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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. perineum? or bad trace? EDIT: Sorry Jeheil, but I'm pretty sure you won't mind this shameless plug for a link to a poll on the status of the game...So many people watch your thread, so I figured it would help
  2. I feel alliances can stay provided we can down vote them to shorten existing ones. Also that any actions against an ally (i.e. attacking allied players, npc, joining opposing team in pvp, missionsm PBs) would also shorten alliances. Maybe make it related to the hostility.
  3. I would like a poll set up for each bullet point on up-coming patches. And then about a week or two later have a poll on each bullet point of the previous patch. That way the devs can see precisely how players feel before and after each patch.
  4. Only 68 votes out of 800 active players....please pass this link around in game.
  5. I know, just being quite hopeful they change their minds.
  6. Linux has Window GUIs that it should run from. I haven;t tried it, but I've been able to use every Win game in a linux box
  7. I believe the direction of the game is to multipi-player and from the Mississippi River east to the coast will be an open world conflict with state capitals and major forts and land battles to be conquest points.
  8. There are only a handful of Labor Offices. One near each capital region...might not be in the capital region, but should be close. Use the following link to find the ports and search Extra Labor: http://www.ddz.net/navalaction/#
  9. Brilliant, couldn't have said it better. God bless!
  10. Every topic has the 5 stars in upper left corner that we can vote on. The the forum admin would just create a thread that would auto sort by those star votes...possibly
  11. Boasting / Popcorn topic award goes to the SORRY/TOXIC threads...hands down.
  12. Wow the poll is real...shocked on some answers, not so on others. Please keep passing this link along in game. And keep making suggestions. ty
  13. Ya...5 1st rates can to the most epic epic battles, but the pay is awful.
  14. Thank you, I've compiled suggestions from the thread. I might have missed some. I also was maxed out on the number of questions so couldn't get well enough in depth, but it should help.
  15. This is a poll asking what players would prefer in the game. It's a bunch of random questions I've seen lots of talk about in game and on the forums. I might have missed some, and not made all possible answers, but you get the gist. Hopefully devs will see what players want focused on. If you have suggestions not listed as answers, please respond with the question number and add your suggestion. EDIT: Please share this link in game. ty
  16. While I agree, it's been said they don't want to restrict anyone from playing a nation they desire. That plus the fact there are about 50% of players using alts that would just fill low nations if forced, but would never help those nations.
  17. My rewards are primarily aimed to the losing side...compensations...and the rewards won't be cheap Gather everyone you can and we can make a good fun war of it. Or, maybe we should go with Koltes's idea in the duel with a tournament style....We will see.
  18. Understood. BTW, I've compiled a nice list of tutorial vids that will help many aspects of the game...GLHF mate! http://totc.lefora.com/topic/9/How-To-Tutorial-Videos#.WGWaAPkrKM8
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