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Everything posted by BungeeLemming

  1. I was digging this ship a bit and shame upon my head - she was in the latest player voted ship poll. "Wait wut? There was no Chattam"" Nope but the Admiral de Ruyter is from the same plans. Same ship. The description for her was uncomplete. Yes she was a 90 gun ship. But she started her career as an 80 gunner.
  2. Model of the SoL "Washington" http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66552.html but no data about guns. data about the SoL "Chattam", 80 guns 3rd rate: http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=793 she was refitted in 1801 and reclassified as a 90 gun 2nd rate 80-gun, Chattam, 1799, SOL edit: I took these ships from steel's list!
  3. Saildamage used to be better imo. You drastically increased the ammount of dmge a hull can widtstand and fights generally last quite a bit longer (we will see more after the next hotfix) In return you made our sails melt like icecream In addition we cannot effectively dmge someone out of the 300m mark. Bu sails will be shreded at 1km.. You only have to hit - there is no penetration resistance (and why would there be any) I conclude that saildmge is too prominent atm. Chain has too much range and is too accurate. ball should be the long range sailsniper as it was in previous patches. tbh. the demasting previously was very good if you didnt have these 4lb gattlingguns against you
  4. Zu wenig Info kann ich nur unterschreiben, wenn man auf das deutsche beschränkt ist. Ich bin keine Vollzeitkraft, die sich den lieben langen Tag das Forum übersetzt. Die Patchnotes beschreiben, was geändert wird. Sie haben das Schadensmodell detailinert beschrieben, es laufen aktuell Diskussionen die zugegeben mittlerweile relativ alt sind aber noch immer nicht implementiert sind. Es handelt sich bei Game Labs nunmal um eine kleine Entwicklerstube, der nicht Ubisoft Ressourcen zur verfügung stehen. Es gibt jeden Monat einen Contentpatch und die zugehörigen Hotfixes. Das hat bisher hingehauen. Es wurde im Schadensmodell wohl ein Bug gefunden, der demnächst gefixt ist. Morgen oder Freitag war da angepeilt. (steht im engl. forum iwo, ist von heute) Probleme ignorieren. Das kann keiner wissen. Das ist eine stumpfe Behauptung. Was stimmt ist, dass bisher nicht viel gegen Piraten und co getan wurde. Ich kann aber recht sicher sagen, dass sich die Entwickler ihre eigenen Umfragen sehr zu Herzen nehmen: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12471-development-priorities-2/ Aber das braucht nunmal Zeit. Die Umfrage war ende März, das Ergebnis ist eindeutig. Zudem ist geplant solche Umfragen im Spiel einzubeziehen, um die Spielerbasis besser mitzubeteiligen. Das Testerforum..: Existiert, weil in den Allgemeinen schlicht zu viel Müll zwischen den guten Posts gesabbelt wurde. In der Testersektion herrscht eiserne Hand. Sprich wir Mods dürfen dort rigoros Diskussionen im Brainstorm thread nuken. Stell dir das in den anderen Subforen vor. Das Ergebnis kann man sich ausmalen. Und Steam zeigt deutlich, was die Spieler von zu viel moderation denken. (was zu viel ist sei mal dahingestellt) Dort wird im übrigen bestimmt nicht heimlich über Bahnbrechende Dinge diskutiert. Die Themen dort sind im Grunde genommen einfach alle jene, die auch das Übrige Forum beschäftigt. Nur zivilisierter, __ nachdem ich so lange gebraucht habe für meine Antwort: Ich unterstütze dieses Zufallsprinzip bei PvP kritischen (eig bei allen aber egal) Upgrades gar nicht. Das habe ich auch schon öfters von mir gegeben. Auch diret gegenüber den Entwicklern. Man kann nur hoffen, dass sie sich von der Richtung distanzieren werden.
  5. Also hat sich wieder ein Bug eingeschlichen, der den Durchschlag verzerrt hat. Ich hoffe mit dem Fix der evtl sogar morgen kommt wird das Spiel wieder auf mittlere Distanzen effektiver
  6. for ingame chat missbehavior you should hit the report button. your groupmates can also help reporting him. each week there are dozens of reports and enough resulting chatbans already. On the subject of you getting split there is no abuse of gamemechanics. Its a feature, it works as intended. Staying in a tight formation is your insurance against a split up group.
  7. well yeah I know that only a few had 24s. But then Consti only once sailed off with 42lb carros. Gamewise that means Temeraire class could be able to carry the 24s on the mid decks. Why I speak of temeraire so ofthen is because of the sheer volume of ships of her class. She is the 74 of the 18-19th century. No doubt about.
  8. I close it does as beeing outdated by now. If someone lost assets he should already made a support sicket
  9. pavel and bellona are ships of the line. constis are frigates. You have 42/32pd max plus an additional 24pd gundeck (plus useless upper decks) vs 24pd and 12pd-ers (nearly useless) | 42lb carros ofc you can win this with rather ease if your enemies refuse to roflstomp your sterns and not board. SoLs are incredibly tough this patch. To even scratch their paint you need even opposition. Which the Conny does not offer. Broadside weight SoLs: 1861 vs Connies: 1512 or with 42lb carros: 2592 I sailed my pavel a few times now. With the intention to get it sunk (capped it last patch - dont like her) Receive dmge is a total max of 10% in the greatest fighting. __________________________- My personal problem liew within cannons of the size of 12pd and 18 not penetrating SoL armour. Why would you design a ship with 12s and 18s in the mid decks when you know you cant do shit against other SoLs in a linefight? Thats not logical. And yet there were SoLs with just that gunsizes in the mid decks. Hell the brits even changed their 24lb mid decks back to 18pdrs because they thought the crew is getting too tired in log fights, using 24lbs. At least the 18prds should be usable in a SoL fight. But I would not consider guns under 24pound size fitting to fight SoLs. Which is not very realistic, is it?
  10. Once we have a true big 74 the Bellona can take her rightful place again. For testing she now has 24pd in her 2nd battery which is ahistorical. (historical loadout: 32/18/9pd) Temeraire had some big 74s which in RL carried 24s and the Montanes did so as well. (32/24/9pd) They should be modeled (hopefully) asap. (this is a wish of myself) Once that happened Bellona can be rates as a medium 3rd again. The 3rd rate named ship remains the small one with only 24/18/9lb guns available to her. Wapen will be a 4th rate. I dont see her anywhere else.
  11. solche Aussagen sollte man ohne fundierter Grundlage nicht äußern. Mir ist nichts dergleichen bekannt und wenn man mir hierzu keine Quellen nennen kann stempel ich das als Gerücht ab. Und wenn dem so ist bitte ich Jeden solche Bemerkungen als Spekulation erkenntlich zu machen
  12. so I am getting closer to beeing finished. The outside is done but the gunport lids which I will do somethime later this week. http://imgur.com/a/fliPa http://imgur.com/99UC14P The colourschemeis now according to the ship model here If not, please tell me edit: http://imgur.com/6RL6iRT edit edit: http://imgur.com/a/W6wLE http://imgur.com/R904Ifu
  13. did you check the game for corrupted files? go into your steam library, rightklick the game -> properties -> local files In there you look out for "verify integrity of game chache" -> klick that steam will tell you if your game has corrupted data and it will repair those.
  14. Conny is 7ft longer than the Bellona. You cannot have a system loosely bound on hull area and then randomly assign a weird number to the conny which is not based on the idea which applies to all other vessels. Conny needs to be much more expensive to build. one might even give her only 3 duras despite beeing a 4th rate. But she is state of the art - and inexpensive. two things which just wont fit well in my head. (not saying these things should be done - its a personal feeling) However. This thread is not about the conny. There already are plenty of those. Feel free to post in one of those.
  15. there are no other 3rd rates in the queue. At least none I know of. the 2nd rate Wind refers to is the Buccentaure which has been teased for ages by now. another 4th rate is good. more weight against our consti which should explode in production costs.
  16. no shipplans but a documentation on the "Dygen"'s wreckage they found. A Gustav Adolph class 4th rate. One of which I currently model.-> http://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:885919/FULLTEXT01.pdf also the deckplans for the Bellona/ Venus are to be found here and here
  17. Spies typically dont come from the same account. Players bought multiple copies and created multiple steam accounts to have more players in more nations. Most players use their accounts for econ but there are plenty who use them as spy. Nobody is changing their main char over and over again. Its just too much stuff to handle for a quick peek into enemy chats. I would not want to rebuild all my eco because I wanted to get a little information which is leaked anyways.
  18. this is no begging thread - the devs are asking for feedback. when players leave there are multiple reasons. If the player thinks the gamemechanics are broken no gift will get them back. I have a clanmate who left for a while because of the current damage model. And this thread already shows that there are plenty of players thinking that way. Since our clan's main ship for pvp is the constitution and since she still is a frigate I cannot say that the frigate fight feels good. Maybe for the vessels up to trinco/ essex. But Conny is nearly as boring as ships of the line. Yes you are more nimble. But it takes ages to be sunk. And with the prominent chain action its more a question of who is gonna be de-sailed first. In the typical environment we fight - outnumbered - this gameplay is not a lot of fun. Pre 9.8 our group was doing very well against uneven odds. We formed up, full speed ahead and since we had the superior position, sailing discipline and communication we stood good chances. Beeing 4-6 ppl we could handle a gank of 6-10 enemies, depending on their ship composition.
  19. this is what I do: you will get progress images when I have something worth showing.
  20. Ive settled on a ship. Ragnar gave me plans of the "Duchess of Manchaster" Which I will start work on soon She is a Snow rigged ship of 135 tons. 71ft lenght of her lower deck (21,6m) Ship plans I wont provide by now. Maybe later I dont know. They are ragnar's which is why I dont want to spread them on the interwebz
  21. ARCHIV: Patch 9.5: Was gibts Neues: Nicht - Gruppenleiter können ab jetzt ebenfalls die Gruppe in ein Missionsevent ziehen Eine Antworten-Funktion wurde dem Chat hinzugefügt (Die Oberfläche ist nicht endgültig) Behobene Fehler: Behoben: beim erobern einer Lynx oder einem Cuttern wurde fälchlicherweise der "Basic Cutter" erhalten Diverse Bugs behoben die eine Gruppe am beitreten einer Gruppenschlacht hinderten Fehler behoben, durch den man die Yacht nicht bekommen konnte Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, dass in einer Schlacht mehrere Bots erstellt wurden Fehler mit den Angriffsflaggen Zeitfenster (erlaubt war schon die folgende Stunde) Schadensfehler behoben, der in großen Schlachten auftreten konnte Tuning: Produktion von Gold und Compasswood wurde erhöht Nachladezeitenmalus durch Crewverlust wurde erhöht Upgrade droprate wurde angepasst Masten wurden angepasst so dass: 7 Schuss den Untermast; 5 Schuss eine Marsstenge und 2 Schuss die Royalstenge zerstören. Die Anzahl benötigter Kugeln hängt ab vom größten Kaliber des jeweiligen Schiffs Geschwindigkeitsmalus beim drehen wurde global verringert Large Battles (Events) starten nun alle Stunde Reload Upgrades wurden verschlechtert Bei großen Schiffen gab es zu häufig Lecks - behoben Die Geschwindigkeit wie schnell Lecks geschlossen wurde, wurde erhöht Bots nutzen momentan keine Karronaden mehr (um denen das Schießen zu erleichtern)
  22. Well Northern. You are right with what you say. If you want to use me as your targe. Sure go ahead. If you feel better afterwards? I do not have more influence to the development of the game than most of the forum users do. Sure, I have the ability to talk to the devs but thats only an advantage if I have a bug or exploit to report. The modteam does not have nearly the influence to the devs you make the forum users believe. Thats something I want to set straight. My argument of frame spacing went straight towards "better woodtype". I did not intend on setting this thread on fire. About Consti I do have my own opinion. Formed on months of consti only action because of OPness. And I am oblivious to RL if it breaks the game.
  23. outch >< I mixed Wind's and Malachi's posts up. Sorry Malachi I should have known better.
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