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Patch 9.7 - Land sighted


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I dont see what the fuss is, ganking still works. Pirates tried a 5 on gank on me last night , because thats how they roll, but it still let in an Essex and a connie against my one Trinc. Seems more than 1.5x. Is there a chart somewhere for the BR of the ships in game?

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Another thing I don't like and makes ZERO sense: Battles starting with no guns loaded! WTF?!


How does it make any sense at all that I spot a sail on the horizon....begin chase....time spent chasing the enemy could be the equivalent to half a day....and as I finally get to engagement range my crew has not loaded the cannons? They would have to be the biggest contingent of incompetent fools not to begin making ready for battle as we closed. Why did you change this? Again, don't recall an outcry of testers complaining about this dynamic....


You guys have done an amazing job but starting to suffer from over tweaking stuff that doesn't need to be "fixed". 

Yeah i agree it blows but i understand why they changed it.


If you tag someone in a pvp battle now close enough you start right on top of them.  I mean almost boarding distance.  If decks were loaded some fights would end in 2 mins.

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My feedback on new patch so far.

Things to adjust:

1) I think there needs to be more variety in ai fleet size. I seem to be only seeing huge mega-fleets right now.

2) We need more enemy ai fleets near our ports - they seem to have disappeared.

3) Ai traders seem also to have disappeared.

4) I would like to see sending your current ship to an outpost of your choice completely removed when capping traders. This is to encourage more tactical nation vs nation play when deciding where to position limited forces.

5) Whilst I think we all need to try the new BR mechanics for a wee while before passing judgement, I have noticed it is now far easier for enemy ships to run and harder to set screens as ships need to blob up when attacking rather than spread out. This allowed a number of French gankers by Jamaica to escape from us last night as we couldn't set a net as before.

Things I love:

1) Land in battles is just great!

2) Removal of capping npc warships - especially 3rd rates. Looking forward to seeing a greater variety of ships being used in game and nations having to decide carefully where to attack and risk losing valuable ships.

3) The way that framework generally now just feels better to me.

4) Having all levels of missions available allows me to dust off my old favourites rather than being forced into the strongest ship I can crew.

Overall I really like what I see so far in this patch. Sure, there will be adjustments needed which is the whole point of testing. I suggest we all give the new mechanics a decent chance, understanding the game is very much in development still, before giving constructive feedback.

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"sunk" about 5 and a half hours into the patch last night.  Tried to do a bit of everything.


A couple pvp fights in small boats.  A group fleet mission.  Some exploring. Even Rammed a surprise in a poop navy brig for science.


Not sure whats going on with AI but i sailed from La tortue to mo town to jermaine and didnt see a single NPC ship.


Ramming is insane.  The penetration numbers are insane.  Not sure why we are still tweaking the combat system.  I thought we all agreed it was pretty awesome before.  IMO all the combat penetration and leak changes should be returned to previous levels.  You barely have to do any real damage to sink anyone.  Crew dies like the ship is riddled with plague.  The time to kill just dropped massively in pvp.


Land in battles is awesome.  I would have settled for randomly generated land but pulling it from the surrounding world is that much better.


The Group fleet missions were pretty cool but the AI did seem a bit fierce.  They were ripping through my live oak armor.  Truthfully I do not have a ton of experience in PvE so take that as you will.


Not capping AI.  Eh, i still think it should be any ship higher then a frigate goes to the admiralty but not a big deal.  Ill adapt.




Over all i have to say i wasn't to pleased with the changes.  Land yes.  Basically everything else, no.

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Ramming is insane.  The penetration numbers are insane.  Not sure why we are still tweaking the combat system.  I thought we all agreed it was pretty awesome before.  IMO all the combat penetration and leak changes should be returned to previous levels.  You barely have to do any real damage to sink anyone.  Crew dies like the ship is riddled with plague.  The time to kill just dropped massively in pvp.


They patched the ramming at least now. But there are still some things that need to be undone!

Edited by Twig
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Have you ever heard from a ship battle in real life, where one side was not able to thow in all the ships they want because the other side was ranting it might be unfair? Honestly......

You still can. Just make sure you're in the original tag. You do realize the OW is time-compressed, right? Joining AFTER a tag is relatively far-fetched since its stated that the 2 mins OW is 2 hours sailing. Think of it this way: you can't have a few tacklers covering 8 hours of sail time and still get slower ships in every time.

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Guys, just got my first land-in battle, and it was awesome.


The rest of this stuff - ramming, leaking, etc etc etc - I am confident will get sorted out in time.


But the land in battles are totally awesome and hugely welcomed. I had high hopes and they exceed them.





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You still can. Just make sure you're in the original tag. You do realize the OW is time-compressed, right? Joining AFTER a tag is relatively far-fetched since its stated that the 2 mins OW is 2 hours sailing. Think of it this way: you can't have a few tacklers covering 8 hours of sail time and still get slower ships in every time.

Did you read my post about it? If not, you should

"...I did this to make you clear, that now the open PVP is so hard limited through the BR, that you are only able to sail fast ships if you want to have the possibility to fight, cause if not, you don't have the change to even get near.

Historical seen, you always had the change to lurking in a bay for someone or to get sailing routes if you want to engage someone. (Lurking not possible through the camera movement)

This is something you are not able to do so in the game, so the only way to "balance" this is to let small ships sailing in front of you to bind enemy's into battle until the big ships arrive. Now with the BR difference this is not possible anymore.

It will just get the player to stay and wait even more in ports with the intention to try to fight single ships.

(Not something I would appreciate in this game)..."

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Had a fight close to land. I did not stop to smell the roses much, but it did look pretty darn good. I got a leak and it was taken care as before, Sailed in a Surprise and the gun aiming was normal. Earlier in my Reno, could not elevate the guns to fire more than 100 feet. Both ships have long 9's.

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Alright here's my quick comments on this patch.   




I like the land in Battles!     Hurting my FPS pretty bad but, still its a good add.  


Fleet Missions !!!!        Best add I've seen in a patch from this team yet.   we had a blast running this last night.  


Rank Boost...    Thanks for that.    kind of helped with the grind I was getting a bit weary of.  





Where did all the traders go?   I mean really.....where did they go?  


LEAKING.   Did anyone actually test this?   Lost a 3rd rate that was well over 3/4 health to one leak from a friendly AI ram  in 25 seconds..  No possible way to check it...it was down before my crew could even begin to make repairs.  These are wooden ships right?    Losing a 3rd rate right now is  big deal.    This needs a hot patch really fast or I will likely quit playing anything valuable until after it finally gets fixed. I doubt I'm alone  I'm a little shocked by how laughable that issue  is?    New game meta...   Bring a bunch of mercury's and sink enemy fleet of 1st -3rd rates via kamikaze.  



Generally positive about it.  I'm sure there is more to sort through and would love to play through it all... But now the leak thing has me a bit gun shy?      

Edited by RA6E
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From the hot fix 9.71 post

Fixed bugs:[/size]

Spawning in land will happen less after exiting orders/events from the OW.[/size]

UI bug hiding the mission entry button for large groups fixed[/size]

Several technical problems fixed[/size]



Ramming leaks bug increasing their size dramatically fixed - ramming leaks returned to the pre-patch level[/size]

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OK...   thanks for checking me.    I rushed to post the comment on it without checking if they hot-patched.   Thanks for handling that quickly Devs.    Now can you patch me back my 3rd rate?    :(

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You still can. Just make sure you're in the original tag. You do realize the OW is time-compressed, right? Joining AFTER a tag is relatively far-fetched since its stated that the 2 mins OW is 2 hours sailing. Think of it this way: you can't have a few tacklers covering 8 hours of sail time and still get slower ships in every time.

Yes this just makes the new positional reinforcements that much more frustrating.


Previously when you tagged someone on the OS what mattered was the wind and distance of the initial tag in relation to the ship you were tagging.


Now i can tag any ship regardless of wind or distance as soon as its in range and as long as my buddies aren't in the initial attack circle they can sail past the battle and get on the other side of whatever i tagged.  They now enter the battle on the other side of whatever i caught.


Essentially all i did with my initial tag was suspend the ship in space and time for a minute so my buddies could warp past and get better position


The anit-ganking patch just made ganking so much easier.



There are so many changes that came in this patch that i just dont understand the reasoning or need for.

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Previously when you tagged someone on the OS what mattered was the wind and distance of the initial tag in relation to the ship you were tagging.


Now i can tag any ship regardless of wind or distance as soon as its in range and as long as my buddies aren't in the initial attack circle they can sail past the battle and get on the other side of whatever i tagged.  They now enter the battle on the other side of whatever i caught.


Essentially all i did with my initial tag was suspend the ship in space and time for a minute so my buddies could warp past and get better position

Yeah, this is extremely concerning.


It seems like adding land into the battles somehow made positional reinforcements necessary or something. I hope that's not the case.

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well thanks for fixing the leaks hope it is wont be able to test tonite and not sure i want too

maybe next time test your patch first i mean no way you tested this cause # 1 on my list would have been to hey lets ram 2 ships together and see what happens all you had to do was that and you would have saved many people some ships last nite


you want to give us the ships back that was caused by you not testing the leaks would be nice

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well thanks for fixing the leaks hope it is wont be able to test tonite and not sure i want too

maybe next time test your patch first i mean no way you tested this cause # 1 on my list would have been to hey lets ram 2 ships together and see what happens all you had to do was that and you would have saved many people some ships last nite


you want to give us the ships back that was caused by you not testing the leaks would be nice


Im sorry for your ship , but seem you were their test after all, now they now XD  lmfao

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you want to give us the ships back that was caused by you not testing the leaks would be nice

And how do you propose they do this, it's not as simple as flipping a light switch. Besides we are bound to lose our assets regardless.

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Is it just me or are contraband traders super rare now?

Last night, in a quest to test land-in battles, I sailed from Habana to Tumbado to Bensalem to Bonacca.

Along the north coast of Cuba, there were lots of Spanish AI fleets and some traders but no contraband traders that I recall. And no solo traders at all.

Between Tumbado and Bensalem I saw very few ships, literally just a couple AI British warships and one Brit player in a Surprise.

Once I got down to the coast near Bonacca I saw more British fleets spawning and finally had a chance to attack something (to test land in battles) that wouldn't force me to turn pirate or sink me immediately. Love the land in battles and the way you can spawn right next to things now. Big improvement.

Global chat was full of people reporting the same thing concerning traders.

So, definitely seems like AI trader spawns are bugged.

Before logging off I tried the Duel Room and it was awesome! Love it.

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well now, after playing a bit more:


the lack of traders is really annoying. I tend to log in and, if i haven't got much time, get 1 or 2 traders for the lulz, sell the loot and log out.

Now I log in, cruise around for 30 mins, see nothing, get bored quick, sail home, log out...


please add the traders again... :(

Edited by buttski
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And how do you propose they do this, it's not as simple as flipping a light switch. Besides we are bound to lose our assets regardless.

Revert servers back to before the patch and then just implement the land battles. Everything else is what's screwed up.

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