to being too far away so i join the battle latter on my own side, will i still get the negative reputation or this reputation thing is only for joining under "false" flag? (i understand and assume the latter but just want to make sure it is)

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2 minutes ago, John Sheppard said:

Ok thanks for clarification , i missread the flag v flag thing my bad 
One more clarification if possible just to be sure , let's say i'm British , a couple other brits tagged nation X but i wasn't pulled in due to being too far away , will i still get the negative reputation or this reputation thing is only for joining under "false" flag? (i understand and assume the latter but just want to make sure it is)

Bad Karma happens only when you join battle without your nation flag involved. In your example because you are the Brit joining British side, you won't get any negative Karma

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15 minutes ago, Hefestus said:

So if one member of my clan or nation attacks a Spanish, he gets no -ve Karma, but i cant join the battle to support my own clan because i will get -ve karma? 9if we want to keep karma with spain)


If member of your clan (For example British) attacks a spanish (assuming you are in the same nation, as being in the same clan from different nations is impossible) you dont get negative rep. Because you are both British. and you are joining YOUR nation.

The post refers to joining OTHER enemy nation battle. For example if you (AS A BRITISH) join Swedish battle against the Spanish. You will no longer be able to join Spain as support. Because this will be a hostile false flag act. Spain will name you a sworn enemy and the only way to clean up would be to pay a huge fine.


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19 minutes ago, admin said:

I suggest you read the main post before making statements like yours.
The karma system will only work on joining other nations battles. There is not a single mention of attack in the post.


i suggest you read what your community wants.. why implement a flag system for RvR when it was never requested.. the game is released and you continue to change mechanics with 1 DEVELOPER the RvR system is fine if its too easy to flip a port.. then make hostility take longer with more battles like you were originally going to do...

listen to the community the game is released you dont have resources to continously rework game mechanics... STOP CHANGING YOUR MIND!

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I would like to hear more details about the system though. For example:
How 'huge' is this fine going to be? Can you pay it in OW or do you have to be in port? 
Does the fine become larger if you have accumulated several instances of joining battles against 'x nation'?
Can you even accumulate bad karma or is just a 1 or 0 type system? 

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33 minutes ago, Cpt Van Der Hemel said:

Who asked for this change? I never got confused. Simple rule of joining with BR is enough. Now you will have all on Russian side of course. I thought this game is a sandbox not a controlbox. Seems like first of April topic to me. Remove restrictions and disparity that will keep people in. 

Hey. I asked for a change because this is an MMO (with coming RPG) 

Here is an example where player jumped to one battle first and then the next battle joined another side to interfere (passively without formally breaking the rules).

We growled about behavior and want community to act more often: kick people who exhibit bad behavior from clans and alliances, dont take them to fight at sea, and report en masse. Belfast was kicked by @Anolytic but such cases are extremely rare.

If we cant ask nicely for some players to behave honorably, we are now taking action ourselves and forcing the honorable behavior by game rules. False flag will be possible only once, which will make tribunals like the one posted by @Mr Kemosabe impossible. That player would have locked himself from other battles by joining on the kemosabe side.

As the creator of the Magic the gathering said - don't change the players,change the game. The speed of the platoon depends on the slowest member same with honor. The quality of the community is judged by worst cases.  We are removing those worst cases. 

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why not have ai attack you when u get so much negative karma.... or even be able to kill ai to improve karma.. etc

dont get me wrong i hate this idea and i hate that we are trying to fix changes being made on a released game.. the mechanics should already be set in stone...

or is "released game" mean something else?

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13 minutes ago, Raxius said:

i suggest you read what your community wants.. why implement a flag system for RvR when it was never requested.. the game is released and you continue to change mechanics with 1 DEVELOPER the RvR system is fine if its too easy to flip a port.. then make hostility take longer with more battles like you were originally going to do...

listen to the community the game is released you dont have resources to continously rework game mechanics... STOP CHANGING YOUR MIND!

Same reasons. We are solving OUR problems and Game problems, it could be so that you have never encountered them. (for example did not read, respond, checked logs, on tribunals)

Also on the side note - In terms of community proposals. Please check what players really want in this section. Dont forget to vote. 

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4 minutes ago, admin said:

Same reasons. We are solving OUR problems and Game problems, they are obviously not your problems.
Also on the side note - In terms of community proposals. Please check what players really want in this section. Dont forget to vote. 


i didnt know you checked those,, have you seen mine?? would love fleet practice to be returned.. it seems the only pvp content possible with the latest changes you want to make

check the top of the list of the link you advised me to check :)

and your problems are my problems.. infact they directly affect me and many other players.. check my steam hours.. ive invested more time in naval action then probably your developer.. so please listen to your community

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6 minutes ago, Raxius said:

i didnt know you checked those,, have you seen mine?? would love fleet practice to be returned.. it seems the only pvp content possible with the latest changes you want to make

Top proposals are reviewed by the team once in a while. Best = critical impact, but easy to implement proposals win and those who made them (meaning they understand not only the design side but also the technical complexity side) will get a superrare top port bonuses ship.


If your proposal is not on top by votes - community does not want it.

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11 minutes ago, Raxius said:


check the top of the list of the link you advised me to check :)


Your proposal must be in the pinned topics started by devs, as your suggestion must win against other suggestions. As other suggestions might be better or have more critical impact.

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8 minutes ago, admin said:

Top proposals are reviewed by the team once in a while. Best = critical impact, but easy to implement proposals win and those who made them (meaning they understand not only the design side but also the technical complexity side) will get a superrare top port bonuses ship.


i dont want a super rare top PB bonus ship i want and many want fleet practice i understand it was removed due to the release of Naval action Legends lobby system game which never really took off, fleet practice is an essential way for players to practice RvR which is more essential now then ever before.. due to the two investment patches first for port bonus and now for additional ponts.. this may require server resources it shouldnt be hard to imlement you had it before.. and lastly it isnt a drastic change and allows ALL nations ALL players to practice RvR before committing ridiculous time, resources and risk port investments.


many avoid RvR for these reasons the health of the game will substantially improve with fleet practice and thats my 12k hours experience worth.. but please rethink these latest mechanics bring back vote system to prevent battles with allies altogether... i get you want players to be honorable unfortunately i have yet to meet 1 honorable player as friends / allies / enemies change by the day and by implementing forged papers being honorable left the game. 

you allow players to change name and nation what does honour buy them?

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Just now, Raxius said:

i have yet to meet 1 honorable player as friends / allies / enemies change by the day and by implementing forged papers being honorable left the game. 

Thats exactly happening because there is no persistence and no consequences. 

We are changing that. Choices will matter
(the cost to clean up reputation would be almost impossible)


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2 minutes ago, admin said:

Thats exactly happening because there is no persistence and no consequences. 

We are changing that. Choices will matter
(the cost to clean up reputation would be almost impossible)


okay so my alts can be really reaally unr eputable but my main will be reputable and honourable

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9 hours ago, admin said:

You will no longer be able to join to support enemy nations if you have never joined a battle against that nation

This should ‘expire’ every 30 days, mostly because the situation against or for other nations changes over time, while OW dictates rules, there are always ‘exceptions’.

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12 minutes ago, Raxius said:

okay so my alts can be really reaally unr eputable but my main will be reputable and honourable

But you can only do it so often till they cannot join on any side but their own nation as eventually they will build up bad reputation with all other nations.

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28 minutes ago, admin said:

If your proposal is not on top by votes - community does not want it.

i think this change is good, but some reasons why the "community (a group of 20 people that downvotes)" dont want a change that could be actually good for the game is because it would interfere with their powergaming, just my thought on that thread :)

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Just an added thought - for factions you do help and build reputation with - could you potentially use custom flags for that faction when you are in battle on their side?

Say, hypothetically I helped Britain to a point where I got 25 reputation points, it would be nice to be able to choose to use the Harp of Erin flag when I joined a fight on their side.


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