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What's in a name? The names of captains in Naval Action

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In Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene II, Juliet says to Romeo: 'O! be some other name: / What's in a name? by any other name a rose would smell as sweet.'

Something needs to be done! Many names taken by players in Naval Action are the antithesis of 'sweet' and actually stink to high heaven. Some names are positively a blight on the game and are offensive. One I've seen refers to a genital illness, another to the prostrate, others are just a mispelled mish-mash of unknown meanings, others appear to be passwords with letters and numbers jumbled together, or just any two 'words' thrown together, etc. In short, a chaotic mess that needs rule and order.


Some names, like mine, refer to a real life personage of the sea. Viscount Augustus Keppel (1725 – 1786) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the War of American Independence. During the final years of the latter conflict, he served as First Lord of the Admiralty. I think, this is the way to do it: you take a real historical personage's name preferred by you and use that.


The DEVS ought to make a rule that only HISTORICAL naval names must be used. I propose that names should be (1) of historical personages, (2) naval, (3) spelled correctly, (4) from the period in question, or a little earlier and a little later, (that is, from, say, 1620 to 1820).


PS.: NAMES should be harmonious with the rest of the game that tries to maintain historical and simulation accuracy.


PPS.: Please, read this fully. It is all one whole. Don't answer if you've only taken it in partially, please. And, don't take part in this discussion if your only intent is to insult and slander: the very type of person to whom I object and for whom I rightly have contempt.

Edited by Lannes
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The strict historical name can be overlooked but the non-sensical, especially the proto-sexualism colloquialisms and deformed alpha-numeric formats, should be reviewed whenever possible given we, the players, report/f11 them and justify why the out of order name.

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But it's an honest Dutch name, you can hardly deny a person to utilize his name because in another language it has a different meaning?


It cannot be denied IMO, but it is the complete name and not the word that brings it to an acceptable choice.


Same happens in ww2 air combat sims being Dick, as part of a name, quite a popular choice.

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I disagree with a too strict policy about nick names in NA...obviously let's get rid of all those which are offensive or include bad words and so on...but please give the players the freedom to choose the name they want (even if not historical or naval history related). Mine for example is made of Jack Daniel's...Jhonnie Walker and Red (my favourite colour)...not historical or navy related, but I like it :D

Edited by Red Jack Walker
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I don't like historical names because for example Horatio Nelson or Admiral Nelson is only 1 person dead long time ago.


Ok offensive names is a no go too.


For example Siegfried is mi internet games nickname from 8 years ago and is from the character of an Opera. Is not offensive and not historical, but is fine I think.

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My question/example regarding this:


Captain Dick de Cock.

That is a valid and accurate name in the Dutch Language..

It is not a valid naval historical name from the period--perhaps, from any period of military history. My argument is to make names align with the Naval Action's intent of historical and simulation accuracy.

I might add that, people have name preferences as avatars, but this not a game that wants to know your avatar--like it does not want to know personal details of your life. I believe the rules are: no personal details, everyone interacting anonymously. I like this rule. Although I have been trapped into revealing a detail or two of myself on the intercom my Clan uses, I prefer to remain anonymous.

Edited by Lannes
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It is not a valid naval historical name from the period--perhaps, from any period of military history. My argument is to make names align with the Naval Action's intent of historical and simulation accuracy.

I might add that, people have name preferences as avatars, but this not a game that wants to know your avatar--like it does not want to know personal details of your life. I believe the rules are: no personal details, everyone interacting anonymously. I like this rule. Although I have been trapped into revealing a detail or two of myself on the intercom my Clan uses, I prefer to remain anonymous.


So, if I go through all the known rosters of crews from buccaneer, privateer and pirate ships you wouldn't even know what is historical :) ...


Hell, even going through the HMS Victory rosters or any other well known and documented ship...

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I think only giving people a choice of historical names as interesting, but overall bad choice...like google tracking your whereabouts or the government spying on you/freedoms taken away sort of thing bad choice.... the people will revolt :P

 As for people wishing to use bad words/profanity as a name, I call upon a list dragged from a different thread as a few different options they could perhaps use instead:



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I think only giving people a choice of historical names as interesting, but overall bad choice...like google tracking your whereabouts or the government spying on you/freedoms taken away sort of thing bad choice.... the people will revolt :P

 As for people wishing to use bad words/profanity as a name, I call upon a list dragged from a different thread as a few different options they could perhaps use instead:




Saved for use in global chat.

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Some names, like mine, refer to a real life personage of the sea. Viscount Augustus Keppel (1725 – 1786) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the War of American Independence. During the final years of the latter conflict, he served as First Lord of the Admiralty. I think, this is the way to do it: you take a real historical personage's name preferred by you and use that.


Your name and avatar picture refer to a French Marshall of the Napoleon Empire (1769-1809) :


He was a general of land forces ! So according to your rules, you should change it.  :D  :D


Here is Keppel : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus_Keppel


However, who would verify if names are historical ? Where is the database with all the names of the sailors of all nations ?

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Your name and avatar picture refer to a French Marshall of the Napoleon Empire (1769-1809) :


He was a general of land forces ! So according to your rules, you should change it.  :D  :D


Here is Keppel : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus_Keppel


However, who would verify if names are historical ? Where is the database with all the names of the sailors of all nations ?

Another person who knows NOT how to read. Read my OP and the answer is there. It tells you who Keppel is. Naturally, you would realize my avatar, Lannes, is not used. Also, Marshal is spelled with only one 'ell'. (The two 'ell' version is a name NOT a military rank--though strictly, during the Napoleonic Wars, the highest French General's rank was General de Division, not Marshal of the Empire as this was an 'appointment'.) I didn't correct all your mistakes. Too boring. But, no apologies needed.


Who would verify the names? The Devs (or volunteers) would provide an extensive list for the players to use. (I have no doubt I could provide a couple of hundred or more from different nations. The players themselves could also provide bona fide names.)


Those who preferred, say, Horatio Nelson, could either use one of the many versions, e.g., Nelson, Horatio Nelson, H. Nelson, Lord Nelson, Lord Horatio Nelson, Nelson 2, Horatio Nelson 2, etc. So, two thousand names need not be provided. Also, those names which were not historical but of famous naval, historical novels, e.g., Hornblower, might be allowed.

Edited by Lannes
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In Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene II, Juliet says to Romeo: 'O! be some other name: / What's in a name? by any other name a rose would smell as sweet.'

Something needs to be done! Many names taken by players in Naval Action are the antithesis of 'sweet' and actually stink to high heaven. Some names are positively a blight on the game and are offensive. One I've seen refers to a genital illness, another to the prostrate, others are just a mispelled mish-mash of unknown meanings, others appear to be passwords with letters and numbers jumbled together, or just any two 'words' thrown together, etc. In short, a chaotic mess that needs rule and order.


Some names, like mine, refer to a real life personage of the sea. Viscount Augustus Keppel (1725 – 1786) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the War of American Independence. During the final years of the latter conflict, he served as First Lord of the Admiralty. I think, this is the way to do it: you take a real historical personage's name preferred by you and use that.


The DEVS ought to make a rule that only HISTORICAL naval names must be used. I propose that names should be (1) of historical personages, (2) naval, (3) spelled correctly, (4) from the period in question, or a little earlier and a little later, (that is, from, say, 1620 to 1820).


PS.: NAMES should be harmonious with the rest of the game that tries to maintain historical and simulation accuracy.


PPS.: Please, read this fully. It is all one whole. Don't answer if you've only taken it in partially, please. And, don't take part in this discussion if your only intent is to insult and slander: the very type of person to whom I object and for whom I rightly have contempt.


would be fine ..if the player base was about a 100 people ..but seeing 200 nelsons sailing around ...no thanks ...

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I disagree with the naming idea.


I myself use Hodo, I have been Hodo in everything I have done since 1990.  It is a family name of mine, and it dates back to the 1200s west Africa. 


Seeing as I am often playing exactly what I am, a black man, I feel a single named person is fine.   As many free African sailors did not have last names or often just went by a single name.


Yep I have been using Sir Texas Sir since the 90's as it is a reference to the shirt I'm wearing in my profile picture from a concert shirt one of the local bans put out back than.  Deadhorse is the name of the band and the shirt has nothing to do with Fullmetal Jacket as most folks think it's from and I was in the Navy not Marines.  I like keeping the same game name for most of my games cause than I can run into friends.  I'm currently playing with a friend that was in my WoT clan that I hadn't seen in almost a year cause we both had the same name  here as we used over there.  Not to mention that is the name tied to my Steam log in.  Though I do like the fact you can make new chars and pick your names.  I Think I'll use this option on other servers to not have my name tied to one Nation or play style on every server. I all ready have folks on EU PvP when I pop on there say, "I know your name from US PvP."  


Not to mention using more historic real names makes it really hard to tell the difrence from NPC AI and players some times.  I wish there was a tag in the name of the AI ships so you can easly shop them form the players in battle on your group or the other team.  For the longest time in small battles I thought Blood was a player until some one told me it was an NPC lol.


I dont agree.

Same here....

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Some sort of review/monitoring to cull out offensive and/or nonsensical gibberish names?  Yes.


Restriction to historical naval names from the period?  No.


Personally, I'd be okay with it.  My own name is historical (albeit from a significantly different time/context).  Even though I've used it in several MMOs over the years, I'd be content with giving it up for an authentic period naval name.  I would enjoy the added immersion, not just my own name, but of seeing only such names in chat and in OW/battle among friends and enemies.


BUT....I recognize that many would chafe at such a restriction.  It just doesn't seem important enough to warrant the angst generated, especially in a game with such a small player population.  Seems like one of those things that, while a positive in itself, wouldn't hold up under the scrutiny of cost/benefit analysis. 

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I far prefer pudding themed names much moar fun


And that is exactly why i play games,for fun,to put forward the proposal that we all should conform to a few peoples ideals of drawing our names from a historical pool or such is in my mind silly,such is the nature of the beast in these forums at the moment with a small number of single minded people seeing fit to dictate what direction this game should be going in and take little consideration of the vast number of other people who may just be happy playing the game with its current set of rules while looking forward to future patches which will undoubtedly improve the game,that said,there are a few names that tend to make me wounder,why?

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And that is exactly why i play games,for fun,to put forward the proposal that we all should conform to a few peoples ideals of drawing our names from a historical pool or such is in my mind silly...

Silly, you say? You obviously have not noticed some of the names floating around!

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In Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene II, Juliet says to Romeo: 'O! be some other name: / What's in a name? by any other name a rose would smell as sweet.'

Something needs to be done! Many names taken by players in Naval Action are the antithesis of 'sweet' and actually stink to high heaven. Some names are positively a blight on the game and are offensive. One I've seen refers to a genital illness, another to the prostrate, others are just a mispelled mish-mash of unknown meanings, others appear to be passwords with letters and numbers jumbled together, or just any two 'words' thrown together, etc. In short, a chaotic mess that needs rule and order.


Some names, like mine, refer to a real life personage of the sea. Viscount Augustus Keppel (1725 – 1786) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the War of American Independence. During the final years of the latter conflict, he served as First Lord of the Admiralty. I think, this is the way to do it: you take a real historical personage's name preferred by you and use that.


The DEVS ought to make a rule that only HISTORICAL naval names must be used. I propose that names should be (1) of historical personages, (2) naval, (3) spelled correctly, (4) from the period in question, or a little earlier and a little later, (that is, from, say, 1620 to 1820).


PS.: NAMES should be harmonious with the rest of the game that tries to maintain historical and simulation accuracy.


PPS.: Please, read this fully. It is all one whole. Don't answer if you've only taken it in partially, please. And, don't take part in this discussion if your only intent is to insult and slander: the very type of person to whom I object and for whom I rightly have contempt.


I disagree with this idea.

People should be able to identify themselves as they wish, both in the real world and in game.

Offensive language should be discouraged and reported of course.

I personally find players who use historical figures names to be unimaginative. These players are not Admiral Nelson or Lord Cochrane.

If you wanted to be completely historical and make the game world as realistic as possible, those people's names should be banned as they were real people in the world at this time.

Admiralty missions will be issued to you by Admiral Keppel!





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In Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene II, Juliet says to Romeo: 'O! be some other name: / What's in a name? by any other name a rose would smell as sweet.'

Something needs to be done! Many names taken by players in Naval Action are the antithesis of 'sweet' and actually stink to high heaven. Some names are positively a blight on the game and are offensive. One I've seen refers to a genital illness, another to the prostrate, others are just a mispelled mish-mash of unknown meanings, others appear to be passwords with letters and numbers jumbled together, or just any two 'words' thrown together, etc. In short, a chaotic mess that needs rule and order.


Just because it doesn't make sense to you it doesn't mean it makes sense at all.



Some names, like mine, refer to a real life personage of the sea. Viscount Augustus Keppel (1725 – 1786) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the War of American Independence. During the final years of the latter conflict, he served as First Lord of the Admiralty. I think, this is the way to do it: you take a real historical personage's name preferred by you and use that.

One could argue you suffer from a lack of creativity and imagination. Assuming someone elses name; the real Keppel would stir in his grave.


The DEVS ought to make a rule that only HISTORICAL naval names must be used. I propose that names should be (1) of historical personages, (2) naval, (3) spelled correctly, (4) from the period in question, or a little earlier and a little later, (that is, from, say, 1620 to 1820).

They ought to do no such thing.


PS.: NAMES should be harmonious with the rest of the game that tries to maintain historical and simulation accuracy.


Names should be original and something the player identifies with.


Yes, there will always be stupid names with numbers and references to genitalia etc and no, I do not like it. But as long as it's not racist or too much over the top (not giving examples) they should be allowed. I don't have to focus and stare on bad names all day do I?


The first name of my char is something I identify with even though it's not a real word nor name. It describes me pretty well and I have used it for more than a decade. The second part is a real word and does have a meaning, but it'd mean gibberish to you. Another char has been inspired, but not shamelessly copied, by a real person, one of the most succesful pirates in history even, but you'd be unfamiliar with it and you'd frown at the name because of ignorance.


Also, we have millions of Nelsons, de Ruyters and whatnot already. I dread the outcome if this were enforced, but then, i cannot imagine the devs being dumb enough to adopt this silly silly idea.

Edited by ZenTex
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