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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. It also is aimed to provide focused pvp zones. For example. Brits and usa are at war. The usa push bridge town into revolt. The pirates get a new area of the map to focus on. Attacking British crafters and mission running. Forcing gb to turn away from the usa to capture bk a pirate port. While this goes on the usa launch a new attack deep into gb held waters! Pirates are a rogue element in this game that are underused to help balance huge monopolys of ports. Revolts would mean no ports are 'safe', pirates wouldn't care if they loose said ports as they didn't take it. Most importantly it would enable the development of pirate + nationals Co interest and development. More port battles is better for all. More pvp is being cried out for!! The use of pirates is a risk but smaller nations who have little, that help from pirates is better than nothing!
  2. I may not have been clear but 'slash and burn' was ment to be a feature only open to nationals and not pirates. It gives nations the choice to bring pirates into the war, enable pirates to gain ports that revolt to attack crafting zones or open up an extra flank of the battlefield. The only thing pirates would get out of it is a new port to sail to and set up in. Opening new fronts to pirate warfare. Afterall many nations use pirates at the moment to help with objectives
  3. The currant rvr system is not taking advantage of the only game balancing feature we currently have... Pirates Throughout the development process we have seen nations and allies reach a size that controlled most of the map. Alot of us have seen two or three stalemates in our time here. Why doesn't naval action better utilise the pirates? I'm not talking about game breaking buffs or silly perks. I'm talking about using pirates to alter the way rvr and national monopolys of the map work. Allow revolts to be driven by raids on ports. Once we get raids, enable a two choice system on the successful completion of a raid. (raze or slash and burn would be open to nation players only) 'Take resources' or 'burn to ground' The first option provides the winner with resources, materials, modules, blueprint etc but no ingame money. The second option provides nothing but money! But puts the port into revolt. 20% revolt! The revolt system is designed to add an extra level to rvr. Nations can drive hostility as normal with the aim of conquest or they can fuel a revolt. Once a port reaches 80% revolt that port on server reset becomes pirate. Revolts can only be put down or fuelled by delivering supplies. Any port in a state of revolt has 48hrs to be pushed to pirate or it returns to normal status. Any port that successfully revolts to pirate status doesn't generate resources for the first 48hrs once under the pirate tag. Ports in a state of revolt cannot be raided multiple times. To make this a fair system national ports would generally hold resources and pirate ports would hold cash and gold/silver coins etc. As most pirates care little for ports it will enable pirates and national pvpers a location on the map to focus pvp outside of the normal events. It would also enable at war nations the choice to involve pirates in the war at there own risk. What do you think?
  4. With the removal of alliances after the upcoming wipe. Certain eastern alliance members from pvp eu1 will have a tricky situation to deal with! Who will the Danes and sweeds crush once they have captured next to empty us/gb ports!! Which nation outside of the Danes are able to even field a full experienced fleet!! I hope we get a weekly update from global and eu servers
  5. First rates should be a rare sight! Seeing a group of them heading to a port battle should be a sight to see. Getting the chance to attack a first rate in open world should be a once in a Blue-moon thing. I don't understand this mentally of I want it all and I want it now, for nothing!! We have so many ships that are a joy to sail but we currently only sail the big boys!!!
  6. Missions should only give 5% max hostility and pvp on first rates should be double that. Pvp not pve
  7. Some of the best fun iv ever had in the game was waiting in battle screen after capturing brits first rates outside kpr when the brits had us pirates out numbered but ran leaving slow first rates to be captured. Quick repairing. Sitting in battle screen while one brave pirate looked outside to see the counter gank force block out the sun with numbers. We could either fun or hide. When we chose to fight it was epic, using tactics and skill to fight the brainless masses! (not all) I even remember being close to sinking so I sat across liquids first rates front. Firing my cannonaids into his front end creating leak after leak. Lost my ship but the guys got away. Also remember using my beloved fire boarding ship to screw over 3 frigs and a santi that got me before I could repair in ow! I go boom they become rafts. Then the rest of the group captured them while I sank. All outside kpr. The good old days
  8. (1)Stockpile raiding (2)Mission to go sink a number of ships in front of the shallows by a nation's ports (shallow channels) to restrict trade access (3)Support an uprising mission. Take guns, ammo, supplys to a port to help aid uprising. If enough supplys arrive a revolt takes place (becomes pirate) A very simple way of breaking up the historic bigger nation land monopolys we get. It would also bring a new and different war feature. Either sink ships for hostility or fuel a revolt in a port bringing those pesky pirates into play!! This revolt system could be triggered by a successful raid! Either raid for resources or slash and burn. Raid for resources standard but no money. Then Slash and burn puts the regions at 20% revolt, (but gives no resources only money), towards the original owner. To lower revolt levels the owning nation must take suppliers there to reduce percentage! Other nations can also take supplys to increase /support the revolts. (this would give a region for pvp) Revolts would be a new twist on rvr! Once revolt hits 80% the port/region triggers a revolt becomes pirate then later outlaw! Ports at 80% revolt are still raid-able etc but only for money
  9. A feature I feel we are crying out for is stockpiles. Our Devs like notes. Use the note system to highlight a port/region that will be receiving a stockpile of resources. If this port is captured the capturer gained access to the stockpile (normal production system) if the defender defends the port after say 4 days they gain access to the stockpiles (production buildings) This relatively simple system gives the Devs the ability to give a stockpile to a smaller population nation with the chance of keeping it and boosting materials etc. Also I feel bringing revolts to regions (pirates given ports/regions) to break up long stale monopoly of the map buy the bigger nations. Could you imagine if a core British construction region revolted (pirates given region) the British would be forced to capture it back. (generating content) Simple ways to push content.
  10. I wish that we had a crew Size by rank and a worker size. Sliding scale, either fight or work! If we were limited to workers production of raw materials would be harder. Inturn slowing the crafting etc. What we get should stay but how we get the items should be slower. Example a single first rare should take 10 days to craft etc, and 15 days to gather resources. What you craft should stay the same. First rates should be rare!! I have no idea how long was the construction of the victory (including grow times on timber) But I'm guessing they would have been pissed if rng ruined it on finishing!!
  11. @admin how is kick-starter going for new ships?? (sorry for underline it's stuck on while I'm working and on my phone! Shhh)
  12. And yet large numbers of eu players are going global! What's the point going eu server when almost all the day is locked out! Where is there any fun playing against nation(s) who cries about any and everything but will use all the dirty tricks to win. Wheres any fun in a game where it's empty until 3 hrs in the evening, surely you'd rather play on a server where there is action 24/7.
  13. Don't worry our eastern alliance friends we will welcome to bk to global server in a few months when they merge your empty server into our busy one Hehe
  14. With ports and resources could we not get a maximum lease of production builds, say 30 days! After that time port stops you from building there for 30 days. This would force players to move production around. Like it was stated before, ore runs low or plantation needs regrow time. If port Is conquered then the timers reset. Simple system where say silver mines in other regions gain more importance than just the one closest to your capital
  15. If we do this. Limit the number of ports dotted around the map that allow the crafting of certain first rates or aggys etc. Again limit this to 5-6ports spread out. Bring back tactics to conquest instead of random steamrolling
  16. Also I think it will give eu players a new choice to the server they were going to play on. Before the eu server was going to be mainly eastern (school/work hrs attacks) as most western players were going to go onto the global server. If this no allies is correct I also expect pirates to see there numbers rise again
  17. Just getting an idea of how the information that alliances won't be around after wipe will effect the server choice
  18. In the pve zone, pirates should be the only nation (not a nation I know) that can attack traders. The br must be lower from the pirate, meaning it's a harder fight (smaller ship, say snow attacking a lvg) Make pirates unique again
  19. Would it not just make sense to buy a nation's pardon in the new admiralty shop, (say 50million value) and then to join the new nation you need to buy a royal pardon (50million value). Switching nations shouldn't be easy
  20. Devs and mods, Today the admin stated that alliances will be removed when we get the wipe. Could we get a public announcement or @adminto confirm this as I feel it will effect what nations we play for and on which server we play. Thanks in advance! Ps how's the kick-starter going?
  21. No more alliances praise the Devs... Best update yet (yes I gave up reading after word three hundred of the post)
  22. I agree I'm playing black desert online until this gets launched then I'll see what the clan does and where we go. And for the arsehat who jumped on me. They have announced allies are suspended from now on!!!
  23. Well done administration team. I'm again upbeat about na. No more alliance rubbish woohhoo
  24. To answer your questions, yes pirates can capture ports as there is currently no way of raiding and burning ports. The port capture is a waiste of time due to the alliance rubbish. Pirates by there nature are of smaller numbers against nations who can call on allies to double/triple there numbers. I think we can all say the hostility system was rubbish and needs replacing!
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