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Patch 27 - New Economy feedback.

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22 minutes ago, TheHaney said:

Traders for money, warships for modules? To be honest that makes pretty good sense to me.

11x 4th rate

Basic Hull, Trim by the Stern, Strong sail and other useless garbage...

So... Not really.

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4 hours ago, Sea Fox said:

I disagree. I don't think that playing style was hurting the game. And having warships in Fleet to escort a trader is not a bad thing. Having Fleet ships escort you gives you a minimal Advantage at best. This mechanic was not hurting the game whatsoever was it?

I did it often and even I knew it was a silly mechanic that made it possible to circumvent the whole idea behind smuggling and instead allow you to hide a raider in plain sight.

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1 hour ago, Kilo60 said:

So ganking easy solo AI Traders Snows in 5th rates is the best way to get DB instead of fighting challenging warships now? 

Seems ass backwards if you ask me!

Exactly backasswards.  I don't understand why AI warships now move around the map in huge fleets that are frequently too large to attack, and yet helpless AI trade ships full of loot still sail alone.  Players are encouraged and rewarded to farm LGVs and T-brigs half asleep instead of fighting warships for actual "naval action". 

Edited by Barbancourt
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5 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

Players on the water is the only real stat that matters..  ALL players are PvP if they are available to kill outside a safe zone.

Killed an EP Requin today and got about 6 Doubloons...


Hardly worth the effort!

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20 hours ago, admin said:

What changed basically.. Every ship matters and can set you for a week or two of great riches. We just need to fine tune it to remove imbalances. 

If you modify the "break up" possibility we have in port to give back let's say 50% of the resources that where used to craft that ship in the first place, that statement would be true for all ships. And not just the rare (1/200 !?) trader brig that drops rare resources.
But I always liked the break up mechanic so I would advocate for giving it a more meningfull purpose. But on the other side it would make it easier for crafters to rank up more quickly and make it possible craft more ships with less resource consumption if your just chain crafting ships to get a good drop/bonus ship.. :(     

Edited by Tiedemann
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17 hours ago, TheHaney said:

Again, your habit of completely avoiding a dialogue by inserting completely useless and vague flavor text is extremely insulting to the players here. Please answer the question as to whether traders overburdened upon capture is intended, or is going to be fixed.

please don't generalize. the statement described why npc fleet captains cant use player knowledge, in a humorous way. I have never presented myself as specially trained customer support professional. I am just a forum member talking to equals. 

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9 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

Not worth a dime, but fun as hell.  

Got Cherry Bomb'ed :D 

No gear fear on my end, no matter the ship i use.

I even wipe everything i have and recreate character just to start anew and have a feel of the changes during early access. Will have time enough after release to let my character grow old and salty...

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34 minutes ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Got Cherry Bomb'ed :D 

No gear fear on my end, no matter the ship i use.

I even wipe everything i have and recreate character just to start anew and have a feel of the changes during early access. Will have time enough after release to let my character grow old and salty...

I usually produce enough salt for the both of us.....  



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Bottom line is DB's need to match the old Combat Marks both in value and quantity...

7 DB per mission or pvp battle won't get you crap now with 4th rates costing almost 3k DB to craft and a single bow figure costing 300 DB and a blueprint costing 500 DB!!! 


And hunting and capping ai traders for DB is not fun for me cause I had my share of that leveling as a Newbie and would rather fight something more challenging!  As it is now I can T-bone and board and capture a LGV in my REQ in less than 2 mins, without ever firing a cannon salvo.....  No challenge at all, Boring as hell and screams of a game exploit!

Edited by Kilo60
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17 hours ago, Barbancourt said:

Exactly backasswards.  I don't understand why AI warships now move around the map in huge fleets that are frequently too large to attack, and yet helpless AI trade ships full of loot still sail alone.  Players are encouraged and rewarded to farm LGVs and T-brigs half asleep instead of fighting warships for actual "naval action". 

But most of these traders are closer to enemy ports meaning players have to go closer to the enemy to get these rich rewards from traders and then they have to sail them back to their nations ports, all the time leaving themselves exposed to being ganked by other players. The PvE content of killing AI traders should now be providing more targets for PvP hunters if they work out where the best trader grounds are.

Previously people got their PvP marks by hunting new players in green zones, that was hardly taxing PvP, now they have to find out where they are hunting traders.

People have been saying for a long time, that if you give the PvE'ers a reason to leave the safe zones you will get more PvP targets, and I think this patch has gone some way towards doing that.

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On ‎10‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 4:27 PM, admin said:

all resources were converted to new resources (like oak planks to logs) or old resources (like artifacts to artifacts but with new weights or/and prices)
it was in the google doc  - topic on partial wipe was posted 4th may..
topic on removal of combat marks and pvp marks on 19th april


Well, the Economic Update ALSO wiped at least SOME of the Repairs I had stored, those in Savannah la Mar. Might have happened also in other of my outposts, but I am not prepared to spend 10 doublons to gate around and check. When will such be compensated?

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I’m still getting a sense of the balance for currency and requirements for crafting, but it seems okay and in my opinion leaves a reasonable growth speed.  

The atmosphere of OW seems more appealing now.  The NPC distribution is less gamey and feels more interesting.  Previously there were random AI scattered near all ports. I was unable to determine any coherent reason for activity of foreign warships frequenting enemy capitals.  Now the presence of ships appears more sensible and has created activities. We can follow AI to determine their patrol or travel patterns. Can monitor shop stocks and compare to the arrival and departure of NPC traders to determine the flow particulars of the goods and resources inside the shops.  There may be some detail at deeper levels just waiting to be discovered, or it may all be just random. NPCs supplying ports has created exciting possibilities. I’m looking forward to finding evidence of the supply details. Where? When? Who? And How much?

Teleport fees.  So far the Real fee, for using the transporter room in outposts, seems okay.  I sorta wish I could manage my business affairs in each outpost without paying each time, but a fee is also okay.  I think of it as the wages paid to the agents in the outposts.

I would like to see more integrated Port supply.  The game would be more credible if ports required sustenance, such as food and fuel.  Currently the tax seems to, or could, serve that purpose. But there should be some mechanism where a blockaded port eventually loses productivity if the trade ships are not permitted access.  Perhaps this mechanism is already available and I just have not seen it at work.

I would also like to see resources, woods, ores, minerals, etc.  sourced in OW. This would create more interest and PvP opportunities.  But there are only 2.5 staff on the development team, and I respect their priorities.  It’s a good game and new players should be encouraged. 

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4 hours ago, Chlodovech said:

Give my crafting xp gains back. Cannons should give xp. This is ridiculous, we have distribition of crafting tasks, now there are people with no gains any more.



The only way to get crafting xp now is to make ships or repairs!

Don't like the dumbed down insta-ship crafting at all!


Made more sense to craft the rigging, cannon carriages, etc... before making the entire ship!

Gonna take forever to level up crafting now!

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5 minutes ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Now imagine that someone PVPs you on the way back with all of that, sinks you and takes the dubloons. 🤩

Was it PvE or PvP for them to get the dubloons ? 

'Twas emergent gameplay. The best kind.

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5 hours ago, Archaos said:

But most of these traders are closer to enemy ports meaning players have to go closer to the enemy to get these rich rewards from traders and then they have to sail them back to their nations ports, all the time leaving themselves exposed to being ganked by other players.

The same is true for warships. There's no sensible reason why curbstomping helpless trader ships should be more profitable than battling dangerous warships. 

And any form of "ganked" is poor game play. 


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25 minutes ago, Suppenkelle said:

they sell on the black market...

Having a secret black market in whatever port(s), that would change everyday, and that would deal only in Dubloons but with an assortement of odd merchandise to buy/sell ( books, mods, exquisite woods ) all in limited quantities of course and limited money to buy from players....is a great idea IMO.

( hidden from API perusal of course :P ) 

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