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Cumulative hotfix notes for patch 35


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This is a cumulative patch-note for the today's changes and other minor changes done since last patch

  • Changed Patrol ROE
    • OW roe was a success and is now spread to all battles even in Patrols (with the exception of 1V1 Zone)
    • 1v1 Patrol mission now works for ALL vessels in the center of the zone with the exception of basic cutters 
  • Pirate nation no longer can enter both sides of the battle
  • Fixed bugs with delivery missions (that stopped you from delivering the delivery)
  • fixed bugs with Christian Paints
  • fixed bugs with rattlesnake heavy and Le Requin paints
  • fixed sail transparency bugs after applying paints on some ships
  • fixed bugs that affected behaviour of NPC Combat vessels if you were on the Trading ship (allowing fast xp on indiamans for example)
  • changed shroud cay mission distribution to rookie missions (1-3 star complexity)
  • several gold sellers were banned permanently


OW ROE = Patrol ROE

  • Battle open for first 2 mins for all to enter
  • After 2 mins battle will still be open but only for weaker side - lower BR- with possibility of alternating the weaker side.
  • Once Battle ratings become equal (difference lower than 13%) - the battle will close for all sides.


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1 hour ago, admin said:


This is a cumulative patch-note for the today's changes and other minor changes done since last patch

  • Changed Patrol ROE
    • OW roe was a success and is now spread to all battles even in Patrols (with the exception of 1V1 Zone) how do you determine if this was a success?
    • 1v1 Patrol mission now works for ALL vessels in the center of the zone with the exception of basic cutters ok
  • Pirate nation no longer can enter both sides of the battle - pirates cant be pirates?

OW ROE = Patrol ROE looks better :)

  • Battle open for first 2 mins for all to enter
  • In 2 mins battle will still be open but only for weaker side - lower BR- with possibility of alternating the weaker side.
  • Once Battle ratings become equal (difference lower than 13%) - the battle will close for all sides.


ok, my bad! if its 2 mins free to join then 2 mins open for lower side (not 20) its a good change :)

ok it sucks, it will still be open for 20 mins and new players will have no idea why 2 vets join a noobs battle after 15 mins of struggling in there

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7 minutes ago, admin said:

OW ROE = Patrol ROE

  • Battle open for first 2 mins for all to enter
  • In 2 mins battle will still be open but only for weaker side - lower BR- with possibility of alternating the weaker side.
  • Once Battle ratings become equal (difference lower than 13%) - the battle will close for all sides.

That's huge.  I'm very interested to see the feedback on this.  I might even go to a PZ again!

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12 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

That's huge.  I'm very interested to see the feedback on this.  I might even go to a PZ again!

go and see how many RUssian can join enemy side in 2 minutes 😂🤣

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25 minutes ago, admin said:

OW ROE = Patrol ROE


  • Battle open for first 2 mins for all to enter
  • In 2 mins battle will still be open but only for weaker side - lower BR- with possibility of alternating the weaker side.
  • Once Battle ratings become equal (difference lower than 13%) - the battle will close for all sides. 


Good for patrol zone.

Bad for traders and new players. They will, if they haven't already, learn what a gank is. I guess.

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4 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

go and see how many RUssian can join enemy side in 2 minutes 😂🤣

The problem that remains (as I see it) is that I don't want a big reinforcement coming in on my side.  If I tag someone with a higher BR, I would rather be left alone.  Solo zone is now much better, though.  You can go there in any rate and if you make it (lol), you will have a relatively equal battle. 

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Just now, Gregory Rainsborough said:

I'll actually have a reason to go solo patrol zone now that I can tag anything I like. Yey.

You can't though.  It still must be the same rate.  It's just that any rate can play where before, only the specified rate could get the rewards.....(I think??)

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1 minute ago, Angus MacDuff said:

You can't though.  It still must be the same rate.  It's just that any rate can play where before, only the specified rate could get the rewards.....(I think??)

Yes that's right.  At Nassau you get no 1v1 mark unless 6th rate as it was before patch.

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1 minute ago, Angus MacDuff said:

You can't though.  It still must be the same rate.  It's just that any rate can play where before, only the specified rate could get the rewards.....(I think??)

Oh, I interpreted this wrong then :(

34 minutes ago, admin said:
    • 1v1 Patrol mission now works for ALL vessels in the center of the zone with the exception of basic cutters  


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just to be Clear with the new RoE

2min open for all + another 2 mins open for the weaker side.

So in total 4min for the side with more then 13% less BR. is that correct?  (from former 20 min)

if thats correct its hughe.

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6 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:


as i re read it i understand that its open for all first 2 mins of battle, then for the next 2 mins its open for lower br side, then it closes after a total of 4 mins as i understand it

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59 minutes ago, admin said:
  • Battle open for first 2 mins for all to enter
  • In 2 mins battle will still be open but only for weaker side - lower BR- with possibility of alternating the weaker side

Where Admin said "in", I suspect he should have said "After".  That's my interpretation, but of course we now need clarification from @admin.

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 Nice to see some of changes, see how they work out but think is right direction.



Perhaps look at wider BR range on ports though and maybe making it needed to take smaller ports in a county before capital (50% or over of smaller ports in region to hit capital maybe). Would allow for smaller BR limit battles to take place for settlements building up to taking the capital which is higher BR, and bring smaller ports back into RvR.


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41 minutes ago, Meraun said:

just to be Clear with the new RoE

2min open for all + another 2 mins open for the weaker side.

So in total 4min for the side with more then 13% less BR. is that correct?  (from former 20 min)

if thats correct its hughe.


35 minutes ago, Borch said:

20 mins open is now gone? Better to have this part explained so people wont start making complaints threads.

No, the note meant to be "After 2 min" - fixed in the first post to be more clear. OW RoE is the same as it was before

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If i intrept it correct ow rules stay the same.. lower br stays ipen and can be joined just as it was.

For higher br its 2 minutes just as it was.

This is now only applied to patrol zone aswell, so if 5 russians attack 4 brits, the rest of the massive russian gank fleet has to join in 2 mins or havee to wait outside, where as before pz battle stayed open, so even after 10 mins the rsst of russian gank fleet could join


Ah see above ink made it clear,i was right

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