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Everything posted by Ravern

  1. Where is it advertised a PvP only server? So you looking for PvP in a place where game mechanics make it near impossible, and also where the player are not interested. You created a problem where one does not exist, I would suggest looking elsewhere and you may get a more challenging experience from it. And also its a PvP enabled server, not PvP only
  2. Limit the crew of a pirate to 2-300 and your suggestions start to look reasonable
  3. Well PvP EU is PvP enabled if i'm not mistaken, but if you want PvP only maybe we could could test this new server mode with all the PvE elements removed?
  4. So you should explain the problem before offering a solution. Here is a guide to help you
  5. PvP for fun was better than PvP for marks or rewards, maybe this new way can be fixed.
  6. Isn't this the type of behavior what the devs wanted? but now being called suspicious because he keeps losing.
  7. A new currency with some fancy upgrades locked behind it isn't an incentive. And that type of attitude is why we will never see server population go back to 2000+
  8. Its silly to have them as a meaningful currency so lets remove them (again) and have interesting game mechanics instead
  9. PvP enabled, if all PvE elements were removed we would not have much of a game and even less players. And I would also point out that PvE players provide the majority of PvP for a certain group of people
  10. Having ports limited to different rates would be better than the mess this will turn into. Keep it simple
  11. This is what needs to be addressed, the game needs more than the 600 players it currently has. Safe zones are fine, but people need a reason to leave them, not make them smaller or punish people that remain in them.
  12. Only the lazy people hunt at capitals to catch noobs or people not interested in pvp, quality PvP can be found elsewhere. If you want PvP only then go play legends, otherwise learn to play on a PvP enabled server as everyone one does.
  13. You don't want to sail for a couple of hours to an area where people that have no interest in PvP reside, to do your PvP?
  14. Every captain you see sailing around has paid for the game. How you define them is up to you but each has a right to play how they wish.
  15. Sure the safe zone could be adjusted, but what's your reason for its removal?
  16. Quality of life features such as ship tow, extra outpost or ship slots or something other people can think of may help people find pvp, more so than the addition of an extra currency.
  17. Sounds suspiciously like watered down alliance system
  18. PvP enabled server, it's optional not compulsary. Biggest problem is lack of players. And because it works in WoW which has a matchmaking system i believe, doesnt mean it's a good idea in a sandbox.
  19. Need to start educating people that it is PvP enabled server, not PvP only.
  20. If the bug was reported when found instead of being used for so long this may have been avoided. I started playing again just after the patch and discovered something was wrong after just a couple of days trying to get some of the rare woods. I later found out that this has been going on for much longer. Everyone should report bugs more often and not let it escalate like the issue with Cartagena Tar
  21. The game now aimed at people who can devote large amount of time to it, and the time sink isn't because of new awesome things to do. They have taken the sand out of the sandbox and left us with a linear Age of Sail game. But we have the World of Warship clone Naval Action Legends to look forwards to if that's your thing.
  22. Noble effort, but lets just divert resources from development and create a total of 6 servers to cater for everyone. US, EU, Asia, Aus, Global, PvE This is so simple and fits into the Devs vision of splitting the community even more
  23. Buildings are cheap as we only pay for labour for both construction and use. I suggest building materials be added to the construction and upgrade of all buildings. Bad weather should halt all production of labour at that port, no one wants to work outside in bad weather Workers need to rest, so buildings should only operate sunrise to sunset and not at all on Sundays We could have national bonuses as well Britain - +10% cost Spain - -50% productivity (siestas) France - 50% productivity (they always on strike) you get the idea And finally all labour hour and building resource generation would stop outside of port battle times, we wouldn't want anyone getting an advantage playing at night.
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