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Surrender during boarding

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Hell no.


The surrender mechanic is already broken in normal fighting (e.g. surrender just before sinking - ship is not capped, kill/assist gold+xp is not gained, crew is magically saved).

Boarding is still the last bastion to force people to surrender early - as it should be, a judgement call of whether to risk fighting to the bitter end or save your crew. If you think you're about to get boarded soon, either surrender early or accept it.


It's bad enough already that you can't tell whether someone has the determined defender perk or not until it's too late.

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You get boarded, you see there's no hope. Click Surrender in the mini game. What's wrong with it ? Result will be the same, everyone wins time, captain that surrenders saves crew and officer, attacker gets ship and the victory is his.


Do not bring the "sinking surrender" as an analogy, it is not even the same thing.

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You get boarded, you see there's no hope. Click Surrender in the mini game. What's wrong with it ? Result will be the same, everyone wins time, captain that surrenders saves crew and officer, attacker gets ship and the victory is his.


Do not bring the "sinking surrender" as an analogy, it is not even the same thing.


So the benefit to the attacker is what - saving a smidgeon of crew and a tiny bit of time? It's not a win-win like normal surrendering would be, it's a win-whatever.


Uncertainty and risk makes for more interesting gameplay than just clicking a magical escape key to minimize your losses when you mess up. I brought up the sinking surrender issue because if it was not for that, the uncertainty and risk would be great there as well - e.g. do you surrender while you still can or risk pushing on at the risk of sinking?


Not to mention the historical aspect of it. If someone felt outmatched and wanted to be left alive I reckon they'd have chosen to strike their sails and surrendered early rather than getting hammered by cannonballs, pulled in grapple hooks, charged by a boarding crew and then gone "Hey guys, now we surrender, okay?".

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Hell no.


The surrender mechanic is already broken in normal fighting (e.g. surrender just before sinking - ship is not capped, kill/assist gold+xp is not gained, crew is magically saved).

Boarding is still the last bastion to force people to surrender early - as it should be, a judgement call of whether to risk fighting to the bitter end or save your crew. If you think you're about to get boarded soon, either surrender early or accept it.


It's bad enough already that you can't tell whether someone has the determined defender perk or not until it's too late.


And the solution to that is "don't let them surrender"? What about granting a kill/assist and gold+xp to the attacker when the enemy surrenders? This would be the easiest and best solution imho. Surrendering during boarding happend a lot and I don't get your thinking behind it why it shouldn't be possible.

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So the benefit to the attacker is what - saving a smidgeon of crew and a tiny bit of time? It's not a win-win like normal surrendering would be, it's a win-whatever.


Uncertainty and risk makes for more interesting gameplay than just clicking a magical escape key to minimize your losses when you mess up. I brought up the sinking surrender issue because if it was not for that, the uncertainty and risk would be great there as well - e.g. do you surrender while you still can or risk pushing on at the risk of sinking?


Not to mention the historical aspect of it. If someone felt outmatched and wanted to be left alive I reckon they'd have chosen to strike their sails and surrendered early rather than getting hammered by cannonballs, pulled in grapple hooks, charged by a boarding crew and then gone "Hey guys, now we surrender, okay?".


Plenty of counter arguments to that historically wise.


What is the issue ? The Kill award, okay I get it. Fair enough.

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And the solution to that is "don't let them surrender"? What about granting a kill/assist and gold+xp to the attacker when the enemy surrenders? This would be the easiest and best solution imho. Surrendering during boarding happend a lot and I don't get your thinking behind it why it shouldn't be possible.


You can already surrender at any time up until the moment that the boarding starts, and even then, and unless you're ridiculously outmatched you still stand a fair chance to defend and disengage and then surrender.

Surrendering during boarding obviously happened alot, and we already have that in the game - it's called the morale bar.


And who cares about receiving a kill/assist? Don't you already get that from normal capturing anyways? I just dont see why we should have a 'get out of jail for free' card for the one who gets boarded while the benefits to the boarder is relatively minimal. At least not allowing it allows for some mindgames - e.g. non-boarding ships trying to scare people into surrendering, small boarding-fitted ships catching larger ones unawares because they thought that they weren't a threat worth surrendering to e.t.c.

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i think if you surrender what happens to the ship and crew should be left up to the person that captured it


Now this is more interesting and gives "captain reputation" a chance.


- "Oh you are that captain that puts everyone to the sword if we surrender... No quarter then!"

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Now this is more interesting and gives "captain reputation" a chance.


- "Oh you are that captain that puts everyone to the sword if we surrender... No quarter then!"


It could be even a perk.  :D


Slaughter: Nullifies the use of the surrender button on the boarding minigame but boost enemy morale +30 (or keep fighting even with morale 0).

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You can already surrender at any time up until the moment that the boarding starts, and even then, and unless you're ridiculously outmatched you still stand a fair chance to defend and disengage and then surrender.

Surrendering during boarding obviously happened alot, and we already have that in the game - it's called the morale bar.


And who cares about receiving a kill/assist? Don't you already get that from normal capturing anyways? I just dont see why we should have a 'get out of jail for free' card for the one who gets boarded while the benefits to the boarder is relatively minimal. At least not allowing it allows for some mindgames - e.g. non-boarding ships trying to scare people into surrendering, small boarding-fitted ships catching larger ones unawares because they thought that they weren't a threat worth surrendering to e.t.c.


Morale bar, yeah where you mostly auto surrender when almost everybody is dead. In a 1 vs 1 with equal ships and one of them boarding fitted to the max, I don't know if I am ridiculously outmatched before the boarding starts. I can guess that he has marines by his reload times but that's all. And if I see, that he is far superior to me in the boarding combat, I would like to surrender.


At the moment you don't get a kill or assist for a surrender. That's what needs to change but as I see you don't care about that. You just want to punish your foe as much as possible. And if he surrenders to you while boarding, you also lose fewer crew members. You will get a new ship and hopefully a kill soon. That is the benefit. There is absolutely no downside (besides the lack of kill/assist at the moment. Hope the devs will implement it soon because it is mandatory but I didn't read anything from them about it).

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i think if you surrender what happens to the ship and crew should be left up to the person that captured it


You do realize that will end only one way and make surrender a pointless option?


Inability to surrender in boarding is a huge problem, but so is denial of rewards to victor because of surrender.  Both must be fixed together.

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Surrender should be penalized by a large xp hit.  We have completely failed to kill anyone since the last patch; they all surrender and we don't get the kill or the bonus. 


The solution is easier.... Surrender should also award kill bonus to the captor.

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How do you guys propose to prevent abuse of surrender rewards?

  1. I attack another Pirate.
  2. He surrenders (of course :P ).
  3. Kill/profit etc.
  4. Rinse repeat.



Same with nationals and Smugglers.


Basically equals damage farming, but far from any of us to point something wrong with a anti-suggestion without being scolded.

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Not to mention the historical aspect of it. If someone felt outmatched and wanted to be left alive I reckon they'd have chosen to strike their sails and surrendered early rather than getting hammered by cannonballs, pulled in grapple hooks, charged by a boarding crew and then gone "Hey guys, now we surrender, okay?".


Historically, successful boarding actions were essentially over when the defending crew was driven below decks. At that point, the most the defenders can do is have grenades dropped on them through the hatches and the entire ship burned down around them if they still refuse to give up. Crew did not fight until every last man aboard ship was dead. It was seen as a useless waste of life by all of the navies of the time, and surrender was an honorable way out to preserve the lives of the remaining crew (which the captain holds ultimate responsibility). Being unable to surrender during the boarding action and being forced to fight until crew/morale hits 0 is what is ahistorical.

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