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Hotfixes for several annoying issues


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I'm new on the game, but i think new rewards are totally insane ! I really hope this is just a way to boost players income during the Alpha in order to let them test late content, and not a permanent way for the "real"game... Without money sink, it ll literally make all players billionaires really quickly.... 

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Soon we have more time and ships to do PvP. Not again this stupid grind of fleets 24/7.


You cannot do PvP now? Although the progress is slower, I personally have been to Ships of the Line 3 times already and I completely refuse to rush it again. What will I get if I grind. Take couple of ports that will super likely be wiped again when port battles are reworked?


I want to enjoy my time with game and hone my personal skills. And honestly, PvP in frigates is way more fun than Ships of the line hammering in lines for 90 minutes.

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all ok imho beside gold increase in missionns, too much my commodore missions went from 5k to 25k


exp increase kinda ok, but since you fixed fleeting imho exp is even too fast


i propose this scheme for missions  wich is a 30%-40% reduction from current one



Rank1 : 50 exp 1k gold

Rank2: 75 exp 1,5k gold

Rank3: 100 exp 2,5k gold

Rank4: 125 exp 4,5k gold

Rank5: 150 exp 6,5k gold

Rank6: 175 exp 9k gold

Rank7: 200 exp 12k gold

Rank8: 225 exp  15k gold

Rank9: 250 exp 18k gold

Rank10: 300 exp 20k gold

Edited by Lord Vicious
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Perhaps mission rewards should be changed back to the following structure. 

5000 money reward for all levels and reduced xp (to levels a bit higher than before)


This will then provide more options to buy new vessels and upgrade them for lower level solo players, while keeping everything the same for the Captains of the higher rank.


I have played this game for ~9 hours so far, both with and without a group. Even with doing higher level missions in the group, it was a chore to get through Midshipman, and I still didn't have enough money to buy a new ship, given that I was buying and selling modifications to try out their effects, and that I was trying different cannon types. I haven't had an opportunity to play post-patch, but I relish the opportunity to try a new ship in the foreseeable future.


C0deX, on 09 Feb 2016 - 08:44 AM, said:

Thx for this awesome hotfix. Now casuals can build and buy ships too.

The most people think so too. Don't change it back!


This is the most important part; I don't want to have the same kind of grind as in EVE to be able to sail the largest ships. 

Edited by Knite
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congrats, you no longer have to actually fight or make an effort to get your resources, HOW FUN! There is only one thing in game which has ANY value now and it's your labor hours.. bleh

Well, I guess, if you consider ever esculating contract prices a fearsome battle and great fun, then -- yea, you sure told me!

Edited by GrapeShot
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Increasing income and supply at the same time, will create a bump in inflation. Oak was a bit sparse, but I think that gold supply was balanced.

you did read the thread before replying, correct? Admin stated that all gold in all the ports is sold out. All of it.

I am so surprised at the negativity in this thread. When I read through the patch notes, the only thing I was concerned about so far was that traders would start outrunning me. Yet it appears you all hate this patch top to bottom.

This is a great "minor" patch. Don't let em drag you down

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Holy Negative Nancy's.


Give it a try first, then provide constructive feedback.

Gatsu - it will be OK.

You know, this is how it will be for a few weeks now most likely and it will take a long time for the worlds economy recover from the excess of millions and millions  that people will be having. Because you can't suddenly add a huge money drain at some aspect to balance half of the population against the other half who won't have a chance to afford anything because of it. The recovery will be really slow and this game just became pointless unless they do a complete wipe of assets.


We already gave the "iron crisis" patch a try and this patch will overflow the market in the exact same way. You don't need to try it out to see the outcome again, do you? We tried the insane iron increase and it didn't work, now they did it with other resources? This patch is such an obvious fail that I've totally lost my faith in game-labs to make something out of this game. I can only be confident that the rest of their decisions, even if just slightly anything like this patch, will drive the game towards the world of the loudmouth carebears.

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Well, I guess, if you consider ever esculation contract prices a fearsome battle and great fun, then -- yea, you sure told me!


So, your comparing unlimited, almost free, resources to everybody with having to push prices until you just cant anymore to get your resources. Can you now see why we no longer are fighting to get resources? I must ask you, what did you expect trading to be about? Why is value of resources not important to you? It is the foundation of the entire games economy, and it just got excluded from the calculation. The only thing preventing me from crafting 50 Frigates right now is the labor hours, the only currency of any value today.


I already thought it was way too easy to get resources before this patch and that hunting traders were pointless, now it's even more so. This game is definitely taking its turn towards the totally wrong direction.

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Let's show a little patience and give it a few days to see how the patch works out and give feedback. If it's too much of a change I can guarantee you admin and the devs will fix it. I've seen it numerous times over the past few years to think otherwise.

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I like the repair kit change, that makes a lot of sense.

However I just did a mission and got over 20k gold!


This in my opinion is a bit much. As others have said, you're creating a galloping inflation that is not going to solve the resource problem. Big clans are placing contracts in ports to stash as many valuable ship building resources as possible. They already have deep pockets thanks to their member financed organisation.

Add more gold and resources and all they'll do is stash even more and resources will remain scarce. 


The real issue is that production is predictable and by placing a contract, you can easily wipe out the shops without having to be too smart, just need money (that is easier than ever to obtain)


Some ideas to break this monopoly control would be:

  • Contracts need time limits. You place a contract, it lasts x days and then expires. You collect whatever was bought during that time frame
  • Production can fluctuate, a strike, bad weather, disease, ... can kill production for several days
  • No contract should be capable of buying 100% of the ressources produced. A cap should be set meaning that multiple contracts can be honoured (this might already be the case...)

my 2 cents

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@Gatsu Prior to these patches the resources were so scarce that only a few of us that were already crafting above everyone else were able to buy up all said resources and noone else was able to craft or do anything. A small handful of players should not be able to control the entire market on a server its as simple as that. If that makes the game to easy for you then please stop beating your dead horse and repeating your discontent as you made your point clear the first 3 times you said it. 


Now yes gold drop from missions may now be on the high side. This being Beta means it will be adjusted, the devs will watch and see what happens over the next few days and adjust accordingly. Also the resource market and crafting is still in its Infancy. As more is implemented in the game expect to see changes. 

Edited by strife1one1
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Let's show a little patience and give it a few days to see how the patch works out and give feedback. If it's too much of a change I can guarantee you admin and the devs will fix it. I've seen it numerous times over the past few years to think otherwise.


I can earn the gold for an npc built teak/speed Surprise in 2 rounds of missions. That's using repair kits liberally rather than returning to port. That's in a Cerb. It doesn't take days to work out that it has been way over egged.

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- Gold production increased 2x

- Fir production increased 3x

- Oak production increased 3x



I really don't like this.


Just like the "iron crisis" patch this is just brute-force approach to problem and doesn't fix the economy. Last patch flooded market with iron (to the point that now it is absolutely everywhere and almost irrelevant) and this patch does pretty much the same thing ... it will just shift the "bottleneck" resource to something else, most likely hemp (prediction for next patch). What needs to be done is change how contracts work ... because right now the economy is pretty much Contract Wars. Almost entire production of certain resources for next few days/weeks is locked in contracts. And thanks to the fact that contracts work even when player is offline and purchase all production as fast as it is produced, no need for storage space and hour by hour updates on contract status (you see if someone has beaten your price) contracts are way too effective. There really needs to be some changes, otherwise we'll just get these "bottleneck resource X crisis" patches that shift the problem a little but in reality don't fix anything.




Edited by gozer
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Most of these changes are necessary (the gold is just countering a currently unresolved economy), but the gun loss change seems crazy (based on my first battle fwiw), normally lose 1-3 guns.  This time I lost 12 guns in a frigate to a snow and brig.  I also lost more than 40 crew to nothing but ball ammo.  Might be unintended change due to something.

Edited by Cpt Farragut
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I can earn the gold for an npc built teak/speed Surprise in 2 rounds of missions. That's using repair kits liberally rather than returning to port. That's in a Cerb. It doesn't take days to work out that it has been way over egged.

If that's the case then give feedback as you just did. It will be fixed if it's found excessive overall. What you posted does sound excessive to me, but I prefer things that encourage as much PvP myself but that's my personal preference.

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