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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. Pg which monkey is which forum monkey? Left is pg monkey Middle is Grun...munkey Right is me
  2. Ah mabey it was pg.....! Erm....noo idea buddy (mabey this thread has run its course, unless pg has anything to add)
  3. Don't be shy now! Remember you were in your British Red dress and I was in the black flowing number. You were telling me all about when you used to be cabinboy to a ex British diplomat, I think he spoke with an American ascent. The things you did to become a ships captain. It was eye-watering, and think all I did was through my captain overboard with two cannonballs chained to him as flotation devices!! No wonder you walk with a limp after what you went through every night!! Or was it pg monkey I get confused. No no definitely Grundgemunkey, I remember your gruff voice. This Mt rum is beginning to rot my brain!
  4. Monkey we spoke about that night! We both felt dirty! It was a one off we agreed!
  5. hopefully I'll get to sail against you soon. on your comments of how hard it will be for new players, gb has the great corn region which is probably the most protected region in the game barring the US top most region (no idea on name or why I'm stuck on italic on phone!!)
  6. You can't attack someone and when that said someone answers your attack, you then call it derailing.
  7. Now now (how is global is it worth having a look at-not trolling asking a serous question to a person I have nothing but respect for, Grundgemunkey)
  8. I know it must be hard starting again without access to every possible resources on Jamaica! I know it's scary having to leave the warm loving glow of the greenzone and forts/towers But welcome to the non gb gameplay. Once you go black monkey you see the naval action world in colour for the first time
  9. Come on now monkey don't make me bring up Britain's involvement and exploitation in dupe-gate. Can't we just get along. Mabey I was a tad harsh with my language over gb being pointless. But come on, gb has the best position in the map, larges access to defendable ports. No real invaders at the door. Gb starting is child proof! But gb captains are not happy about this they want more... When the Devs turn bk on alliances gb will be strong again. So why the sad faces now!
  10. Hodo I'm coming to respect you alot
  11. You do relise that only about 10% of the games population even look at the forums right! What is said on here, has next to no value in the game! The British are in a complex position. For the first time in a long time you are the underdogs! Currently you have little value in the game. If we had power rankings gb and the US would be fighting it out for last place! Every nation has highs and lows, how a nation reacts from the lows is key. (right now it's like gb have become the eastern alliance of old, I'm just waiting for your threats of boycott)
  12. Is global server that boring you are forced to play in this thread. Shame. Oh the shame!
  13. Oh that's right its only the British who have players from different timezones!! Oh wait don't we all have a mixture of timezones.. No no no I'm sorry, yes your right its only the hard done by British!
  14. While you baracade yourself inside the British forts praying for divine intervention. The new bread of British player model themselves on mearcats, you see a single speck on the horizon from inside kpr greenzone and panic, people all running up to the forts. (oh false alarm it was a seagull this time) everyone relax.... If you ask nicely enough we may let you get jobs as bar staff and waiters at the Jamaica beach bbq's!
  15. But all we hear is how amazing and powerful the British are!! Why is it that almost every other nation has grown in numbers (across both servers) but the British are shrinking!!! Btw, well done Sweden on joining the hatii party. Next stop Jamaica!! we can take turns hosting bbqs on the beach!!
  16. Britain in this game has always had issues with its toxic inner workings. Remember when (could be mistaken on name) Aus.. Went pirate after the British council betrayal. Just one example The British have a very elitist attitude, they historic few control the masses. Remember when sorry became brits to search for pvp (too many nations ran from pirates at that time), we got soo much pvp it was great. But even as British we were shocked by the amount of red-tape and rules! (considering at that time the British battle tactic was brawl and brawl some more). Remember we are in a new age! The power ballance of eu is shifting. Usa is dead, brits are dieing! A new age is coming!! The maps turning in a new direction! Ps. I dint see any major gains on global brits! What happened you keep saying your best players are over there and yet no great land grabs! **pokes tongue out**
  17. With the new British moto of "run and hide, so you can run and hide another day" sorry is coming!
  18. What have the new British been doing for two weeks? One failed attack and 5 or is it 6 regions surrendered without even a whimper! I do hope the Danes, frencheys, Spanish and the sweeds (not forgetting us pirates) have fun in the future on Jamaica holiday spots!!
  19. Monkey I'm beginning to think you miss the eu server! Is there not enough action on global for your liking?? If I remember your fellow pvp1 players saying when pvp2 players talked about a server they have nothing to do with, (oh yeah) "Get back to your own server, stop bothering us over here" hehe **pokes out tongue**
  20. Your right monkey I was too busy fighting the French at bridge town, castries.You know that part of the map where the new eu British surrendered without a fight!
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