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Angus MacDuff

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Everything posted by Angus MacDuff

  1. You should have started with the tutorials and exams...that would give you 280 crew, tons of repairs, ships and a Naval Clock. You can still do it. 1. You can craft reps in a workshop or they are generally for sale in free ports...quite expensive! 2. Crafting can be done in any port but ship crafting is best done in a national port where you are a member of the owning clan or on their friends list. This gives you the port bonuses. Other than hunting up there, I don't know the best US ports for crafting. You can craft reps, mods, etc using a workshop, Academy...guns are made with a forge. All of these buildings must be built in your home port and need raw materials which you must either buy or farm (more investment)...ask on nation chat. 3. Upgrades can be crafted or bought...generally at free ports or the capital. 4. Crew size increases with rank. Marines are a book. Can be bought at your admiralty.
  2. This is me. I have that lovely purple Ocean that I have never sailed. I find it completely fair if a PB commander doesn't want me in his fleet because I haven't bothered to open the slots. I'm an okay sailor, but I can see that there would be preferred Captains.
  3. I sunk a guy last night who had in his mods: Copper Plate, Navy Hull, Bow Figure Gazelle. RNG gave me the gazelle. I'd really like to choose my loot. In addition, if the enemy ship is captured as opposed to sunk...I'd like to take his guns.
  4. Gunnery Encyclopedia and Art of Ship handling are very good (composite) books to have. Naval Clock (or the slightly weaker Improved Sextant) are good speed boosts, but do not waste them on a trader. Once a Trader is loaded, it is slower, no matter what mods it has, and very vulnerable. Purple ships have 4 (and sometimes 5) slots. Gold always have 5 slots plus a trim (fast, Sturdy, Cramped, etc)
  5. I don't think it is broken. It is good that I can make the money that I need in order to purchase stuff. Because I can make enough money in a few hours to last me for days, I am very happy with trading and I only do it when I need to (it's Naval Action...not Naval trading after all..). It is certain that the players who focus on mainly trading are making ridiculous sums of money and that can lead to inflation. I'm not even sure what damage they are doing with their multi-millions. I still think the amount of investment in the seasoned wood process is far too high. I don't even have a shed (no point spending the money, when I've never seen a (s) wood permit on the market). But maybe that is access to these permits as opposed to money problems.
  6. I once shot 67 out of a possible 65 on the pistol range. The guy beside me hardly even hit his target....
  7. If your docks are filled up, it won't let you teleport. Either get rid of a ship or expand your dock space.
  8. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. In gunnery, you are firing your salvoes into a box. Range, weather, and quality of fire control will determine the size of the box. After that, it's just statistics. If the box is X size, and the target is Y size, then statistically, Z shells will strike the target. The damage that they cause is a function of bullet quality/technology and target vulnerability. There is always the chance of the golden BB hit on the Hood....statistically.
  9. Sigh.... Actually, I would argue that the damage control aspect should be quite a high priority in this game, and I like that graphic. Unlike Naval Action where the priority is throwing cannon balls into the target, or an "Air" heavy game where the planes are the hammer, this game is about throwing the bullets and surviving the hits. We read historical accounts of the damage received to these monsters and the actions taken to keep them fighting. Even on today's warships (which are made of paper), the Damage Control Organisation is a large and vital part of the overall combat strength of a unit.
  10. Yeah, but that would always be the same players. Don't get me wrong, it displays high skill to top the leaderboard, but most of us will never achieve that and I can see bitterness coming from that.
  11. Reading the arguments against, I have to agree. A veteran's level should not be visible for all of the reasons stated above. I would still like to see something done with XP once you reach max rank though. The veteran stars idea would be fine if it's only seen by the player himself. It's like the medal box from Silent Hunter. What if XP above the max rank could be redeemed for something?
  12. You guys are having a personal argument which is off topic. Take to PM, would you please?
  13. Better than Loran C, i'll give ya that!
  14. Amazing! Roomy! (speaking as a diesel boat submariner)
  15. I'm simply shocked...Shocked...that you would infer that from what I said. Like any other explosive component, I'm just saying that if it is part of the ship, it must be suitably vulnerable (based on location). Gun magazines were generally deep in the citadel and less vulnerable (poor unlucky Hood). Upper deck torpedo tubes and of course, Aircraft (and fuel) must be very vulnerable.
  16. I don't see his coffee. Surely there is coffee!!
  17. I'm not objecting to some enthusiasts having a deep discussion. Just saying it needs to have it's own thread.
  18. I always enjoyed being on the bridge (of a modern destroyer) at this time of day.
  19. Do we have to have these walls of text that have very little to do with the OP? Maybe another thread where you can have a deep scientific discussion.
  20. This is always going to be the issue. How close do we come to reality in a game before it is unplayable. We certainly don't want an overly accurate simulation, nor do we want some arcadey joke of a game. We can only urge the Devs to find a workable compromise. These guys have been doing pretty good in their other games.
  21. There is another solution that has been proposed before. That is that you must get permission from the battle participants to join a battle on their side. This would solve many problems with unwanted allies.
  22. The aircraft and it's associated fueling equipment is a pretty important part of the damage calculation and should be in the game. I agree that this is all we really need. It is a simulation after all and coding in an actual flying aircraft might be more than is needed. Still, it should be placed on the ship so that it can act as a potential bomb, as I mentioned. You can't have a capability like that without the attendant down side.
  23. So what? I found it useless and dumped it. Other players like it....so let them enjoy it.
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