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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Aye i saw that but so far not many members have acces to game:( Most waiting for reopen sale... Anyway i made 1st ever "trailer" in my life...: http://youtu.be/KNtTBUUnlzg
  2. Quite busy now but for weekend will buy: And here some more rum for rum fans: Enjoy!
  3. Hola are u got any webiste or steam group that i can add in my website links ? Cheers
  4. Right looks nice Here are 2 more common (both you can buy below 20 quid): Lambs - Navy Rum: and something for "rats" - cheap Morgan Spiced Rum Finally - classic polish strongest "white" beer - Kaper (8,7 %) (means Privateer): Personally not big fan of rum...but maybe somebedy will like it:) Soon next batch of crafted beers saw today two interesting...more info soon
  5. Not sure how big population we get for Naval Action and splitting for 2 servers could be risky ...hope Steam magic work here and we get lot of new community members. Games like that with specific topic and timeframe could quickly discurage those who not are historical "maniacs". And loosing playerbase for game like that causing a lot damage...So imo we should stay with one server and if will be too crowded (hope so!) think about second...
  6. Bought today some crafted beers: Broadside - commemorating the battle of Solebay from 1672 between England and Dutch. Strong dark ruby beer (6,3%) with fruitcake flavours taste great with cheddar: Second - Trade Winds - scottish light golden colour elderflower and citrus notes. Share yours adventures with sea themed alco:P
  7. Thats a long post mate:) but i really want some danish big ships in game anyway:) like 2 rate for example
  8. Since we not got any second rate ship - this one fit perfect same like this danish one: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4561-fridericus-quintus-danish-2nd-rate-1753-with-plans/ We need fill gap between Bellona and Victory
  9. We want proudly present our NEW website look! Please visit : http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ and enjoy! Z duma przedstawiamy nowa szate graficzna naszej strony: http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ i zapraszamy do rekrutacji!
  10. Zalozylismy grupe na Steamie: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791437815681 Zapraszamy do dolaczenia!
  11. Bart Smith


    http://illustrations.shipsofwar.net/illustrations/44/35/659283472312896/original.jpeg even at night
  12. That could be great have tool like that but there are some concerns about colours - pretty sure here that i dont want see pink sails on open sea:) But few colour predefined by developers will be fine for me:) More personally interested in flags, pennants for guilds.
  13. Yeah but 40 bucks its quite reasonable compare to few hundreds for ships in Star Citizen...i would say its a bargain:)
  14. Indeed. When i read: when we get another 10 milion bucks we will add new map making me smile and im sure they never see a penny from me;P
  15. Are the banners or pennants will be related to guilds and made by players like user content in PotBS?
  16. Bart Smith


    Heard now lenin nailed last 9 inch nail to PotBS coffin by flipping on 12 accounts on both servers:P Lol
  17. So many nice ship here...all we need is more 3D artists with plenty of time !
  18. Added forum : http://www.polskaflotakaperska.4umer.pl/ Nowe forum : http://www.polskaflotakaperska.4umer.pl/
  19. I was thinking more about in game view. Cheers anyway. Not got much time to log in and make nice screenshoots so if somebody can do this post them please:) Edit. Well i found some time and done this: http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/#!okrety/c1fjp
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