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New ship coming - lets discuss the role and performance


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New ship will be added to the game in the near future (ETA 1 month)

It is a light frigate equipped with 28 cannons. 26 on the broadsides and 2 chasers.

This is a first ship that will close the gap between snow and brig and heavy corvette. Most likely rattlesnake will be a runner up so it will provide additional coverage of the gap.


Here is how she looks




(more will come once they upload)


Lets discuss the performance, speed turnings and it's potential role

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Looks good. Definitely in favour of adding an even more smooth transition between Snow and Surprise. 


On what design is this ship centered upon? That would help us determine the ships role a bit more.


What kind of guns do you plan to allowed it to carry? A single deck of 9-pounders would give it quite a lot of punch at the point it sits. Having already more guns than the Snow (by three per side), that might (currently) give it a bit 'too much'.

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Well she is a light frigate or even corvette by french standards.

The 9 pound frigate was quite popular amongst the nations in those times.

As a lighter Frigate she will outmaneuver the Surprise but never be as fast as her. Surprise has very high masts.




Admin was just a tiny bit faster hehe

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I hope it is correct





Famous for providing the reinforcements during the Battle of Bunker Hill


I am not sure, I don't see guns on the Quarter deck. Are they in front out of perspective? Should be two-a-side (If it's the Cerberus).


Edit: Maybe just not yet modeled in ;)

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Nine pounder broadside, up 18 lb carronades optional.  Better turner than Surprise but not as good as Snow, two to three knots slower than Surprise.  Also, stern chasers.  None are shown mounted but the ports are available.

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max armament using in-game weapons:

upper deck: 24x 9-pdr / 24x 32-pdr carronade

quarterdeck: 4x 4-pdr / 4x 12-pdr carronade

maybe fudge option for quarterdeck chasers (likely 2 of her broadside quarterdeck guns could also be fired over the stern).

(note: Surprise is currently missing option for 32lb carronades.)

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well thats a nice suggestion to give her the ability for greater carronades. I like it.

Maybe we can have a close range brawler wich is fast and nimble enough to get to her enemies without receiving too much damage in the process of closing in.


On the upper decks id say give her the long 6lbs and some 18lb carronades.


edit to what Bismarck said:

she should have a fighting chance against a Surprise. Not if the players are evenly skilled but when the Surprise does do some mistakes to regret.

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Thinking about it a bit, never mind the actual ship in real life, I'd say this ship should have a mean punch. 9-pounders in the side, optional carronades (18pds?).


Surprises should be faster by a noticeable margin while being a less well maneuverable vessel. As for the planking, a certain resistance to 6-pouders should be there but above that enemy broadsides should become something a captain fears thus utilizing his maneuverability to the best. It should not be an easy ship to sail, but reward excellence in combat.


At the same times, while this ship should handle well, the Snow/Brig should be able to out maneuver it but remain slower (difference to Brig less noticeable than difference to Snow).  That's pretty much standard balancing imo.

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If we are indeed lucky enough to get the Rattlesnake we could keep that in mind. It's not the most armored of ships but it was a burner by all accounts. This ship could be slower but yet more armored in comparison to add some diversity while the Rattlesnake would be the fast and nimble counterpart.

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Beautiful ship (and model to match  :))


Balance is quite simple. She is 10ft shorter and 2ft wider than Surprise, so she will be slower but have the advantage in maneuverability.


I would arm her with 9lb+6lb cannon, or 24lb+18lb carronades, this positions her nicely below Surprise (although still some way above the Snow, we could still use a sloop or corvette of around 20guns since this is most definitely a frigate).

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Beautiful ship, looks like she'll really standout in a fleet. I agree that since it is shorter and wider than Surprise, it should have a lower top speed and a faster turn rate. Any idea if it will the top ship in PVP Light or smallest in PVP?

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