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Teleport cooldown - driving players out of the game

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Guys.... the teleport cooldown is nonsensically long. It is, in effect, being detrimental to enjoyment of the game because 

1) It reduces people's ability to group up and sail together

2) One ill timed teleport can wreck your entire evening of gaming


The outcome of this is reduced enjoyment for everyone, and it contributes to people leaving the game.


The suggestion:

Reduce the cooldown to 15 minutes


Now, there are a few considerations to make so let's deal with them:


An entire nation will now be able to teleport close to a port battle and help defend

Yes and no - firstly they would have to have an outpost nearby. Secondly, I recommend a 'lock-out' mechanic is implemented whereby individuals are prohibited from entering port battles up to 30 minutes after a teleport has been effected.


Reinforcing nation members in trouble becomes a lot easier

Yes, but as above - not everyone has outposts everywhere - the exponential cost increase of permit purchases effectively limits this. If necessary, put a lock-out timer on entering battles of 5 minutes to ensure battles will be locked upon arrival.


This ruins my immersion / this is not realistic

Be quiet you. Go sit in your rowboat-come-pretend-Santisima and contemplate your choices in life.


Crafters will be able to teleport ships full of cargo to capitol really quickly

Correct. Remove teleporting with cargo (or limit it to, say, 100 tons).

Edited by ICE_MAN
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We once said here: We consider all features from the 1000th use perspective. After 1000th time if it is fun its a good feature. If it is fun an interesting only first 10 times but becomes boring and bad after 1000th trip its not a good feature.


New players always complain that teleport is unhistorical and is crap. Worth-a-buy review confirmed it :) - lots of players wrote to us that we should listen to him. But after 1000th travel we agree it could get tedious. But position on the teleport changes once you craft a santisima


Lets be honest - shorter teleport makes things a bit better, because after 1000th time of sailing for 30 mins from Cayman to Il-a Vache is not very fun.


Teleport with cargo should be removed (but again - we know many crafters will stop crafting because of that). 

But teleport from outpost to outpost could be faster.

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Wow, I was expecting a suggestion much lest drastic.


Just no to 15 min teleports.  Part of the beauty of this game is that travel times matter and it makes the map size significant.  Just sounds like you want to be able to make stupid quick trade runs for your own convenience.


I could agree to a reduction of an hour or maybe even two to the timer.  This is just a "I don't want to sail in my sailing game" suggestion.


The thing I would like for teleports though is that they open the world map teleport to something other than just the capital.  Let me teleport to one of my other outposts, part of the reason I stick around Charleston is because it gives me the option to bring in stuff easier.  If this change is made I would be much more open to changing my base of operations.

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We dont need a cooldown at all. You should be able to book a passage anytime from any free town towards any freetown. It only should cost you money depending on distance. This will ensure full portbattles nearly every time.

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The thing I would like for teleports though is that they open the world map teleport to something other than just the capital.  Let me teleport to one of my other outposts, part of the reason I stick around Charleston is because it gives me the option to bring in stuff easier.  If this change is made I would be much more open to changing my base of operations.


Pirates can teleport everywhere !

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Nope, I don't like it. I always come back to my suggestion: Remove teleports altogether and make open sea travel much faster. There already is time compression there, no reason not to add more of it to get rid of teleports (and the need for them).


Impossible without shrinking of the world

But then the epic scale will disappear

Old testers please confirm that faster speed sucked.

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We dont need a cooldown at all. You should be able to book a passage anytime from any free town towards any freetown. It only should cost you money depending on distance. This will ensure full portbattles nearly every time.


Disagree with "any free city" part. Managing outposts and preparing them for future use is a great part of the game. The neccessity to actually sail somewhere before you can TP there is very important and is what allows us to keep the wonders of long sailing times even if the TP itself has no timer on it.

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Impossible without shrinking of the world

But then the epic scale will disappear

Old testers please confirm that faster speed sucked.


Explain how it is impossible? I keep hearing it's been tested and it sucked, but nobody ever explained why.


There is nothing epic about falling asleep on your keyboard traveling for 5 hours....

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It negated the entire purpose of a large world, but the main thing was the ships were disconnected with the waves and it looked very bad in general. Turning and everything was extremely quick and made tagging very imprecise and unpredictable.

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Explain how it is impossible? I keep hearing it's been tested and it sucked, but nobody ever explained why.


There is nothing epic about falling asleep on your keyboard traveling for 5 hours....


Traveling once for 5 hours and getting lost is a great feeling when you experience it couple of times.

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Radical me says 1 teleport per 24hrs/or sever restart.

6 tp's per (server restart) seems a little too generous imho, keeping in mind that the longest/average play session for myself is perhaps 6 hours (correct me if I'm incorrect).


OW travel x is fine and the right compromise has been found, no need to change.

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Teleport system needs to be changed to above suggestion or similar, 4 hours far too long, effectively ruins your ability to be part of the action, pvp, even pve for those that play as a pve group if you make a wrong choice or did not know the plan or were tired from working or for whatever reason. Please reduce TP cooldown before anything else. Diplomacy etc etc can wait fix TP.


For those realism merchants, move ur pc outside, sit in a rocking chair, throw water in your face, turn on a cold fan straight in your face, vomit regularly and eat hardtack biscuits until you are so blocked up the TP system will be the least of your worries.


Ingerad, game needs players and TP system is driving them away as well as other things, if you want to sail all evening by all means do it but do not force that on me when my time is limited and I want fighting not sailing. You are still based from Charlestown that's how bad the TP system is.


As I said, I would be open to a reduction in teleport timers to a point.  But I just can't see the need to teleport somewhere every 15 mins.


I also admit, I didn't consider splitting the timers into outpost to outpost and open world.  I don't mind the fairly quick outpost to outpost teleports, but does it really need to be less than an hour given the way the game actually plays?  This is not a fast game.  If you want, I'd be fine with an open world teleport (to outpost of choice) on the same 4 hour timer while outpost to outposts at an hour or so.  



Also the reason I'm based in Charleston is not in any way related to the teleport timers.  It's because I can bring my ship home there quickly.  If I could go to a different outpost somewhere and do the same I would be much more willing to change my base of operations (Though admittedly I would need to farm up the cash for another tier 3 shipyard).

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While i think faster teleport would help friendly interactions... there should be something to keep people teleporting into port battles because it will take all the strategy from it. Maybe make it so you cannot tp to a port that has a flag thrown against?


But yea definitely the cargo tp has to be stopped and the tp between outposts could be faster.

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While i think faster teleport would help friendly interactions... there should be something to keep people teleporting into port battles because it will take all the strategy from it. Maybe make it so you cannot tp to a port that has a flag thrown against?


But yea definitely the cargo tp has to be stopped and the tp between outposts could be faster.

Re-read original post: 30 min PB lock-out timer.

Edited by ICE_MAN
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Confirmed sucked, OW sailing speed as is right now, is as perfect as it has yet been.  Explain >> sailing boats are not 200kmh speed boats, felt completely wrong on all levels. Making the boats move faster lost all the feel of what the game is about, and the only other way to get a boat across the distance if you don't do 200kmh is to shrink the map. Pretty straight forward really, faster boat or smaller map... both lose what the game is about. If you want speed boats try WOW.

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I still think, players should be able to book a passage from any freetown towards any freetown at any time. It will do the game something good, regarding PvP, PvE and it will stop the inflation, cause it can be a huge money sink.


TPing between outposts at any time or with a low cooldown would be OP in my opinion.

Edited by Brogsitter
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