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If this dose not get them Banned, what will?????????

Ban or not to ban?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the 2 Pirates get Banned from the Game

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What a great vid.

Gree on green.

Near the end of the video, you can see when the "Tab" key is pressed that it was Pirate tagged Pirate.

Then the Pirate sailed in the way, and rammed the players trying to capture the Pirate's Pavel.

At the end the Pirate in the Ingermanland boarded the Pirate in the Pavel.

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Yes. I want crew morale so to batter enemy ships into submission. Would solve a ton of issues and make many look back to these way outs as "maybe they weren't so bad after all". *winks*

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Guess what? Nothing will happen...


But do you remember guys about year ago when game was about to go out of sea trials and OW was being released?

Remember that guy that Devs wiped his whole progress and all his ships so he was not able to get into first OW phase because he let some players shot his ship to get XP and get into OW as soon as possible?


That sure was bannable... but obvious exploit over and over again is all good! Even though those guys will keep all the XP when game is released, that is ok....


Seriously, devs remind me of those "In Soviet Russia jokes..." where everything is upside down.

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Just banning the guys, will not help fix the problem. And i think that everyone that pays a little bit of attention to the forums, know that the devs are fully aware of these kind of exploits and flawed mechanics. 

I am most confident the devs will not tolerate exploit abusers and cheaters, however at this time and stage, i think the focus is more on fixing and developping than investigating , punishment and repeat.

I am confident that everyone abusing some kind of an exploit is being watched and will face justice sooner or later.


For now, i think we have to see it through till these reworks of the pirate nation happen.



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The battle entry rules for all nations and pirate on pirate mechanics are only going to be addressed with the alliance patch. 

Ability to enter the battle on the enemy side is an outdated mechanic that exists since early OW sea trial with 30 people online and was done to increase the variety of battles (especially when timers for entry were unlimited). Removing attack on friendly and removing battle entry will solve all tribunals like that. It will be done.



  • the decisions to punish or request punishment belongs to a tribunal
  • the request to punishment or any conversations about the subject are allowed only for the parties involved

One of the parties involved can request opinion in the tribunal. Tommy Shelby or Ellis can do it for example. 

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Remember that guy that Devs wiped his whole progress and all his ships so he was not able to get into first OW phase because he let some players shot his ship to get XP and get into OW as soon as possible?



You are providing wrong information. Don't do that please


That guy was wiped because

1) He was damage farming actively advertising it in game chat and inviting everyone to do it

2) Unfortunately for him one of the devs was present in that battle

3) The dev asked the person to stop doing that and warned about consequences

4) Instead of calmly accepting that warning and moving on the person attacked the dev verbally first in game then on forums


Now that person was not wiped for damage farming.

He was punished because he ignored multiple warnings and actually abused the developer even after it was really proven that it was a developer.

The developer (who was not a pro community manager like all of us) was very upset and she left western forums after that, losing hope in the so called friendly and helpful community. 


Damage farming rule was issued after that. And even then not many people were reset because of damage farming, only those who really abused it and were actually reported and continued doing it after warnings.


In the future please avoid making up stuff about us.

We are very careful about what we say in public and always tell the truth so we don't have to remember what we said, and don't have to be afraid that someone will catch us. This saves a lot of time, but some users hate this. .

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The battle entry rules for all nations and pirate on pirate mechanics are only going to be addressed with the alliance patch. 

Ability to enter the battle on the enemy side is an outdated mechanic that exists since early OW sea trial with 30 people online and was done to increase the variety of battles (especially when timers for entry were unlimited). Removing attack on friendly and removing battle entry will solve all tribunals like that. It will be done.



  • the decisions to punish or request punishment belongs to a tribunal
  • the request to punishment or any conversations about the subject are allowed only for the parties involved
One of the parties involved can request opinion in the tribunal. Tommy Shelby or Ellis can do it for example.

So no ban then?

Can I get my money back?

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Yeah i'm completely sick of all the pirate crap they keep pulling, they are deliberately ruining this game for others by using what ever exploits they can find to cheat the systems and frankly i would rather see them shut down all together till they have been fully reworked and no longer a nation!!!!

Edited by Ronald Speirs
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Yeah i'm completely sick of all the pirate crap they keep pulling, they are deliberately ruining this game for others by using what ever exploits they can find to cheat the systems and frankly i would rather see them shut down all together till they have been fully reworked and no longer a nation!!!!


I would appreciate less generalization please. Blaming an entire "group" of players is a double edge blade and definitely shows a lot of your player-ego. There are excellent characters in all nations as much as there are condemnable ones so step back and have fun or timeout until things are as you wish for ( might be never! ).


Regarding your wishes for the Black colour, my hope is your favourite colour gets double the love you wish ours.



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In all honesty, I've never attacked another pirate to escape a battle, and I've never seen anyone in my clan do it either, so not everyone does it.  

If there's a mechanic that will give someone an unfair advantage, some people will use it.


Personally, I don't think this mechanic is as bad as the 'stay in battle screen' issue which EVERYONE uses to avoid a fight.

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I'm not condoning what they did, but it's an exploit that just needs to get fixed. Remember, this Game is still in Alpha.

They're also proving they're the type of players who will massively exploit in PVP


Do you think that if this will get fixed, they'll play fair?

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The developer (who was not a pro community manager like all of us) was very upset and she left western forums after that, losing hope in the so called friendly and helpful community. 


Hate to say it but she was right.


Curious: did that particular player needed to be punished again at a later time?

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TF TDA & co  rammed each other in nuevitas over and over when we crashed their fleet, for avoid firsts and seconds to be captured , ?we did not a bitchy thread about becouse we are are not crybabies


To be completely fair, ramming still allows for the possibility of an enemy to close and board, and allow the forced survival mode to hopefully save the ship when he caps it. Two pirates boarding each other removes any possibility of one of their attackers interfering, as seen in the video. Unlike early steam release, it is now near impossible to separate two ships in a boarding action by sailing between them and pushing them apart.

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TF TDA & co  rammed each other in nuevitas over and over when we crashed their fleet, for avoid firsts and seconds to be captured , ?we did not a bitchy thread about becouse we are are not crybabies


One Victory and one Constitution did. I like how two out of ~15 suddenly becomes the whole group with you. Also that's green on green same nation with player consent that's not even the point posted here. This is green on green cross nation deliberately to obstruct, someone getting annoyed people are wanting a loophole that directly benefits your nation closed?

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