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Seasonal Update: Welcome to the Caribbean - Part 2


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49 minutes ago, Smoothie said:

From what I have heard none of the real chinese players in factions like Prussia or Great Britain are willing to switch to China. So probably this introduction of another new faction didn't go well.

Then @admin has wasted development time when we are still waiting for other far more interesting stuff (wreker, rebalance of third and second rates).

Edited by Montagnes
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The process of switching nations isn't straight forward. Especially if you have items to shift. Couple this with the fact that some won't want to give up their safety , alliances , friends etc


Now if the so called 'impossible' nations had their own starting port...  or  if shifting 40 indias of resources , 20 + ships was easy... then we would have already seen more of them



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Peace server PB against AI. Port had 900 BR, yet AI filled in 1080 BR. Is there any bug with AI BR or is that intended?

Can anyone please clarify how AI fills BR in PB's? Is there set no. of ships that AI brings? Do trader ships counts towards AI total BR?


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3 hours ago, Borch said:

Peace server PB against AI. Port had 900 BR, yet AI filled in 1080 BR. Is there any bug with AI BR or is that intended?

Can anyone please clarify how AI fills BR in PB's? Is there set no. of ships that AI brings? Do trader ships counts towards AI total BR?


Raider battles have always been like this. This along with a few other not apparent need to do's make these raider battle a lot harder than they need to be. This may be why most dont bother fighting them but just wait and recapture the port later.

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2 hours ago, Raekur said:

Raider battles have always been like this. This along with a few other not apparent need to do's make these raider battle a lot harder than they need to be. This may be why most dont bother fighting them but just wait and recapture the port later.

This. If the ai zerg has the wind advantage, players cant even get into the battle in time against headwind  before the tsnows hit the circle(s). Not to mention that circles arent where the map shows them...

Atm it's as much of a challenge as rolling dice is. I am sure devs know there is much to fix in ai port battles, since they only let them attack low investment ports atm on PvE server.:)

Edited by Jan van Santen
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It's great that circles are not "where they are supposed to be" according to some bloody map. You became too lazy and comfortable.

If they were, it would be just a predictable, nasty nuisance to defend a port. And people do it half-hearted and semi-bored.

It's better like it is, a challenge. Surprise. Hard to do. No ready recipe in your drawer. - A good game needs to avoid routine.

And fact that people deliberately let raiders take over the place and just recapture a day later, needs countermeasures from devs. Like bringing severe disadvantages to a port being lost. Infrastructure destroyed. (if we had dynamic port growth, a reduction of port size and loss of some spawning trade goods) Just for making people more eager to defend and to fight for what they appreciate, their possession.

Yeah and I even propose this while knowing it could hit myself one day and you'd find me raging...


Edited by Cetric de Cornusiac
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9 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

And fact that people deliberately let raiders take over the place and just recapture a day later, needs countermeasures from devs. Like bringing severe disadvantages to a port being lost. Infrastructure destroyed. (if we had dynamic port growth, a reduction of port size and loss of some spawning trade goods) Just for making people more eager to defend and to fight for what they appreciate, their possession.


Well, isn't it disadvantageous enough that other clans or nations can grind hostility for that port the next day and take it for themselves?

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On 3/26/2020 at 10:17 AM, admin said:

Today in the patch

  • Chinese have started to arrive to Shroud Cay - It's up to you to stop them

So you really did it - chinese SOL in the caribbean.

tlhIngan nation jIH loS - that is klingon for "I am waiting for a klingon nation"

On 3/27/2020 at 3:52 AM, GrubbyZebra said:

I don't think it was ever billed as a "historical game".

It is advertised as "Naval Action is a hardcore, realistic, and beautifully detailed naval combat sandbox..." with historic ships and realistic sailing and gunnery. 

So it's "realistic" to have "historical" chinese ships of the line sailing in the caribbean. This has nothing to do anymore with beeing "realistic" with "historical ships". Or which "historical chinese ships" are they going to introduce?

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On 3/29/2020 at 9:27 AM, van stiermarken said:

we should not forget that the game is very special and only enthuses a small number of people. so, i don't think that the player base will raise that much when you introduce a new faction.

what for sure is bad, because the game is a pearl with a lot of potential (in terms of trading, ship building, stock exchange and RvR when we would have a clan wide diplomatic system)

all those new nations starting out from free ports would have it that hard to exist when they don't have the needed player base.

from my point of view it would be better to create all nation flags where player can select from (as ensign) and  sail then for the original main nations (flag on top mast). that would maybe bring more players to the game and they would also have a better start from scratch ( for example port bonus ....)

It's not that "very special". There are alot of people who would be/were interested to play this game. We already had alot of enthusiastic players. They left because of toxic mechanics and bad gameplay due to wrong decisions in the developement. Many players left the PvP server. That's not because "this game is special and only enthuses a small number of people". It is because they are getting rofl stomped the moment they leave a port. Every new player who gets ganked on his first sail with a basic cutter will leave instantly. Every nation that got reduced to one or only a few ports because of toxic zerg nations lost alot of players. And bringing more and more nations to seperate the nations even more is the last thing an already small playerbase needed. The long awaited, and promised, wrecker/De Ruyter is still nowhere to be seen. But we have another nation which had literally nothing to do with the caribbean or the type of ships we have in the game.


Setting wrong priorities because of the smell of incomes from the chinese market will keep this game "special for only a small number of people", not the genre or the type of game itself.


Edited by CptEdwardKenway
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24 minutes ago, CptEdwardKenway said:

It's not that "very special". There are alot of people who would be/were interested to play this game. We already had alot of enthusiastic players. They left because of toxic mechanics and bad gameplay due to wrong decisions in the developement. Many players left the PvP server. That's not because "this game is special and only enthuses a small number of people". It is because they are getting rofl stomped the moment they leave a port. Every new player who gets ganked on his first sail with a basic cutter will leave instantly. Every nation that got reduced to one or only a few ports because of toxic zerg nations lost alot of players. And bringing more and more nations to seperate the nations even more is the last thing an already small playerbase needed. The long awaited, and promised, wrecker/De Ruyter is still nowhere to be seen. But we have another nation which had literally nothing to do with the caribbean or the type of ships we have in the game.


Setting wrong priorities because of the smell of incomes from the chinese market will keep this game "special for only a small number of people", not the genre or the type of game itself.




players need to learn manners. 98% of the time i get a tag on a "newbie" its either afk alt or some dude who rages in chat like he is god; i kill him with pleasure


tag any GB player and they always "quit the game" because of it.. 3 years counting 


funny, gb still has players, yet they quit every time you tag them... 

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2 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:



players need to learn manners. 98% of the time i get a tag on a "newbie" its either afk alt or some dude who rages in chat like he is god; i kill him with pleasure


tag any GB player and they always "quit the game" because of it.. 3 years counting 


funny, gb still has players, yet they quit every time you tag them... 



Since when are you playing this game again? Have you wittnessed "black friday"? Where you there when there was constant attack from 2 nations on a daily base week in week out untill players quitt because they were burned out? No? So why are you even try to talk here.


And it's a straight fact that players are ganking new players in their cutters. But I guess you are one of the "high skilled" players who do so.

And who is talking about brits? Are your feelings that hurt that you come up with the brits bashing out of nowhere?


So keep your nation issues and wars out of this topic. Thanks.

Edited by CptEdwardKenway
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3 hours ago, CptEdwardKenway said:

So you really did it - chinese SOL in the caribbean.

So it's "realistic" to have "historical" chinese ships of the line sailing in the caribbean. This has nothing to do anymore with beeing "realistic" with "historical ships". Or which "historical chinese ships" are they going to introduce?

there are no chines SOL (so far) in game. only the nation itself for the growing(?) Chinese player base. Atm i saw only ALT players (mostly russian) sailing with this flag.

and i don't think that we'll see Chinese sail ships here, because then you must restrict those ships only to the Chinese faction. (would make sense).

and when you talk about historical then we must look at the pirates and restrict their selection of ships only up to frigates. (would make more sense too).

so I would say the game is based on historical facts and this would let room for other implementation - what ever this would be.

I can only repeat my wish here again - implement all nation flag into the game and allow players to select their nation flag as ensign within the selected faction and reduce the factions back to the original nations from this time frame.

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8 hours ago, Borch said:

Well, isn't it disadvantageous enough that other clans or nations can grind hostility for that port the next day and take it for themselves?

Trend is, this will happen less and less often. On PvE server (as far as I recall you are there too) we have agreements between nations and clans and there is not much sneak attack or surprise port taking left as we have "booked" ports as a reservation system and who is taking ports against the international agreement is a "rogue clan" (yes they do exist). Recently expectations go as far as to even small ports to stay reserved to previous owners trying to get it back...

Now ... that is beginning to cause me concern, because it is becoming a petrification of the existing situation (as much as I like the non-aggressive order playerbase was able to set up for PvE server). Some dynamics must stay on the scene or RvR isn't happening at all.

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2 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Trend is, this will happen less and less often. On PvE server (as far as I recall you are there too) we have agreements between nations and clans and there is not much sneak attack or surprise port taking left as we have "booked" ports as a reservation system and who is taking ports against the international agreement is a "rogue clan" (yes they do exist). Recently expectations go as far as to even small ports to stay reserved to previous owners trying to get it back...

Now ... that is beginning to cause me concern, because it is becoming a petrification of the existing situation (as much as I like the non-aggressive order playerbase was able to set up for PvE server). Some dynamics must stay on the scene or RvR isn't happening at all.

... whereby the RvR itself only consists of leaving a hostility mission well timed .....

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13 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Trend is, this will happen less and less often. On PvE server (as far as I recall you are there too) we have agreements between nations and clans and there is not much sneak attack or surprise port taking left as we have "booked" ports as a reservation system and who is taking ports against the international agreement is a "rogue clan" (yes they do exist). Recently expectations go as far as to even small ports to stay reserved to previous owners trying to get it back...

Now ... that is beginning to cause me concern, because it is becoming a petrification of the existing situation (as much as I like the non-aggressive order playerbase was able to set up for PvE server). Some dynamics must stay on the scene or RvR isn't happening at all.

And where exactly is this listing of booked ports? Did the russians abide by that when they took Asuncion today? The clan that owned the port before the Raiders smashed it was present to recapture it and yet the russians wind up with the port battle by seconds. 

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23 minutes ago, Raekur said:

And where exactly is this listing of booked ports? Did the russians abide by that when they took Asuncion today? The clan that owned the port before the Raiders smashed it was present to recapture it and yet the russians wind up with the port battle by seconds. 

Is your clan not member of our discord? Ask diplomat or leader about negotiations there. Asuncion meanwhile is too small to be part of any booking, this was done mostly about the biggest ports in the 20000 - 10600 BR genre.

Small ones are still free for the taking. If even I, as I posted, see tendencies to regulate even that.

What you criticize here, and Holm did before, I also do not like and treated this in a thread about El Soco half a year ago. It is not really a matter here (claiming rights to have first try on once owned port).

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I was beginning to develop an alternative to calculating and waging hostility missions but stopped. I do not really feel encouraged to continue suggesting things here as my suggestion threads frankly do not find the attention they deserve. People like better gossip topics with the usual suspects parading in them.

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1 hour ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:


What you criticize here, and Holm did before, I also do not like and treated this in a thread about El Soco half a year ago. It is not really a matter here (claiming rights to have first try on once owned port).

I know that tread

just as long as one (rvr) doesn't work satisfying, we don't need the other (raids which are hardly defensible)

Because of this combination, we lost a port that was relatively important to us, something like this doesn't help to improve the fun of playing. i admit it was a special case and as long as the raids are limited to unimportant ports, which are the not developed, i can live with that. but i am afraid that it does not always stay that way

Another disturbing fact is you can't choose the time for a defense, on a PVE-server where only one side consist of human players. The timer that to be set is not a real alternative, as it is much too expensive for everyday use. at least for small clans which don't have ports with great tax revenues.

Edited by Holm Hansen
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5 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Is your clan not member of our discord? Ask diplomat or leader about negotiations there. Asuncion meanwhile is too small to be part of any booking, this was done mostly about the biggest ports in the 20000 - 10600 BR genre.

Small ones are still free for the taking. If even I, as I posted, see tendencies to regulate even that.

What you criticize here, and Holm did before, I also do not like and treated this in a thread about El Soco half a year ago. It is not really a matter here (claiming rights to have first try on once owned port).

Ok, the issue I had with losing the port is that our crafting port is at Congrios and Asuncion was going to be developed as a resource hub to supply the crafting port.  Would have been nice if the russians had decided to not be so fricken greedy, the port does not do them any good at all other than bragging rights for taking it from britain.

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2 hours ago, Raekur said:

Ok, the issue I had with losing the port is that our crafting port is at Congrios and Asuncion was going to be developed as a resource hub to supply the crafting port.  Would have been nice if the russians had decided to not be so fricken greedy, the port does not do them any good at all other than bragging rights for taking it from britain.

ZAV seems to be grabbing anything they can get at the moment, regardless what it is...

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On 4/5/2020 at 11:22 AM, CptEdwardKenway said:

So you really did it - chinese SOL in the caribbean.

tlhIngan nation jIH loS - that is klingon for "I am waiting for a klingon nation"

So it's "realistic" to have "historical" chinese ships of the line sailing in the caribbean. This has nothing to do anymore with beeing "realistic" with "historical ships". Or which "historical chinese ships" are they going to introduce?

Salty much?

There are no "Chinese ships" in the game. So having a Chinese flag flying from the stern of a Russian ship is no more or less appropriate than having a Pirate flag flying from a SOL or a British flag flying on a Spanish SOL. 

So get over the butt hurt, if it increases sales, so be it. 

Edited by GrubbyZebra
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