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Game-Labs Forum

Cpt Blackthorne

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Everything posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. We now have a Specific Forum dedicated to our Naval Action fleet. Read up about Total Oblivion and fill out the Recruitment Form to join the ranks flying the most respected flag in America! New recruits are offered a 300,000 gold sign-up bonus to help them obtain an outpost in Key West. Once you have ranked to 2nd Lt, we offer exceptional Rattlesnakes, at rank 1st Lt, we offer exeptional Mercurys; both to be used in our Fleet Missions and shallow Port Battles. The exceptional USS Constitution is offered to our top performers in our wars against our enemies. The primary requirements are that you accept the Code of Conduct, provide your labor hours, and participate in our fleet's battles. Keep watch for our video intro coming soon!
  2. This suggestion is in reference to some posts about enemy disconnecting to hide then choosing to reconnect at specific times, such as in front of a port battle when a spy informs your enemy of your planned attack. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15171-serious-exploit-again/ http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15176-serious-game-exploits-and-forum-moderator-abuse/ I've suggested this before: Set a disconnect timer that after about 3-4 minutes of being offline you are automatically teleported to your nation's nearest port or the nearest Free Port. Maybe the 4 minutes needs adjusted, but this seems to happen way too often. I understand the devs have the Invulnerable/Cannot Attack times, but this does not prevent them from entering PBs that have longer open times than PvP battles. There is no reason this cannot be fixed to punish those who purposely hide by disconnect.
  3. It's not the API coding, but here are links that've found it. http://www.navalactioncraft.com/shop-price http://www.ddz.net/navalaction/# The best I've found. They get updated at server reset. Just choose your server.
  4. Maybe the ship models have a flaw below the water line that makes too large of a flat surface? Maybe the hull thickness needs increased? I think the damage model is brilliant and with our suggestions they keep tweaking it.
  5. I think this game needs a variable econ like in Uncharted Waters. The more people invest in a port the greater the AI population should be there, hence increasing the production and the consumption. We should be able to influence ports with investments to increase said population.
  6. And..like we've all asked for before, that it gets stored in a player's generic in-game blog....please.
  7. I like the idea of investing in ports like in Uncharted Waters. This would increase AI populations there, which would provide higher consumption rates of resources. The lower the invest gets over a period of time the less population the port has and the weaker thee econ there.
  8. I keep seeing more and more PvP2 clans in PBs and PvP. Feel free to post your info here so we can keep up. TY GLHF.
  9. We really need more ships from other nations. Enough of the HMS.
  10. This we know....But if there are no free ports, thus being no pirate havens, then also there are no other nation havens. Our only safe zones would be by our capitols. If something would be taken away from everyone, why would they have to create another op for rats? beer spilt, glass broken. heh
  11. All are "yes please", but reds are "GIVE ME NOW!"
  12. I'm still cornfused on how this will work when there is a port wipe and we're all facing Neutral Ports. What NPC or faction do we need to raise hostility against to be able to capture new ports? Also, I think this patch would be a great time to implement the Port Activity a few of us would like: Namely, ports don't appear on the map at first. Then we have to settle them with OPs and buildings and trading. The more players at that port, with OPs, making trades, etc, the larger the icon would be. Then if everyone abandons that port, it would eventually fade off the map again. It would not appear on map again until someone resettles it and makes it active. Edit: or the larger the population there turns it into a regional port and if ppl abandon it, it doesn't have to fade off the map completely, but rather the icon gets smaller, the port image looks more deserted, and no longer is a regional capital.
  13. Ahoy, PvP2 mates. I am still looking for responses from a few clans on this server. View the list in the OP. And if you do not see your clan info on here, please feel free to respond. Please respond in the following format and I will keep this updated on this OP (the other posts haven't been updated since Jan): Nation: [Clan Tag] - Clan Name: Active Member Count:
  14. 1. Don't pretend you care about the newbs, because if you did, y'all wouldn't be ganking them all day long making them quit the game. 2. I see more PvP now than before, so if the gankers turn it into a PvE game then maybe they are the ones who should quit rather than newbs. 3. It has not prevented ganking and II would imagine it shouldn't. So this would negate your #2 (out of obviousness). It sure does tie up a bunch more gankers tho.
  15. If you read people's concerns about fleets returning to the game, they are all completely unfounded and all the negative ones are posted only by gank squads crying that they will no longer have 5v1 like they always want. Just ignore them and leave fleets in the game. Most of us like the idea of commanding a fleet, rather than only 1 ship. Maybe some officer perks should apply to your fleet ships...
  16. Postponed until next weekend. Big holiday and pop is low.
  17. Why are ppl complaining about fleets? It changes ONLY ONE aspect of PvP, no longer are there 5 v 1 ganks. That is the absolute only difference.
  18. Love this RP! So who was the fool? The one trying to pass off a citrus as a vehicle, or the one who bought the sell? Got rice? Got food, got soup, got spice? AZN PRIDE! hehe https://youtu.be/v1Yd8g1kV3Y
  19. You can give it your best shot to catch the Lynxes, but don't worry, we have something in store for the rat and brit gank squads.
  20. hehe i do this in battles all the time to mates. they freak out for a moment til they figure out where it's coming from
  21. Nice vid, and thank you. I hope new and returning ppl will see this.
  22. It is possible for all nations to join, however this first one I am testing with just USA nation for the main reason that only my nation can join my group. The next one I will try with multiple nations. Edit: Also, the first step is making certain of an empty hold with the initial tele to capital. So I need to get that figured out for other nations, as they would be sent home. Maybe we could choose a neutral free port that everyone has an OP at. I don't know if that requires an empty hold also.
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