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Everything posted by woodenfish

  1. I think the idea of pvp reward being based on the difference in levels between the two captains has some merit. I think now that some lower rank players probably don't engage in pvp because you have no way of knowing what you are going to be up against until it's already too late. All you would have to do it add the rank to the ship info, so a click on a ship would reveal ENEMY REAR ADMIRAL or ENEMY COMMODORE, etc. If you took on someone of your own rank you'de get the pvp reward as now, less if you took on a lower rank and more if you took on a higher rank. People will say you can exploit this with alts, but if it's an alt you already know what the rank is, so you could already do it and if the system was so no-one could hide behind the excuse of not knowing the rank of a player if they are engaged in seal clubbing.
  2. I have 2 alts I've ground all three of my charachters to level 50 crafters and rear admirals way back when you didn't get any help to do it (No instant M&C for doing a tutorial). Yes I've had a benefit of having extra warehouse space, outpost slots and buildings, but then equally I've paid the moeny and put the effort in on each account (They all have 1000's of hours in the game). What is so wrong with that?
  3. I remember a battle on Global with a bunch of 1st-3rd rates where we pulled an AI snow in by accident and it ended up getting the kill on a Bellona because everyone was ignoring it. And everyone is scared of the mighty AI Pickle!
  4. No you don't need a second computer. You can do it using a program called Sandboxie - https://www.sandboxie.com/ - this is free for one alt - if you want to run more than one you need to buy sandboxie, but that's only a few dollars. You also need an extra e-mailaddress and you have to buy the game again!
  5. 1. Yes docks are global, it doesn't matter where you are or where you expand them, you always have same amount of them 2. If I understand it correctly no. You don't get dock space with a new outpost. The limit is based on how many you have paid for - so 17 in your case regardless of how many outposts you have. 3. No - this releases a slot 4. You have to go to the port where you sold it and go to the ships tab in the shop to get your money if I remember rightly. (It's a while since I sold a ship, mostly I just give them to clanmates...or end up sinking in them ) 5. You have to have one empty dockspace to teleport (For the ship you were in when you tried to teleport. If you have 17 ships and 17 docks, then you have no free space. 6. See answer to 5 above, you can sail out because you are removing 1 ship from the dock, therefore they are not full. If you try to telport your docks are full with 17 ships
  6. If flags are exclusive then you could publicise who bought the flag (user/clan) that way if the flag is purchased to deny another a port battle then everyone knows who it is - flushes out alts being abused - and if it keeps happening they you could have a tribunal case resulting in a flag purchase ban for a period of time.
  7. I'm also a software developer and I suspect you didn't have a few thousand people with differing opinions telling what you'd done wrong in your system every 5 minutes and you also didn't try to make it work exactly the way an old 18th century cash register worked whilst also able to take credit cards....You probably also had a team of more than 2.
  8. It should cost the same before and after, only the amount of 'Gold' you have and the amount of 'Gold' it costs to build a building might have changed. The ratio of your riches to building cost will be the same if I understood the dev's OP correctly
  9. Another option could be that clans could volunteer to do the fleet squads - helping them decide which new players might be worth adding to the clan and giving the new player a taste of the pvp clans....
  10. I think this is a great idea. Well thought out and well explained.
  11. Can anyone explain to me how you get the speed in the game from the api info? I can't work the conversion out. What unit is the MaxSpeed in the api in?
  12. Can we please have the id/name pairs for the new countries so that I can update my maps at theroyaltraderscompany.com? 10 = ? 11 = Prussia 12 = ?
  13. Let me begin by saying this post is not a reaction to what's been going on on pvp global. Within my clan, and within the game, we've been thinking about what the role of pirates should be for some time, both to make the game more interesting for everyone and also to make being a pirate more interesting as an option. Lets get the screams of no from the current pirates out of the way first: Pirates should not be able to capture ports. Pirates should not be able to build anything above a pirate frigate and it should be insanely difficult for them to own/run anything above a 3rd rate. In fact I'm not even sure if they should be able to own anything above a 3rd rate. Why? Because pirates never rocked up in Victory's - they never had the resources to build/maintain such ships, that required a national effort. So what should pirates get to make up for these restriction? They should be able to make ports in places where other people can't, maybe in 6-10 locations around the map. They can build an outpost and move their ships for free once a week via TP. That would allow them to suddenly appear in an area and cause trouble. The nation force in that area would have to deal with it. If they did, the pirates could melt away again. They should be able to raid ports, allowing them to raid all the resources they can carry - up to a maximum of 50% of the resources of each player in the port (They see just the totals of each resource and then it gets removed from players resources on a percentage basis). Each port can be hit once a week. That would force nations/clans to look after their hubs. They should be able to be hired by nations to do thier dirty work - temporarliy sailing under the flag of that nation whilst fulfilling missions for them. They get to fight outlaw battles with each other. I think this would make pirates an interesting option and something different instead of how they are now, which is a nation with additional benefits. Currently everyone should play pirates in order to have a level playing field. All other nations are at a disadvantage.
  14. So you are saying the only way to fight a war is to fight every battle in order?
  15. I didn't think you would, but I hope the developers do.
  16. So Duncan, you are saying if you have a defensive PB agains a nation you have to turn up 30 mins before to screen. But EVERY OTHER NATION has to turn up at least 2 hours before to find the battle you've hidden in. It's not the fact that you do it that pisses everyone off, it's the fact that ONLY pirates can do it. That is why it is an exploit, because you are using a mechanic that no one else has for something it was never designed to be used for. I think Pirates should not be a nation. I think they should not have the ability to build any big ships and that they should not be able to take ports. They should be compensated for this by being able to set up ports in places on the map that no nation can - they should be able to move these periodically so that no one really knows where they are, but if they are discovered and fought off, they can run and re-group. That would, in my opinion be a better role for pirates, rather than a nation that can do everything a nation can plus extra things the rest of us can't.
  17. So as far as I see, scanning through this thread the questions remain: Will the map be reset on the new pvp global and pvp EU server? Will current Clans/player names still exist?
  18. Is it possible to have a list of the ports that will be in each countries PvE zone? and also what will happen to any Free ports in the area - We are trying to decide what to do with our clan warehouse and don't currently know whether it will fall into one of the zones. Also if you have resources in a port in the area - what happens to them?
  19. You are not guarenteed the BP's will drop, but with Gifted perk on there is a pretty good chance that something will drop. Breaking up ships gives you a 7.5% chance of discovering the BP, but it's not possible on all ships. http://www.royaltraderscompany.com/blueprintinfo.php gives you which ones you can do that with. Gifted perk is not supposed to increase break up chance, but we all think it does.
  20. Last activity seems to be the last time they logged on, not the last time they logged off
  21. But you can't defend in 5 places simultanoeuusly a 2-3am in the morning when 150 players total are on the server and you have no way of knowing before hand that people are coming to that area, because the hostility is 0
  22. War supplies should only reduce hositlity NOT generating it. This machanic is so obviously broken. We now have 7 PBs queued up for exactly the same time. Fair play that they got organised enough to make that happen and got all the supplies together, but come on how could the opposing side have reacted to this? What will happen when they war bomb every region of a nation to create simultaneuos PBs? It's just so obviously broken. Please devs do something about this NOW!!! I love this game and am on almost every day. but I'm now wondering if I can be bothered.
  23. So it seems to me that the current Port Battle mechanics are not really working the way players would like. It's too easy to set a Port Battle up by means that are very hard to counteract (the war supplies bomb - sending hostility from 0 to 100 in one instant). Once a battle is set up the attacking force log out in front of the battle, logging back in once it begins thus rendering screening fleets useless and denying the hoped for pvp. Also only one port battle flips a whole region. This seems too easy to me. So here is my idea: Each nation has to gain 25% hostility against another nation via pvp. This pvp can happen anywhere on the map. The hositiliy will degrade, but must be kept at or above 25% in order to be able to start raising hostility in a region by other means (missions, war supplies etc). If nations try to avoid pvp by simply hiding in port, the amount of pvp that is needed to get hostility to 25% adjusts accordingly each hour. The amount only goes back up when the hiding nation starts pvping again - i.e. they attack first. The rest of the mechanics stay as they are now. Once hostility is raised to 100% the resulting port battle will randomly appear in any one of the ports in the region. This will only be made know 10 minutes before the port battle to promote pvp in the port battle area as everyone tries to get to the location. If the port is won by the attackers the next port battle in the region is set up for the next day at the same time. The attacking side must win a majority of the ports in a region in order to take it. The defending side must defend back to 0 taken ports in order to defend the region and reset the hostility as now happens. The attacking side/alliance may enter any port they have taken and it's forts will work for them. I'm sure people will shoot down any obvious faults in this, but I just want to make a positive suggestions to the devs rather than just compaining that it currently doesn't work.
  24. Can anyone explain to me how to calculate the price that someone would recieve for lets say Iron ore in a consuming port which is currently empty, (i.e. the price does not show up in the shop data). I assume it will be in the item description, but none of the prices listed there make any sense to me... { "__type": "MegaChaka.Services.Items.ResourceTemplate, MegaChaka", "Name": "Iron Ore", "Id": 29, "PreventTeleport": true, "DropChanceReductionPerItem": 0, "MaxStack": 10000, "ItemWeight": 1, "BasePrice": 23, "SellPrice": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "BuyPrice": { "x": 1, "y": 1 }, "PriceReductionAmount": 25000, "ConsumedScale": 3, "NonConsumedScale": 1, "PriceTierQuantity": 2500, "MaxQuantity": 2500, "SortingGroup": "Resource.Resources", "SellableInShop": true, "CanBeSoldToShop": true, "ResetStockOnServerStart": false, "SellPriceCoefficient": 0.5, "ItemType": "Resource", "MongoID": "29", "InitialAmount": 1, "ProductionScale": 1.44, "ConsumptionScale": 3.6, "SpawnChance": 1, "AutoFillCoefficient": 999999, "ProducedByNation": -1, "ConsumedByNation": -1, "ProducedInCapitals": true, "ProducedInTowns": true, "ConsumedInCapitals": true, "ConsumedInTowns": true, "ShowInContractsSelector": true, "DeliveryOrderOptions": { "Valid": true, "StockSizeCraftExperience": 0, "StockSize": 1000 }, "PortPrices": { "Valid": true, "Produced": { "SellPrice": { "Min": 10, "Max": 13 }, "BuyPrice": { "Min": 21, "Max": 25 } }, "Consumed": { "SellPrice": { "Min": 41, "Max": 51 }, "BuyPrice": { "Min": 62, "Max": 76 } }, "Regular": { "SellPrice": { "Min": 25, "Max": 30 }, "BuyPrice": { "Min": 33, "Max": 40 } }, "FullStackAmount": 27500, "FullStack": { "SellPrice": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "BuyPrice": { "Min": 7, "Max": 8 } }, "RandomPct": 0.1, "RangePct": 0.5 } },
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