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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Few blueprints here: https://fatboxsoftware.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/264/ and here : http://www.sailboatmodel.info/index.php
  2. Image upgraded just waiting for Saint to edit post. Hope you will enjoy it:) As well i recomend to translate for all main languages used in our community.
  3. Any other guilds leaders who want sign in please contact here in this topic and we will upgrade conduct.
  4. Zapraszam do udzialu w ankiecie: http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/#!ankieta/cvmv Bart
  5. Moda nie moda...zwal jak zwal:) Zyjac na "obczyznie" lubie podkreslac swoja narodowosc - a z tym roznie bywa u rodakow. Oczywiscie bez przesady nie smigam z szalikiem polski:) A nazwe wybralem zgodnie z zapiskami historycznymi...A tak odbiegajac od tematu w kazdej z gier w ktora gralem ciezko cos zjednoczyc rodakow:( - Ilu nas tyle zdan:) mam nadzieje ze TU bedzie to mozliwe:) Pozdro
  6. Moze wlasnie dlatego ze "nie bylo Nas na mapie" warto? Nie ma co sie wstydzic swojego pochodzenia:) To zreszta tylko nazwa gildii - dyskusja w jakiej nacji ewentualnie moglibysmy grac wspolnie trzeba bedzie ze tak powiem uskutecznic do czego serdecznie zapraszam badz tutaj badz na naszym skromnym forum. Bart
  7. The naval Battle of Oliwa took place on 28 November 1627 during the Polish - Swedish War slightly north of the port of Danzig (Gdańsk) near the village of Oliva (Oliwa). It was the largest naval battle fought by the Polish Royal Navy, and resulted in the defeat of a small Swedish squadron. The Poles slipped out of the Danzig harbor and captured the Swedish flagship and sank another vessel. The Swedes had a long tradition of seamanship and maintained a strong navy, and were able to land troops from the Swedish mainland at will along the south Baltic shore. They were also able to blockade Poland's ports, the most important of which was Danzig, maintaining a stranglehold on Polish trade. On 28 November 1627, a small, newly formed Polish fleet emerged from Danzig to engage the Swedish blockading squadron. Polish ships 1st Squadron Ritter Sankt Georg (Rycerz Święty Jerzy) ("Knight St George") - galleon, 31 guns, 400t (also known as Sankt Georg) Fliegender Hirsch (Latający Jeleń) ("Flying Deer") - galleon, 20 guns, 300t Meerweib (Panna Wodna) ("Sea Virgo") - 12 guns, 160t Schwarzer Rabe (Czarny Kruk) ("Black Raven") - 16 guns, 260t Gelber Löwe (Żółty Lew) ("Yellow Lion") - 10 guns, 120t 2nd Squadron Meermann (Wodnik) ("Aquarius") - galleon, 17 guns, 200t König David (Król Dawid) ("King David") - galleon, 31 guns, 400t Arche Noah (Arka Noego) ("Noah's Ark") - 16 guns, 180t Weißer Löwe (Biały Lew) ("White Lion") - 8 guns, 200t Feuerblase (Płomień) ("Fireblaze") - 18 guns, 240t Swedish ships Tigern ("Tiger") - flagship, galleon, 22 guns, 320 t - captured Solen ("Sun") - galleon, 38 guns, 300 t - scuttled by her own crew Pelikanen ("Pelican") - galleon, 20 guns, 200 t Månen ("Moon") - galleon, 26 guns, 300 t Enhörningen ("Unicorn") - galleon, 18 guns, 240t Papegojan ("Parrot") - 16 guns, 180t The Polish ships were more numerous: numbering ten in all, but were mostly small, and only four galleons had full combat value. The Polish vessels were commanded by Admiral Arend Dickmann in the galleonSankt Georg (Święty Jerzy). The Swedish squadron numbered six vessels, under Nils Stiernskold in his flagship the Tigern. The Polish vessels had a larger complement of marines on board than the Swedish ships, and this in large part determined the tactics employed in the action. The Polish ships anchored off the Danzig roadstead, while the Swedish squadron sailed southwards from the Hel Peninsula. The Poles weighed anchor and suddenly rushed towards the Swedes squadron, much to their surprise. The battle split into two main encounters. The Polish flagship, Sankt Georg, supported by a smaller vessel, Meerweib (Panna Wodna), attacked the Swedish flagship, "Tigern". The Polish ships came alongside the "Tigern", and Polish marines boarded, overwhelmed the Swedes and captured the vessel. Meanwhile the Polish vice-admiral's ship, the small galleon Meerman (Wodnik) attacked the larger Solen ("The Sun"). The captain of the Solen blew his ship up rather than allowing it to be captured. The four surviving Swedish ships quickly headed towards the open sea and managed to escape pursuit. Both admirals were killed in the battle. The Polish court used the victory to its maximum in its propaganda. A popular saying had it that on that day "the sun went down at noon", referring to the scuttling of one of the Swedish ships, the Solen.
  8. Love those ships! Definetly we need more ships from first half of game time frame.
  9. Jak ktos chcialby sie pobawic grafika oglaszam otwarty konkurs na logo dla gildii oraz inne grafiki jak bannery do sygnaturek - ogolnie art:) Jedyne wymagania to aby kojarzyly sie z Naval Action, Polska Flota Kaperska i morzem. Najlepsze prace beda zamieszczone w naszej galerii na naszej stronie ! Jednoczesnie caly czas prowadzimy zapisy do gildii! Bart
  10. Well i would like to see a more diversity in ships types in final version of game. Some ships like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluyt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Indiaman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galeas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koff_(ship_type) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilander All those were popular in Europe
  11. Super. Narazie i tak nie mozna zakladac gildii. Prowadzimy tzw;-) zapisy... Do zobaczenia na morzu. A i zapraszamy na nasz TS - info jest na stronie.
  12. Here are some: http://www.bestofedinburgh.com/Page.asp?Title=Pubs&Section=70&Page=1%20 some great pubs i can confirm personally:)
  13. Made new badge for PFK members: Postaram sie w miare czasu i umiejetnosci zrobic wiecej grafik. Jezeli kotos chce i ma pomysly na banery, plakietki, odznaki badz inne grafiki zwiazane z Polska Flota Kaperska i polskimi okretami zamieszczajcie je w tym temacie.
  14. Nice one! trying add our website and TS but send button seems not working...need attention
  15. Well not sure we will be able to name ships but if yes here is where i can dig for it: http://www.ageofnelson.org/MichaelPhillips/
  16. Well i think this will be in game anyway...just now developers are focused on more important features.
  17. As in topic...wonder if it possible change topic?
  18. Na naszej stronie http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ dziala juz proste forum! Chetnych do dyskusji odnosnie zalozenia gildii i wybrania nacja jaka bedziemy grac prosze o udzial w dyskusji! Bart
  19. Not sure here is good topic: during testing cerberus in PvE my cannonbals flight well over masts of npc - distance was less than 20-30 yards looks like bug. Thats looks like trajectory calculation error or something, happend twice but only in PvE fight.
  20. Well rule is simple: more players = more bad behavior...sadly. Only hope NA community will be exception.
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