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Patch 25: Open world user interface update.


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24 minutes ago, rediii said:

valid argument

#make safezones no pvp areas


Pretty much they summed it up above, I agree there should be around the three easy nations a big safe zone bubble to let players that just want to level up ships, ranks and kill AI do so in safety of not being jumped by other players.   If folks want PvP they can go attack other PvP clans/ports.   I said this over and over when was the last time Cart, Estro's, Little Habrour, Nassua or any other major ports attacked.  I bet you get a little hostitlity on any of those ports you get tons of PvP.   

17 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Tell me. Where is pvp? Player created safe zones was content people liked. Gb used to have dozens of players in patrol ts and now fuck all. Keep roe, remove ai and let players do the defending as it should be. You cannot have player driven content if the ai is doing the work players should be doing. As long as battles stay open it is enough. 

Peopel should be able to level up (skills not just rank) in safety if they wish to.  Yes this should be a low reward and slow means to do so, but they should still have the option.  You want PvP than attack some clan/nation in open waters to get it.  POTBS we use to keep certain zones in constant hostility so we would have a red zone (PvP zones).   We couldn't farm the map or new zones cause the map was other wise PvE only and that game was very active until they went F2P route and did retarded things to it.  Those Red Zones where the only place you could PvP so you knew where to find others.  No guessing or wondering around the whole map looking or camping newbie capital zones.



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8 minutes ago, rediii said:

People loved defending noobs yet there were a shitload of negative reviews on steam against the ganks of noobs by vets

Hmm the noobs with 2000hrs? Fuck the negative reviews because the it written by trash. 

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15 minutes ago, Elric said:

We desperately need to rebalance these smaller ships.  @admin several weeks ago you said the shallows ships would be rebalanced.  Many of us have just stopped sailing in the Shallows Patrol and also stopped scheduling shallows PB until this occurs. 

Currently the Xebec is far to OP and has become the ship of choice in shallows PB's.  The BR is way too low on the Le Requin, and ships like the Rattlesnake Heavy have become totally uncompetitive.  

Please hurry up with the rebalance.

Very related to this, the larger shallows PB BR limits are WAY too high.   Nassau is BR 2850 - why?  if means 25 ships can get in without even getting close to the BR limit.  We should have BR limits on ports that force attackers and defenders to select a mix of ships - not just pick all the most powerful ships.

And many deep water port battles limits are way to low.  Limit to 5-7 players or 10 when you got 30-50 folks out side screening.  Many of the ports need BR bump up to let more players in. One of the biggest complaints I get with PB's, "Why are they always the ones to go, I did hostlitlity too."  While in Shallow you can get every one and than some. I honestly think Shall BR is fine other than adjusting the max one to sit's 25 ships of 80 BR and nothing else.

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3 minutes ago, rediii said:

they were not written by ppl with 2000 hiours.

Don't fuck them bc I will never buy a game that is rated mostly negative. mixed I will look at very precice and good reviews is a instabuy if the pics and videos are interesting

Most people buy games because of gameplay videos. Reviews don't matter as much as you would think. 

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On 7/18/2018 at 9:46 AM, rediii said:

This system is trash.

Small zones of only pve? Yes please

Small zones of allowed pvp? No fuck this shit I'm out. NA is about RvR, big fights in logistics and in battles

OH I agree I prefer our system with actual PvE safe pockets instead.   I'm just pointing out that it had the opposite extreme and worked as the game was more gear about PvE game play as most MMO's are mainly about the PvE side of it over the PvP.

On 7/18/2018 at 9:48 AM, HachiRoku said:


Never said you where a seal clubber, but my point is that most these guys that are seal clubbing us that as the excuse why they can't find PvP.  Well the problem isn't they can't find it they want the easy route.  Half the time you see them sitting side by side with other guys seal clubbing and not fighting each other.

Edited by Henry d'Esterre Darby
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On the port without a timer, you can perform missions of hostility from 11:00 to 8:00 UTC.

But why does my friend Mishka report hostility from 08:00 to 10:00

Particularly interesting hostility is 14-07-2018 09:40 UTC in the port of Nassau with a timer from 17:00.

There are no reports of growing hostility. I thought that outside the window the values should not change.

Maybe I do not understand how it all works. Therefore, I am invite experts.

@admin @Ink @sterner




Nassau have window 17:00-20:00 UTC. But hostility is already 14%

I think it's not right that you can make hostility missions at any time.




Edited by qw569
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6 hours ago, qw569 said:

On the port without a timer, you can perform missions of hostility from 11:00 to 8:00 UTC.

But why does my friend Mishka report hostility from 08:00 to 10:00


14% hostility was gained within Nassau Port window timer yesterday. The message you linked might be caused by technical issues on the server (both cases happened after server issues on July 13th and 23th)

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It feels like and maybe just and only feels like. Don't know much from sailing ships so not sure if there is really anything wrong.

When using manual sails ships seem to be losing lot of speed. Sailing down wind, turn on auto for more speed and then back to manual, like pumping more speed by swaping between auto and manual. When on auto ships seem to accelerate really well.

Sailed many ships so don't have here something specific. Maybe safest to test LO/WO Bellona and Connie.

I am not saying anything is wrong or is good or bad, can be realistic and all. It just feels like that ships lose lot of speed on manual and auto acceleration is really strong.

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On 6/18/2018 at 11:13 AM, admin said:

Mint idea was to provide a building that will give a player an option to mint silver and gold coins (formerly known as combat marks and pvp marks). This is still under review and might never happen. 

@admin any decision yet on this building ?

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Hotfix will be deployed on the 9th August

  • Hercules armor thickness and HP slightly reduced to 50 and 3300
  • Le Requin speed at 180 degrees (wind from the stern) slightly reduced to approximately 6.5 knots from 8 knots
  • Massive buffs to hp and slight buffs to thickness across all 6th rates and 7th rates
  • Slight buff to 4lb and 6lb damage

In addition to tunes 

  • Overloaded OW speed debuff deployed early. The rest of the fix (giving no option to overload the ship through trade might appear in the port UI patch).
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4 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

You failed to solve the main issues with le requin; its crew and speed against the wind.

They have buffed the 6th and 7th rates.

Let's see.

Plus requin crew is correct as is into wind speed. Let's test and see how it goes.

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10 minutes ago, Crow said:

They have buffed the 6th and 7th rates.

Let's see.

Plus requin crew is correct as is into wind speed. Let's test and see how it goes.

It might be true base but not when you stake tons of crew mods on it.  It along with the herc should be 5th rates to balance mods and such and keeper out of shallow pbs with an added higher br

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Hotfix will be deployed on the 9th August

  • Hercules armor thickness and HP slightly reduced to 50 and 3300
  • Le Requin speed at 180 degrees (wind from the stern) slightly reduced to approximately 6.5 knots from 8 knots
  • Massive buffs to hp and slight buffs to thickness across all 6th rates and 7th rates
  • Slight buff to 4lb and 6lb damage

Not sure if I like it.

It makes pirate rig a must have for le requin. 6th buff might solve the issue regarding them and xebec/herc but breaks the balance between them and 5th,4th,3rd,2ND and first rates. Last but not least herc armor nerfed and guns buffed?

Overall it just looks just like symptoms fixes but no cure for what is really rotten :(

Edited by z4ys
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10 minutes ago, z4ys said:

but breaks the balance between them and 5th,4th,3rd,2ND and first rates.

There can't be any balance between Lynx and Agamemnon EVEN if HP and floatability is equalized. 

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