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Everything posted by Ravern

  1. When this patch goes live, only ports that have been captured will be able to produce anything, and by only 25 people So it will be a very slow start for everyone.
  2. I assume you cannot capture these PVE ports, so will not allow any buildings. How will the players who occupy these zones build ships as they won't have any interest in RvR? or Will PvE areas be exempt from your new limited economy slots?
  3. Looks like someone took way to many crazy pills tonight
  4. Why do you think players from outside Europe mostly join the US, Dutch and Britain? solve this and so called night flips may not such a huge problem. The only nation outside those 3 that I feel would be welcoming to these players is Sweden.
  5. What happens when you chase an enemy that isn't a trader? What stops you from using fleet ships? Don't attack near forts?
  6. 1 Pain points to be solved Crafting, right now its boring and time consuming. Make regional trims crafted into the ship using a crafted item from that region, this also allows decent ships to built anywhere if you wish including Freeports. It may reduce you sailing time in a trade ship, but will give more time in a combat ship. Anything less than full dura is trash, so make everything 1 Durability. Territorial gain is now stagnant. Introduce victory conditions for the map so that only a Nation without an alliance can win, it could help new alliance form and old ones fall apart if the rewards for winning are worth it. 2) new features to be added Crafting Experimentation, allow us to increase some aspect of the ship at a chance of it failing and even possibly losing all materials. The cost could be gold, notes or some other idea. Captured ships with all equipped upgrades and cannons (if all ships are 1 dura) Cannonballs, everyone goes on about realistic this, historical that, yet we don't have cannon balls/chain/grape on our ships. As a mechanic it could help determine the length of a battle especially a small v large 3) current features to be cut or changed drastically - Make all ships 1 durability. It will make ships more valuable, not necessarily in terms of cost. Losing any ship will now matter, the current necessity of using only 5/3 ships and gold upgrades may not stay for long if rarer upgrades are lost and have to keep being replaced. Remove epic events currently they are just a waste of space I don't play as much now because and I feel the game was at its best before the regions update, Ideally I would like a combination of that plus the current ship combat and what I have posted above.
  7. A good idea If all ships are 1 dura and the only way to remove upgrades from a captured ship is to destroy them.
  8. 1 - Promote the game, and get more people playing. 2 - Don't make English speakers outcasts in the French and Spanish nations, that alone could help those nations attract players from different time zones. 3 - Make friends/alliances for the periods you can't defend The Developers should have an idea of what the server population to expect on launch and should work around that, not adjust to suit 400 people playing early access.
  9. Should concentrate on bringing players back to the game, not changing it to suit the remaining few.
  10. Wasn't so long ago people wanted line ships to be rare and expensive, only thing preventing that right now is we all have 100's of millions gold and crew cost means nothing. Maybe all we needed was an asset wipe to test crew costs and not the fine woods that made everyone billionaires.
  11. I see a far more troubling picture than the one you say.
  12. So long as we get an asset wipe to properly test any further changes to Items, crafting or anything economy related.
  13. Community suggestions are good an all, but I wouldn't trust the devs to implement them anything like anyone here would imagine. Fine Wood, Resource Distribution, Regions, the lets make all exception 3/5, faster OW speeds to name a few community suggestion that didn't do much to improve the game.
  14. that's quite a list. shame you didn't mention anything where it would removing them would actually improve the quality of the game for everyone or even yourself.
  15. Everyone knew a wipe was going to happen sooner or later, however I would prefer it to not be announced at all. As it stands we have a situation where some will carry on as normal for a month, and others will go back into hibernation and the server population will drop to levels just before the port reset. I'll put up with any changes you make, some have the potential to work well. But please, we as testers/player/customers don't need to know everything despite what some people here say. I would rather be hit by a bus and not see it coming, than watch it slowly approach and not be able to get out the way.
  16. I have submitted several bug reports in game regarding this issue but now I bring it to the forums. It started when I tried to enter a Port Battle at the exact time I was about to enter open world combat. I have the the same problem entering Missions, OW PvE, OW PvP, Port Battles, Small Battles, Duels. Although its not 100% of the time its pretty close I have deleted and reinstalled the game and don't know what else I can do, it is close to being unplayable.
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