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The Evidence of Cheating Can't Possibly Be More Obvious

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5 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:

Yes rules and penalties are set by the boss man.  But that does not make the natives happy.  The fact that the boss man say so, does not make it correct morally speaking, just the boss man's opinion.

Look on one hand it is fun to have you guys on the coast here and there to it add fun content.   But it can be tough.

But when folks are looking forward to some peace and quiet for a bit which is broken up by something that should not happen it causes frustration. 

Again, feel free to express your opinion but don't expect other people to abide by your standards. We try to play this game within the rules in such a way that generates the most content for us i.e. PVP or RVR. 

If you want peace and quiet go hang out around one of the hundreds of ghost town ports. No one will bother you there. But this is a PVP server, you should never leave port expecting to PVE in peace. 

Edited by RedNeckMilkMan
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10 minutes ago, Oli Garchy said:

you do know there will be another map wipe and fixes to these current issues?


on a side note, as a pats fan i would think you would appreciate a small bit of rule bending to win in some cases.

haha, oh no he didn't, oh yes he did, went with the Pats analogy, good one i like it.  😃.

I will point out however, that the NFL did take corrective action which we did not happen here. But still like your reference, had a good chuckle. 

As to your point about the map wipe.  For me personally, i was looking forward to sailing around the coast to tool around a bit till the push as Ays was going to happen. 

After the wipe/release, we likely will go back to square one, and to be honest not sure if I want to spend all that time regrinding.  So for me this time testing new mechanic was a good opportunity to use my big ships.

Now we have too root out you guys from San Mateo and St Marys.  Which will happen in due time.  

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Just now, Yehoodi said:

haha, oh no he didn't, oh yes he did, went with the Pats analogy, good one i like it.  😃.

I will point out however, that the NFL did take corrective action which we did not happen here. But still like your reference, had a good chuckle. 

As to your point about the map wipe.  For me personally, i was looking forward to sailing around the coast to tool around a bit till the push as Ays was going to happen. 

After the wipe/release, we likely will go back to square one, and to be honest not sure if I want to spend all that time regrinding.  So for me this time testing new mechanic was a good opportunity to use my big ships.

Now we have too root out you guys from San Mateo and St Marys.  Which will happen in due time.  

as the devs are making "corrective actions"  to the game due to these legacy features.  and i like the tool around pun as that is what a lot of people will be moving around post wipe :P

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4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Let's be fair.. they didn't need any help since the U.S. didn't even bother sending out any screeners (though we do greatly appreciate the donation of a L'Ocean to the pirate cause from a late arrival). We aren't out there because anyone asked us to be.. we just want a fight.  Please flip St. Mary's and quit moaning about cheating that's not cheating, and don't worry about your pixels.  

Repeat after me: It's all just pixels, and they're all getting wiped.

Yes they are pixels, but after the big wipe/release we are all going back to small ships and i personally not sure i want to do the regrind and am missing out on an opportunity to sail the coast and defend Ays.  As opposed to defending San Augustine and taking St Mary and San Mateo.

To your point about pirates not helping . .. ah well . . .the sudden appearance of 14 pirate first rates 5 mins before a port battle was not i think you guys going for a Sunday sail with an ice cream but perhaps a countering screening force. 😉

And to be fair Wraith, what happening at St Marys is bad optics.  Folks can label it what they want.  It is nice to give content and PVP along the coast (no argument), perhaps earlier than expected, it does not look good.  The optics looks like some folks who knew a new mechanic was coming, let their port go neutral so they can then take hostility missions which they could not do otherwise as they owned the port and could not do later as they knew the new mechanics were coming which would not allow it, so they arranged it so they could get mission in place.  And that how it looks.  And when that causes folks to be behind enemy lines, i think most rational folks can understand the frustration.  I am sure nearly most US players would not be frustrated if some one took Ays and came in the front door. 

By the way did you guys have an ice cream on board? 😋


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15 minutes ago, Oli Garchy said:

as the devs are making "corrective actions"  to the game due to these legacy features.  and i like the tool around pun as that is what a lot of people will be moving around post wipe :P

yes the devs have a tough job, a lot of things going on.   

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29 minutes ago, RedNeckMilkMan said:

Again, feel free to express your opinion but don't expect other people to abide by your standards. We try to play this game within the rules in such a way that generates the most content for us i.e. PVP or RVR. 

If you want peace and quiet go hang out around one of the hundreds of ghost town ports. No one will bother you there. But this is a PVP server, you should never leave port expecting to PVE in peace. 

I agree and welcome the PVP and RVR content as that is nice, especially with such a low server population.  And am glad that folks are finding these things now as opposed to after release.   And yes folks may not want you on the wall but we need you on the wall as they say, so i will tip my cap to you.

As same time there needs to be a balance.  And I think even you can understand a frustration when you are in a nation with you see 3-4 nations on your door step as opposed to maybe just one.  And when that door step foes are increase by a not so down the line mechanics, it can increase the frustration.  

This is the only point the most of the folks are bringing out.   


Edited by Yehoodi
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30 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:

I agree and welcome the PVP and RVR content as that is nice, especially with such a low server population.  And am glad that folks are finding these things now as opposed to after release.   And yes folks may not want you on the wall but we need you on the wall as they say, so i will tip my cap to you.

As same time there needs to be a balance.  And I think even you can understand a frustration when you are in a nation with you see 3-4 nations on your door step as opposed to maybe just one.  And when that door step foes are increase by a not so down the line mechanics, it can increase the frustration.  

This is the only point the most of the folks are bringing out.   


Just like to point out as france, we have sweden right next door, danes are a quick sail as well to us which is why during EU time they are always around, and there is Aves right there as well for anyone to hunt. Plus we have carted tons of french citizens into Agustin over the last year, they are demanding an end to US tyranny.

You tax those poor citizens and refuse representation to the french nation on the senate. It is a shame to see how Tyrannical the US has become.

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Wait a second....is everyone here saying that Frontlines is designed to allow players to capture Regional Capitals that would normally be out of reach? AND that Frontlines was designed to allow the hostility to be built at smaller regional ports WITHOUT having to take the Regional Capital first IN TOTAL CONTRAST to specifically what the Patch 31 notes state?

  • County capital and capitals give missions to capture 2 nearest county capitals
  • Free towns give missions for 2 nearest county capitals
  • Once you taken the county capital you can take its regional cities.

So um, ya um....wadafaq!?

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48 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:

I agree and welcome the PVP and RVR content as that is nice, especially with such a low server population.  And am glad that folks are finding these things now as opposed to after release.   And yes folks may not want you on the wall but we need you on the wall as they say, so i will tip my cap to you.

As same time there needs to be a balance.  And I think even you can understand a frustration when you are in a nation with you see 3-4 nations on your door step as opposed to maybe just one.  And when that door step foes are increase by a not so down the line mechanics, it can increase the frustration.  

This is the only point the most of the folks are bringing out.   




Was meant to quote your pat one, oh well still closer then brady was catching the football 😛

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20 minutes ago, van der Decken said:

Wait a second....is everyone here saying that Frontlines is designed to allow players to capture Regional Capitals that would normally be out of reach? AND that Frontlines was designed to allow the hostility to be built at smaller regional ports WITHOUT having to take the Regional Capital first IN TOTAL CONTRAST to specifically what the Patch 31 notes state?

  • County capital and capitals give missions to capture 2 nearest county capitals
  • Free towns give missions for 2 nearest county capitals
  • Once you taken the county capital you can take its regional cities.

So um, ya um....wadafaq!?

No one is saying that, what was said multiple times across these forums whenever a post like this gets trotted out, is that it was legacy mechanics that admin even confirmed was left in and legal to use, with no exploiting or cheating. However they agree that the mechanics dont mesh well with their overall idea for the frontline system so will be eventually coded out as it is a difficult fix. In the meantime everyone is able to use said mechanics free and clear again according to admin. The fact that everynight someone gets killed like Bull Hull he has to come onto the forums to spam is both comical and sad.


This thread is alteast 100 times better then the others atleast and has good conversations mostly thanks to the dirty dirty pats fan Yeehoodie. The only thing that can make me and Christendom agree on football is atleast he lost to both our teams. but more importantly hello kitty dallas

Edited by Msk
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3 hours ago, RedNeckMilkMan said:

Because there exists in the game a mechanic which allows us to not have to do that. 

Why don't you flip San Mateo? 

Do you have an answer?

If you leave your front door open and I walk into your house and took something form it.  It’s ok cause the door was open right.  By design you wanted me to come in?  Same thing if you leave your keys in the car and I take it for a joy ride.  The keys was in it so you meant for me to take it.

just cause you can do something doesn’t mean you should.  Admin said they where not designed to do that.  Missions where hotfix to drop at server reset.  The other issue of taking a port with an alt/other nation player is suppose to be hot fixed.  That means both where not designed to be used in the new system.  

Admin even told me it was a call they prob shouldn’t of made but since we are close to wipe they didn’t think it was a big deal as they work on other things.  That honestly comes down to when the wipe comes.  A few weeks, months or years from now.  Either way you still gained it through an exploit in the system that hasn’t been patched out.  

2 hours ago, Oli Garchy said:

this current setup with everyone having ships reps outposts ranks etc is not the true test of front lines. when everyone is in basic cutter or tutorial to rank up, grind and hold ports it will be a BIG difference than the base mechanics test that we are doing. (DLC ships everywhere for a little while)

Very true but also when was the last time you seen WO fight a shallow water PB?  They tend to stay to deep water ships.  Would be interesting to see how many played that haven’t played small ships do when forced into only them.


Grinding out these capital ports is going to be a major pain in the arse for sure only in 5/6th rate redeemable.


Back to OP we all know that certain clans don’t care about what’s right or wrong or even fair play.  Let’s just hope the devs get the hotfix in place and quickly to release and wipe as they can.  Cause nothing is going to be done until than.

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7 hours ago, Bull Hull said:


P5 – Intentionally violating rules/mechanics and continuing to exploit and benefit from said violation of the rules/mechanics is cheating.


There is no violation of rules legacy mechanics. Please avoid calling something you do not like or something that does not yet properly work cheating. 

Hostility generation will be improved but it will take time. Wipe will happen as well. There is no point to boil with emotions on this issue today. 

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3 hours ago, Wraith said:


Repeat after me: It's all just pixels, and they're all getting wiped.

Yes they are just pixels, BUT this is about more than that. The developers have informed us of they way things are supposed to be with patch notes and by the fact they have implemented the frontlines system. They even went to great lengths to expalin the way it is intended to work. 

The players involved in this are KNOWINGLY bypassing the intended mechanics and in my opinion this is no different that the duping issues of the past (devs intended you get items one way and people found another way to get an advantage over other players by breaking intended rules/mechanics)

I think this a point for the developers to tell us what kind of experience we as players can expect at release in terms of the enforcement of the rules. They can either tell us here and now that the players have knowingly gained an unfair advantage by bypassing the intended mechanics OR they can tell us that this kind of behaviour is acceptable and that we should expect a "anything goes" mentality come post release.


Side note - How can people use San Mateo to flip San Augustin when you are only supposed to be able to take hostility missions from Capitals, Nation Capitals and Freeports? (Another example of knowingly bypassing intended game mechanics?)

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1 hour ago, admin said:

There is no violation of rules legacy mechanics. Please avoid calling something you do not like or something that does not yet properly work cheating. 

Hostility generation will be improved but it will take time. Wipe will happen as well. There is no point to boil with emotions on this issue today. 

the port wipe brought more people back to the game is  it your intention to make them leave again ?

ithe greatest invetsment people make in your game ,, is not CM, VM  or even cash on buying it or the dlc ... but time

if they feel they are wasting their time playing a game  where you allow players to exploit "legacy mechanics"  they will stop playing ...

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1 hour ago, admin said:

There is no violation of rules legacy mechanics. Please avoid calling something you do not like or something that does not yet properly work cheating. 

Hostility generation will be improved but it will take time. Wipe will happen as well. There is no point to boil with emotions on this issue today. 

BUT we moved on from the "legacy" mechanics with the change to front lines system didn't we?

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46 minutes ago, H982 FKL said:


Side note - How can people use San Mateo to flip San Augustin when you are only supposed to be able to take hostility missions from Capitals, Nation Capitals and Freeports? (Another example of knowingly bypassing intended game mechanics?)

If you own a sub port of a region and the capital is capture you can take missions against the capital to take it back.  By them taking ports with legacy mechanics (still an exploit as it’s nit how it’s meant for o work) they bypass frontlines and can attack from behind enemy lines. 

1 hour ago, admin said:

There is no violation of rules legacy mechanics. Please avoid calling something you do not like or something that does not yet properly work cheating. 

Hostility generation will be improved but it will take time. Wipe will happen as well. There is no point to boil with emotions on this issue today. 

You can solve all this by making an official post stating it’s not how the mechanic is designed and than state if used it’s exploiting. Other wise folks will keep doing it.  The problem is we don’t know if the wipe/release is next week, month or year.  Until we have to deal with your lack of response and policy on such exploits being abused until you fix them in a week, months or etc.  that is time others are spending to legit test your game and give feed back.  

It was found and reported so Devs can easly roll the ports back to neutral and declare all use of exploits illegal but you seem to not care about your player base and keeping players happy that feel like you let folks abuse the game mechanics just to be toxic and play the game there way.  

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1 hour ago, admin said:

There is no violation of rules legacy mechanics. Please avoid calling something you do not like or something that does not yet properly work cheating. 

Hostility generation will be improved but it will take time. Wipe will happen as well. There is no point to boil with emotions on this issue today. 

Thank you and indeed it was well known.

Can you understand, after some TB of posts pointing out the unbalances of game now (I'll not repeat again) that simply saying "take time" and "wipe will come" is close to inviting to quit playing until the time passes and the wipe takes place?

And I think it's not in game best interest.

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5 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

And I think even you can understand a frustration when you are in a nation with you see 3-4 nations on your door step as opposed to maybe just one.

La Tortue is closer to the Pirate capital than Little River is to CT, and Saint Mary's is easily twice that distance. I'd say 'on your door step' is a bit of a stretch. 

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6 hours ago, Oli Garchy said:

on a side note, as a pats fan i would think you would appreciate a small bit of rule bending to win in some cases

OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!  Anybody who takes shots at the GREAT and ALL-POWERFUL Brady should be banhammered into oblivion (good game)!!  He must never be tackled! (c'mon, this topic is dead...might as well have a laugh)

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39 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

La Tortue is closer to the Pirate capital than Little River is to CT, and Saint Mary's is easily twice that distance. I'd say 'on your door step' is a bit of a stretch. 

Pirates is also sold as hard mode.  So that is why you have a Freetown so close.  You shouldn’t even have a capital and should only work out of freetowns but pirate mechanic

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22 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Pirates is also sold as hard mode.  So that is why you have a Freetown so close.  You shouldn’t even have a capital and should only work out of freetowns but pirate mechanic

Devs should probably re-look at their definitions for easy/hard/impossible.  I would guess that GB is the most difficult nation for a new player.

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